SteeeveTheSteve's recent activity

  1. Comment on I was an MIT educated neurosurgeon. Now I'm unemployed and alone in the mountains. How did I get here? in ~health.mental

    Link Parent
    I watched a video the other day and then used google maps to find where the guy filmed from. I found it, but it was confusing because the distance behind him was much farther than the camera...

    I watched a video the other day and then used google maps to find where the guy filmed from. I found it, but it was confusing because the distance behind him was much farther than the camera showed making an entire city block away seem to shrink to just across the street.

    It looks like the same issue is happening here because that is most definitely a small animal. You can tell from how it moves, wolverines and similarly sized animals don't move like that.

    From how it moved, kept its head down and looks like it went down a hole, makes me think ground squirrel. Also that tail flick as it started moving just screams ground squirrel to me.

    3 votes
  2. Comment on Crunchyroll announces the removal of its comment section across all platforms to 'reduce harmful content' in ~tech

    Their comment section has its share of dbags, but few are outright toxic. For the most part they're useful and can be entertaining. If you can't handle the comments, you probably can't handle the...

    Their comment section has its share of dbags, but few are outright toxic. For the most part they're useful and can be entertaining. If you can't handle the comments, you probably can't handle the anime (i.e. shows with more fan service tend to have worse comments). I'm betting Sony did this just to save a few dimes. This will suck without the peanut gallery to provide easy answers, let me know if recaps are worth watching or that there's more at the end. Q_Q

    Anime has an issue of having things that aren't easy to understand or that get confusing and the comment section often sheds light on them. Be it weird sayings, untranslated text/words or something that can only be understood by reading the light novel.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Easy access to stimulants aided scientific progress in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Worse for me, with caffeine, is how nearly every night owl uses it to stay awake and the world just assumes we all do this, meanwhile caffeine has no affect on me. Coffee is just a bitter drink,...

    Worse for me, with caffeine, is how nearly every night owl uses it to stay awake and the world just assumes we all do this, meanwhile caffeine has no affect on me. Coffee is just a bitter drink, it does nothing. I survive off the other things in 5hr energy drinks to clear away the fog enough to work (often still have issues focusing tho).

    Just for this, if other options were available (or if I could start work at noon), I'd be far more productive.

  4. Comment on Explore Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton's famous Antarctic ship with new "Digital Twin" in ~humanities.history

    That's awesome, but it sounds like we can't play with it until next year. 😢

    That's awesome, but it sounds like we can't play with it until next year. 😢

    The new digital twin of the original RRS Discovery will play an important role in the 2025 centenary celebrations, providing new and exciting opportunities for engagement, education and accessibility to this important ship.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Flathub has now served more than two billion downloads for Flatpaks in ~tech

    Link Parent
    That's sort of a conundrum. Either deal with dependencies, which sometimes break apps by being too up-to-date, or live with large file sizes consuming most your bandwidth.

    That's sort of a conundrum. Either deal with dependencies, which sometimes break apps by being too up-to-date, or live with large file sizes consuming most your bandwidth.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on My Windows computer just doesn't feel like mine anymore in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I'm assuming you have Windows 10 home, since it's easy on Pro. Do the workarounds to setup a Local Account no longer work?

    I'm assuming you have Windows 10 home, since it's easy on Pro. Do the workarounds to setup a Local Account no longer work?

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Texas secessionists win GOP backing for independence vote: 'Major step' in ~news

    I seem to remember the last attempt at secession didn't go so well. Seriously, "Texit" just isn't an option.

    I seem to remember the last attempt at secession didn't go so well. Seriously, "Texit" just isn't an option.

    States do not have the right to unilaterally secede from the United States, so the Confederate states during the Civil War always remained part of the nation.

    13 votes
  8. Comment on Denmark has recalled several spicy ramen noodle products by South Korean company Samyang, claiming that the capsaicin levels in them could poison consumers in ~food

    How high does it need to be considered poisonous in Denmark? Can you get habaneros or ghost peppers in Denmark or are they poisonous too? Looks like they use Cheongyang chili peppers (10k...

    How high does it need to be considered poisonous in Denmark? Can you get habaneros or ghost peppers in Denmark or are they poisonous too?

    Looks like they use Cheongyang chili peppers (10k scoville), except they add chili extract which is basically concentrated capsaicin. So it's more like eating spicy habaneros than mild serranos or hot jalapenos. I'd say it just needs a big red DANGER: TOO HOT FOR DANES sticker.

