9 votes

Imagining Others Complexly

I really like the vlogbrothers on YouTube and wanted to shared.

To me the channel is about 'imagining others complexly'. So often it feels like my various feeds are full of surface level assumptions without really interrogating the world around us. To me, vlogbrothers is an exception.

They walked through the candidates tax plans in the last election. Not to show how bad they are, but to really try to understand them.

Hank wrote a song about quarks, and I think it is really fun. It helps demystify something that can seem scary if you don't have the right background.


  1. cfabbro
    (edited )
    I’ve never really been into vlogbrothers since I don’t find vlogs particularly compelling, but the Green brothers’ other project Crash Course is one of my all time favourite YouTube channels. The...

    I’ve never really been into vlogbrothers since I don’t find vlogs particularly compelling, but the Green brothers’ other project Crash Course is one of my all time favourite YouTube channels. The pacing is just so perfect, unlike most other educational channels, lectures and podcasts that just drag on forever. I would rather have to occasionally rewind and relisten to something to understand it fully because of the fast pace than be forced to play it at 1.5x-2x speed to even get through it in a reasonable amount of time.

    3 votes
  2. michicachan999
    Hello fellow nerdfighter ^^ I've been watching Hank and John regularly since 2010. They really have provided a lot of perspective about people, places, thoughts, emotions, and experiences. I think...

    Hello fellow nerdfighter ^^
    I've been watching Hank and John regularly since 2010. They really have provided a lot of perspective about people, places, thoughts, emotions, and experiences. I think others should give their vids a go, but I can see how their videos can be an "acquired taste" at this point....
    Anyway, it's good to see someone giving them a nod on here.

    2 votes