17 votes

Hackers target AI users with malicious stable diffusion tool on Github to protest 'art theft'

1 comment

  1. skybrian
    From the article: ... ...

    From the article:

    ComfyUI is an extremely popular graphical user interface for Stable Diffusion that’s shared freely on Github, making it easier for users to generate images and modify their image generation models. ComfyUI_LLMVISION, the extension that was compromised to hack users, is a ComfyUI extension that allowed users to integrate large language models GPT-4 and Claude 3 into the same interface.


    We don’t know if the hackers in this case are actually taking an anti-AI art ideological stance, or they’re just saying so and hacking whoever they can, or even making fun of that cause.


    Regardless of their real motivation, the ComfyUI_LLMVISION attack once again highlights that free to download software from Github that’s maintained by individuals or small groups of open source software developers can be a [...] security risk.

    9 votes
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