    5 votes
  9. Comment on Recent French research indicates that certain food emulsifiers may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in ~health

    Link Parent
    Wow, the consumption a day from that study is quite a bit over the amount they say increases risk of diabetes and these were healthier people. Wonder what the average is for those who mainly eat...

    Wow, the consumption a day from that study is quite a bit over the amount they say increases risk of diabetes and these were healthier people. Wonder what the average is for those who mainly eat highly processed food? Could bacteria get use to it?

    Andrew Gewirtz, PhD, a microbiologist at Georgia State University, said emulsifiers have long been considered safe for consumption because many of them pass through the body unabsorbed. It was “presumed that therefore they can't possibly do anything negative,” he said. This view began to shift as we recognized the importance of gut microbiota for health. Now the fact that emulsifiers could reach the gut almost unchanged made them “prime suspects involved in perturbing the microbiota,” Gewirtz said. -

    The article & study kind of skip the backstory unless I missed it, this bit from another article helped sum the issue up nicely.

    Now it makes more sense, how many other additives and GRAS ingredients have been called safe without noting their affects on gut bacteria just because they were studied before we really paid attention? We really need to remember to go back and re-evaluate what we call safe as new information is discovered.

    4 votes
  10. Comment on AI: The decade ahead in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Dang, thought it was supposed to be better at that now. If it can't even explain where it got it's info, there's still a long ways to go. :(

    Dang, thought it was supposed to be better at that now. If it can't even explain where it got it's info, there's still a long ways to go. :(

    1 vote
  11. Comment on AI: The decade ahead in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Exactly, crows are really smart so an AGI should be able to at least do what a crow can do. The part I'm not sure it can do is use critical thinking to figure out the puzzle with no prior...

    Exactly, crows are really smart so an AGI should be able to at least do what a crow can do. The part I'm not sure it can do is use critical thinking to figure out the puzzle with no prior knowledge of puzzle games.

    I asked ChatGPT just for kicks, it came up with the answer, but it's been trained to solve puzzles:

    You: I have a puzzle for you. You are presented with an upright, open topped tube fixed to a table so that the bottom cannot be accessed. There's a marble in a tiny basket with a handle. The basket is just big enough to hold the marble and is at the bottom of the tube. You cannot reach the basket or marble with your hand because the tube is too long. The tube cannot be moved or broken. There is a sturdy, straight wire as long as the tube lying next to the tube. How do you retrieve the marble?

    ChatGPT: To retrieve the marble, you can use the wire. Here's what you can do:

    Bend a small hook at one end of the wire.
    Insert the hooked end of the wire into the tube until it reaches the bottom where the marble is.
    Maneuver the hook around the basket handle and carefully lift the marble out of the tube.

    With this method, you can retrieve the marble without needing to access the bottom of the tube directly.

    You: How did you know how to do that?

    ChatGPT: I've encountered similar puzzles before, so I applied logical problem-solving skills to find a solution. The key was to use the wire as a tool to manipulate the basket and retrieve the marble without directly accessing the bottom of the tube. It's all about thinking creatively and using available resources effectively!

    You: Where did you encounter similar puzzles?

    ChatGPT: I've been trained on a diverse range of texts, including puzzle books, online forums, and educational materials. These sources often contain various types of puzzles, including logic puzzles like the one you presented. Additionally, I've interacted with users who enjoy sharing brain teasers and riddles, which has further expanded my exposure to different types of puzzles.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on The latest AI use cases appear to be built specifically for managers and executives, and literally nobody else in ~tech

    To do what he wants it'd need critical thinking skills, it'd have to be AGI. If we had AGI, what do we care of meetings? We're at the point of choose a future where we either don't have to work,...

    To do what he wants it'd need critical thinking skills, it'd have to be AGI. If we had AGI, what do we care of meetings? We're at the point of choose a future where we either don't have to work, are forced to work because some ass convinced people humans require work to live, or we can't work and are starving because capitalists won and AI's have all the jobs with the rich owners at the top.

    9 votes
  13. Comment on AI: The decade ahead in ~tech

    Doomsayers. AI's can't do anything without being loaded up with info on it so we're safe for a while yet. The new AI tests are things like making a cup of coffee in a unique situation or assemble...

    Doomsayers. AI's can't do anything without being loaded up with info on it so we're safe for a while yet. The new AI tests are things like making a cup of coffee in a unique situation or assemble random Ikea furniture using only the instructions.

