27 votes

Give Firefox a chance for a faster, calmer and distraction-free internet


  1. [2]
    Unfortunately, Firefox doesn't seem to work well with xcape and my custom xmodmap. I'd use it otherwise.

    Unfortunately, Firefox doesn't seem to work well with xcape and my custom xmodmap. I'd use it otherwise.

    1. loto
      Link Parent
      I could've sworn firefox worked fine with xcape when I was using a chromebook a while back (Binding the search key, where caps lock normally is, to mod4), though I don't think firefox touches mod4...

      I could've sworn firefox worked fine with xcape when I was using a chromebook a while back (Binding the search key, where caps lock normally is, to mod4), though I don't think firefox touches mod4 to begin with.

      Out of curiosity, what's firefox doing that's strange? Just ignoring the new keys?

  2. [8]
    unknown user
    You know, I might just shift to Edge just to spite the guerilla Firefox advertisement campaign. That kind of persistence doesn't sit well with me. At least this one isn't so proselytizing as to...

    You know, I might just shift to Edge just to spite the guerilla Firefox advertisement campaign. That kind of persistence doesn't sit well with me.

    At least this one isn't so proselytizing as to imply I'm an idiot for not switching right this fucking second.

    Also: ain't nobody's gonna talk about the fact that most of the features listed are already in de-Google-ified forks of Chromium?

    9 votes
    1. [3]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. [2]
        unknown user
        Link Parent
        No. The devil, as always, is in the details that I've stated in my original comment. Those are native Chromium/Chrome features plus uBlock Origin, one of the basic, recommended ad blockers. It...

        Is there something wrong with a guerilla marketing campaign?

        No. The devil, as always, is in the details that I've stated in my original comment.

        If you already know about the existence of this, then I feel like you're a different demographic than most of the people who make up Chrome's majority.

        Those are native Chromium/Chrome features plus uBlock Origin, one of the basic, recommended ad blockers. It would be a great shame if to know this would require advanced levels of 'net cred.

        I thought pages like this were meant to educate the general public about the harms of using a browser like Chrome.

        Not in general, no. Some might. This one only talks about the features present in Firefox – without ever mentioning that most of those are natively supported by its Great Enemy, the Chrome.

        1 vote
        1. [2]
          Comment deleted by author
          Link Parent
          1. unknown user
            Link Parent
            Do you not think it's an even bigger ask for a user like your mum to consider political and social ramifications of continuously using a browser made by Google? I'm referring to this from your...

            Do you not think it's an even bigger ask for a user like your mum to consider political and social ramifications of continuously using a browser made by Google? I'm referring to this from your previous comment:

            I thought pages like this were meant to educate the general public about the harms of using a browser like Chrome.

            She just wants to visit the websites she needs to visit, and search for the information she wants found on the Internet. My father is exactly a foot's length ahead of the baseline, with just enough mental scaffolding that allows him to download and play the games he wants to play off the Internet without visiting an additional dozen of unwanted porn sites.

            I think it's clear at this stage that beginner users – like your mum, my father, or any other person of about their level – are not the target audience for such content.

            It must be someone with enough know-how and modern-day political savvy to consider the effects of continuously using a particular browser and its effect on the rest of the Internet atmosphere. Such a person might just know that there are more than two browsers available to them. I'm pretty sure that person already has a list of extensions installed, including – hopefully – an adblock of their choice.

            Even if, it must be reminded, this is not the purpose of the OP page. It's a Firefox ad; whether it's a paid ad is irrelevant: the purpose is the same. It's not "google is bad try firefox": it's just "try firefox". It's for someone who, even in their dimmest mind, won't ask "What's a browser?".

            I wouldn't mind seeing a browser ad: as much as I dislike ads, seeing one alone won't trigger a frenzy. Besides: this particular page is well-composed, which I respect as a designer.

            The issue I have is that the Firefox vs. Chrome discourse has gotten so very ideologically-backed that I can no longer stand it. It's no longer "My browser is better than your browser": it's "My browser is a beacon of hope for the Free Internet, and your using your browser continous to cripple the rights of everyone on it". Considering Mozilla isn't exactly a beacon of hope itself, I find it very difficult to believe this kind of message.

            There's something about someone pushing their thing on me, especially by claiming it's a Good Thing™ or my thing is a Bad Thing™, that gets on my nerves.

            2 votes
    2. [5]
      Link Parent
      I'm getting pretty tired of it too. I like Firefox. I also like Chrome. They're both great browsers with different strengths and weaknesses, and I use them both for different purposes. The barrage...

      I'm getting pretty tired of it too. I like Firefox. I also like Chrome. They're both great browsers with different strengths and weaknesses, and I use them both for different purposes.

      The barrage of headlines calling people out just for browsing how they please is getting tiresome and non-productive. It's just noise at this point.

