11 votes

Follow-up to an earlier topic I made about my hunt for a privacy-respecting notes app

after the comments in my previous topic, I proceeded to try Notesnook and Joplin after having issues with Nextcloud Notes (that I have already documented in my previous post)

Notesnook ain't bad if it's your jam. I found it easy to use and quite nice U.I. the only dings against it (obviously subjective) is that it really isn't supportive of markdown in an easy way, you have to pay for it cause there's no self-hosting option and you have to pay for the ability to have more than 5 tags.

Joplin's only ding imo is just that it has no web browser interface, but beyond that, there's nothing else fuctionality-wise I can really count against it, the U.I. is rather dated but the functionality is so stable that I am more than willing to deal with a dated UI. and I can self-host using my nextcloud instance so that's a great plus in avoiding additional charge.

So I personally recommend Joplin if you don't care about a dated UI in order to avoid having to pay a subscription if you are willing to self-host.

In other news, by the time I finally imported all my Nextcloud notes to Joplin, the nextcloud Notes App had managed to wipe 60 of my notes empty. I love nextcloud and its let me do wonderful things but the notes app they have is incredibly buggy when combined with their android app and how they are trying to implement markdown support.

1 comment

  1. 0x29A
    I'm a fairly happy Joplin user, especially since it can have a more traditional "folders" view for organizing which I strongly prefer to tags or the "All Notes" kind of interfaces that most other...

    I'm a fairly happy Joplin user, especially since it can have a more traditional "folders" view for organizing which I strongly prefer to tags or the "All Notes" kind of interfaces that most other notes apps have where all of your notes sort-of intermingle and then you filter them with tags. For some reason explicitly having notes separate in folders and no overarching "All" view just is more comfortable for me. Seems like a wild nitpick but it really does make a difference.

    The only issue I've had with it is that sometimes it seems very slow to sync/update on my iPhone. I use Backblaze B2 as an S3-compatible sync target. It's hit or miss though, sometimes it seems fast, other times it's been an issue where it doesn't want to sync automatically (or does so extremely slowly) when the iOS app is launched and I have to manually pull to get to my note quickly. This may have to do with my nitpicky iOS settings re: background refresh and so on, though. I should dig a bit deeper.

    Otherwise I'm very happy and no cost to me at all. Nice to know about Notesnook though, it looks neat but does have that "tag/notebook instead of folder" interface that doesn't work as well for me

    4 votes