12 votes

The gigantic and unregulated power plants in the cloud

1 comment

  1. creesch
    Might seem to be a bit of a semantic argument, but it bugged me. It is not the sonar panels that are the issue, as all outlets seem to say. It is the inverter that is being used with them. Having...

    Might seem to be a bit of a semantic argument, but it bugged me. It is not the sonar panels that are the issue, as all outlets seem to say. It is the inverter that is being used with them.

    Having said that, it doesn't change the ridiculous situation we find ourselves in. However, I am also wondering if this is not already being worked on? At least part of it, as one of the issues, is the (potential) poor security on these devices and lack of updates. Which in the EU in the future should be covered by the Cyber Resilience Act which will require companies that make internet connected devices to provide updates amongst other things.

    Of course, the bigger conversation is if these devices even need to be connected to the internet. And if they do is that needs to be through cloud services. So, I am not saying that the Cyber Resilience Act will be a silver bullet, but it also doesn't seem like these things are completely flying on legislative radar.

    6 votes