      3 votes
      1. [5]
        Comment deleted by author
        Link Parent
        1. [4]
          unknown user
          Link Parent
          See, this is the shit that gets on my nerves: the attitude of "well firefox is good and google is bad so why not use firefox". The particular part of the sentiment that upsets my sensibilities is...

          See, this is the shit that gets on my nerves: the attitude of "well firefox is good and google is bad so why not use firefox".

          The particular part of the sentiment that upsets my sensibilities is that Firefox is just as good as Chrome in terms of convenience, or performance, or even the semantics of its usage. It's like telling a long-time Windows user to "just switch to Linux 'cause it's open-source".

          F-- What?! How do you imagine the transition going? I'm going to have to relearn all the shortcuts, and the limits of what I can do within the system, and if I make a particularly bad choice of the distro, I'm going to have to trudge through the command-line tool that I may have zero idea how to use just to get back to where I was. Convenience!

          This kinda switch should only ever happen voluntarily, and I dunno about most people, but I feel less compelled by arguments that seem self-serving and proselytizing.

          I don't have to move to Firefox if I like Chromium but want to upset Google. There are other Chromium forks – but nah, nobody talks about this 'cause ideological grounds matter much more than actual convenience of not having to relearn the much of the browser UX.

          Do you know what the last option in the Chromium context menu is? "Inspect" – as in, "Open Developer Tools and find this element". Do you know what the last option is in Firefox? "Screenshot". I dunno how you operate, but I orient myself in menus more often from the options' relative positioning: I'm much more likely to find the last element of the list than I am to find "Inspect" specifically.

          So when I reach for Dev Tools in Firefox, I may just take a screenshot of the page by accident.

          Little things like these matter in transition. Confusion is one of the main reasons users go back to older software: because the new shit fucks up the UX so bad the user no longer knows where their second-favorite function is.

          And I have to search through heaps of add-ons just to add a non-mainstream search engine to the list? What the fuck?

          So you see, I'm just a little miffed at the fact that none of these things ends up being mentioned in the guerilla ad campaign, 'cause maybe – just maybe – I care about features that aren't the hottest shit on the geek news outlets.

          2 votes
          1. [3]
            Link Parent
            I think for the majority of people, the guerrilla marketing campaign is fine. It informs people that there is indeed an alternative to Google Chrome, and that it might be configured to be better...

            I think for the majority of people, the guerrilla marketing campaign is fine. It informs people that there is indeed an alternative to Google Chrome, and that it might be configured to be better for users out of the box. If you know what you like, that's fine, you don't have to switch to Firefox. Most things are similar enough that the average user would have little to no growing pains. For people who use more advanced features, they're not really the target audience here.

            Besides, I think there is something inherently better about switching to Firefox, which is the fact that it resists against Chromium's near monopoly in the browser space. I think having a monopoly in the browser space is bad, so yes, Firefox good, and Google (who controls Chromium, and by extension the majority of the browser space) bad.

            5 votes
            1. [2]
              unknown user
              Link Parent
              That's an argumentational suicide if I've even seen one.

              so yes, Firefox good, and Google (who controls Chromium, and by extension the majority of the browser space) bad

              That's an argumentational suicide if I've even seen one.

              1 vote
  3. [5]
    The irony about this pro-firefox post is that the title text doesn't render properly in firefox because they chose to use CSS to change the font's letter spacing.

    The irony about this pro-firefox post is that the title text doesn't render properly in firefox because they chose to use CSS to change the font's letter spacing.

    1 vote
    1. [4]
      unknown user
      Link Parent
      On latest Firefox. Whatcha mean? Why would CSS mess up such a basic feature for one of the evergreen browsers?

      On latest Firefox. Whatcha mean? Why would CSS mess up such a basic feature for one of the evergreen browsers?

      9 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        This is what it looks like to me. But now that I think about it, I realize I'm on the Developer Edition, so it may just be a bug. Being on a Mac may also be a reason why it's different for me than...

        This is what it looks like to me.

        But now that I think about it, I realize I'm on the Developer Edition, so it may just be a bug. Being on a Mac may also be a reason why it's different for me than you, since IIRC Firefox uses the native text renderer on each platform.

        And personally speaking, I think that CSS property is the devil and should have never been made available in the first place. :P

        3 votes
        1. unknown user
          Link Parent
          That's weird. It's like the version you're on sets letter-spacing twice. I don't share your sentiment. Some fonts are fugly without proper spacing. I love Inter, but even it needs adjustment for...

          That's weird. It's like the version you're on sets letter-spacing twice.

          And personally speaking, I think that CSS property is the devil and should have never been made available in the first place. :P

          I don't share your sentiment. Some fonts are fugly without proper spacing. I love Inter, but even it needs adjustment for proper usage.

          1 vote
        2. dblohm7
          Link Parent
          Please report that bug so that it can be investigated. Thanks!

          Please report that bug so that it can be investigated. Thanks!