7 votes

Triumph of the will and the cinematic language of propaganda

1 comment

  1. Whom
    I didn't know how to communicate this through tags, but I think it's worth including for those who won't watch the video, as without the content of the video and how it immediately starts, I would...

    Triumph of the Will is not a triumph of filmmaking, I just want to lay that out before we even start. Chances are good that you're familiar with Triumph of the Will by reputation but have never actually watched it beyond referential clips, and a sizable portion of that reputation is in its value as an advancement to the art of filmmaking. This is propaganda. Like, that belief is in and of itself propaganda.

    I didn't know how to communicate this through tags, but I think it's worth including for those who won't watch the video, as without the content of the video and how it immediately starts, I would be accidentally reinforcing the propaganda in the mythos of the film and playing into that propaganda. So sorry, people who hate summarizing quotes in the comments!

    Please watch this one to the end if you have the time.

    Also I've been thinking about what the best things I've encountered on YouTube are. YouTube is by far the platform for art that I spend the most time consuming, thinking about, and discussing with others, so it's really hard for me to narrow down what the highlights of the medium have been...there's just so much. Despite that, this was one video that made it into my list, no question. It's hard to express how much I love Folding Ideas.

    1 vote