23 votes

Dawn of a new era in Search: Balancing innovation, competition, and public good


  1. [3]
    This is Kagi's take on their preferred outcome of the antitrust suit against Google. The main point: So instead of breaking up Google, they think Google should be required to open up access to...

    This is Kagi's take on their preferred outcome of the antitrust suit against Google. The main point:

    The Essential Facilities Doctrine is an antitrust principle that requires the owner of an “essential” or “bottleneck” facility to provide competitors with access on reasonable terms. This doctrine has been applied across various industries, from railroads to news services and electrical utilities.

    The Google Search Index is a unique and irreplaceable resource within the digital ecosystem. Mandating fair access to it or treating it as an essential facility could address the core issues identified in the US vs. Google case, aligning with the Sherman Act’s objective to promote innovation and genuine competition that benefits consumers.

    So instead of breaking up Google, they think Google should be required to open up access to their search index for competitors to use also.

    I'm curious what people here think of this idea. They didn't address any potential downsides or challenges to this approach.

    9 votes
    1. davek804
      Link Parent
      I've been getting on fine without Google search on my desktops or mobile phone for a number of years now. Sure, occasionally I end up on their search by happenstance. I even occasionally try a !g...

      I've been getting on fine without Google search on my desktops or mobile phone for a number of years now. Sure, occasionally I end up on their search by happenstance. I even occasionally try a !g in my DDG queries... Usually to disappointment.

      I find it hard to buy that Google's search functionality is critical.

      Their advertising stranglehold online though? That should be demolished a la Ma Bell.

      8 votes
    2. SteeeveTheSteve
      Link Parent
      ... what did I just read? Google is 100% replaceable. If it went down today we'd flock to something else and might even like it better. Heck, we might get some competition and see better search...

      ... what did I just read? Google is 100% replaceable. If it went down today we'd flock to something else and might even like it better. Heck, we might get some competition and see better search engines crop up out of necessity.