    My test would be to give it a critical thinking test used for animals. Present an AI with a straight wire and a fixed tube with an item in a basket at the bottom of the tube, beyond its reach. Then tell it to retrieve the item. It will fail because it will never think to use the wire, bend the wire or hook the basket handle. Something a Crow can do:

    Even when it does get smart enough to be AGI, we'll just use AI's to keep AI's in check. People are already using AI's maliciously, we'll need AI's to fight off those AI's long before we have AGI.

    2 votes
  14. Comment on AI: The decade ahead in ~tech

    Link Parent
    They're only doing it to drive investment in their AI program. Nothing stokes the flow of money like fear. It also sounds more worthwhile than saying we have a chatbot that passed the Turing test,...

    They're only doing it to drive investment in their AI program. Nothing stokes the flow of money like fear.

    It also sounds more worthwhile than saying we have a chatbot that passed the Turing test, but it's still not smart enough to walk into anyone's home and make coffee.

    6 votes
  15. Comment on AMD officially confirms no more Windows 10 chipset driver and support for next gen Ryzen in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Oh, developers/IT makes sense. You can't put MacOS on a Windows computer for testing, but you can put Windows on a Mac. Add in more stability from an OS made for the hardware and efficiency from...

    Oh, developers/IT makes sense. You can't put MacOS on a Windows computer for testing, but you can put Windows on a Mac. Add in more stability from an OS made for the hardware and efficiency from Unix baked in with employees who are use to Linux, it'd be easy to justify the added expense.

    The companies I help can barely use a computer, they just want something cheap. If it weren't for programs like QuickBooks Desktop, a lot of them would prefer Linux, assuming someone else set it up.

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Male birth control gel (that is applied to the shoulders) is safe and effective, new trial findings show in ~science

    Link Parent
    Wow, had no idea the odds were so low. I had heard a while back that it was reversible and even had a chance of reversing itself, which was apparently a load of bull someone fed me. Thanks for the...

    Wow, had no idea the odds were so low. I had heard a while back that it was reversible and even had a chance of reversing itself, which was apparently a load of bull someone fed me.

    Thanks for the info!

  17. Comment on Male birth control gel (that is applied to the shoulders) is safe and effective, new trial findings show in ~science

    Link Parent
    Why not just get the vasectomy and if you want kids later get a reverse vasectomy?

    Why not just get the vasectomy and if you want kids later get a reverse vasectomy?

    1 vote
  18. Comment on AMD officially confirms no more Windows 10 chipset driver and support for next gen Ryzen in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Windows can be used on any hardware, a replacement needs to be able to do that too. Nothing false about that, MACOS just isn't flexible enough when it requires you to buy prebuilts. Besides, once...

    this is a false premise.

    Windows can be used on any hardware, a replacement needs to be able to do that too. Nothing false about that, MACOS just isn't flexible enough when it requires you to buy prebuilts. Besides, once Windows does it you know Apple is going to as well. They'll probably have some minimum tier of Apple One or something.

    M2 Air are an exceptional value

    Maybe for a prebuilt, since the hardware is good and will last a long time, but if you replace or upgrade often then Macs completely lose their value. They also further lose value the more you get entangled in their proprietary environment where everything is expensive.

    just had employers purchase the expensive hardware

    I'm surprised by that, I help a lot of businesses with their books and none of them are buying MAC's. A few of the owners have bought them for their own use, but for their employees they all go with Windows. I admit my area does have some rather less techsavvy people and they're small businesses, so it could just be that, but I just can't see any of them choosing more expensive options.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on AMD officially confirms no more Windows 10 chipset driver and support for next gen Ryzen in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Ha, my immediate thought after reading the name is that it sounds evil. My memory sucks so I had to google it to figure out why and it seems I watched too much James Bond when I was a kid (Max...

    Zorin OS

    Ha, my immediate thought after reading the name is that it sounds evil. My memory sucks so I had to google it to figure out why and it seems I watched too much James Bond when I was a kid (Max Zorin). 😅

    Out of curiosity, how well does the interface work? An issue I've had with many Linux GUI's is the interface feels like a cheap afterthought tacked on. One of the things Windows and MACOS have is that when you click on something it opens quickly and smoothly, no noticeable latency.

  20. Comment on AMD officially confirms no more Windows 10 chipset driver and support for next gen Ryzen in ~tech

    Link Parent
    An alternative would have to be something that can be dropped, legally, onto any hardware. Doesn't MacOS still requires an overpriced Apple computer in a very proprietary environment? I don't...

    An alternative would have to be something that can be dropped, legally, onto any hardware. Doesn't MacOS still requires an overpriced Apple computer in a very proprietary environment? I don't think it counts.

    2 votes