33 votes

Google loses €2.4bn EU antitrust case for favouring its own shopping service


  1. [3]
    This, and Apple’s 13 billion, are a huge win for fairness in EU markets. It’s about time Ireland was made to demand the two paying more than a literal €50 in taxes on every million earned.

    This, and Apple’s 13 billion, are a huge win for fairness in EU markets. It’s about time Ireland was made to demand the two paying more than a literal €50 in taxes on every million earned.

    17 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I’m wondering how much practical difference it makes in this case. Is Google Shopping popular? It seems like a common use of Google is to search on something and click the Amazon link.

      I’m wondering how much practical difference it makes in this case. Is Google Shopping popular? It seems like a common use of Google is to search on something and click the Amazon link.

      2 votes
      1. crialpaca
        Link Parent
        My experience is that Google inserts shopping stuff for most image searches if it thinks what you're looking for could be construed as shoppable in any way. It's been that way for years and it's...

        My experience is that Google inserts shopping stuff for most image searches if it thinks what you're looking for could be construed as shoppable in any way. It's been that way for years and it's super obnoxious. So they probably get a lot of traffic and sales just by catching people unaware.

        7 votes
  2. Mackapoot
    Doesn’t google make close to 200bn yearly from their search product? This feels like a dime in the bucket compared to the damage they’re are doing elsewhere.

    Doesn’t google make close to 200bn yearly from their search product? This feels like a dime in the bucket compared to the damage they’re are doing elsewhere.

    1 vote