18 votes

Report detailing online activity of US Coast Guard officer accused of domestic terrorism shows extensive searches on white supremacy, conspiracy theories, and thousands of visits to /r/MGTOW


  1. [8]
    Reddit finally quarantined /r/MGTOW today, seemingly as a reaction to this report/article.

    Reddit finally quarantined /r/MGTOW today, seemingly as a reaction to this report/article.

    12 votes
    1. Algernon_Asimov
      Link Parent
      Of course. "Always reactive, never proactive" is the unofficial motto of Reddit.

      Of course. "Always reactive, never proactive" is the unofficial motto of Reddit.

      14 votes
    2. [6]
      Link Parent
      For others like me who didn't know the acronym, apparently it's "Men Going Their Own Way."

      For others like me who didn't know the acronym, apparently it's "Men Going Their Own Way."

      8 votes
      1. [5]
        Link Parent
        The joke being that it actually stands for "Men Getting Triggered Over Women" since they obsess over women.

        The joke being that it actually stands for "Men Getting Triggered Over Women" since they obsess over women.

        8 votes
        1. [4]
          Link Parent
          When I first discovered the /r/MGTOW subreddit a while back, I decided to do some research. Long story short, I got myself banned from that subreddit merely for putting my hand up as a gay man...

          When I first discovered the /r/MGTOW subreddit a while back, I decided to do some research. Long story short, I got myself banned from that subreddit merely for putting my hand up as a gay man who's going his own way. That proved what I had suspected: it wasn't about men embracing a life of self-determination and self-actualisation, it was about men hating on women.

          12 votes
          1. moonbathers
            Link Parent
            They're just jealous they can't go their own way as much as you are.

            They're just jealous they can't go their own way as much as you are.

            6 votes
          2. [2]
            unknown user
            Link Parent
            Those extreme-views subreddits are very easy to get banned from, aren't they? I got banned from both /r/The_Donald and /r/EnoughTrumpSpam. Wasn't trying to.

            I got myself banned from that subreddit

            Those extreme-views subreddits are very easy to get banned from, aren't they? I got banned from both /r/The_Donald and /r/EnoughTrumpSpam. Wasn't trying to.

            3 votes
            1. Algernon_Asimov
              Link Parent
              Yep. In a way, they probably see this as "turnabout is fair play", considering that many of those extremists have been banned from other subreddits - which is often why they created their own...

              Those extreme-views subreddits are very easy to get banned from, aren't they?


              In a way, they probably see this as "turnabout is fair play", considering that many of those extremists have been banned from other subreddits - which is often why they created their own subreddits to express their views.

              5 votes
  2. hamstergeddon
    Watching terrible subreddits get deleted or quarantined is my reality TV, if I'm being honest. Really fun watching them freak out, /r/subredditdrama rip them apart, and just in general watching...

    Watching terrible subreddits get deleted or quarantined is my reality TV, if I'm being honest. Really fun watching them freak out, /r/subredditdrama rip them apart, and just in general watching shitty people get just a taste of what they deserve.

    4 votes