hamstergeddon's recent activity

  1. Comment on I worked for Mr. Beast, he’s a fraud in ~tech

    Link Parent
    ooh, very nice. I didn't realize that document existed, thank you!

    ooh, very nice. I didn't realize that document existed, thank you!

    3 votes
  2. Comment on I worked for Mr. Beast, he’s a fraud in ~tech

    Link Parent
    My gripe with Mark Rober is that his content is flashy, but shallow. He does these really cool projects, but glosses over the actually interesting/hard parts of engineering or dumbs them down to...

    My gripe with Mark Rober is that his content is flashy, but shallow. He does these really cool projects, but glosses over the actually interesting/hard parts of engineering or dumbs them down to the point that it's not all that educational anymore. And I get that the reasoning is that he's targeting a general and younger audience, and he's got a schedule to keep up with, etc. But all the same his videos always leave me wanting more. I genuinely wish he had a second channel where he took the time to go more in-depth so those of us who like the in-depth stuff can get it without disrupting those who just want the flashy pseudo-educational stuff.

    For example, his most recent video was making a robot that could solve jigsaw puzzles autonomously. And the robot does it, but there are a few major issues. It takes forever for it it scan each puzzle piece (I want to say like 20 minutes for the # of pieces they had) and it only works on a single-color puzzles (ie an all-white puzzle), so no image puzzles.

    My programmer brain immediately wants to know what can be done to solve those issues. Better cameras for the scanning phase? A different approach to scanning entirely? And then the video was framed as a human vs machine competition where the human was forced to put together an all-white puzzle because of the robot's limitations. And the woman (who had broken records for putting together puzzles quickly), admitted to struggling with single-color puzzles because it didn't fit her color/pattern based strategy. But that's just kind of glossed over rather than addressed. Would've been nice to see them let her do an image puzzle while the robot does the all-white one. That way they're both playing their own strengths and it's a closer competition.

    13 votes
  3. Comment on Monday breaks the record for the hottest day ever on Earth in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Same up here in southern PA. Been in the very high 80s and low-to-mid 90s since June, but this past week or so has hung around the low-to-mid 80s. Of course we've been getting juuuust enough rain...

    Same up here in southern PA. Been in the very high 80s and low-to-mid 90s since June, but this past week or so has hung around the low-to-mid 80s. Of course we've been getting juuuust enough rain to ensure it's humid as hell, so it's still uncomfortable :(

    6 votes
  4. Comment on Non-parents give crappy parenting advice in ~life

    Link Parent
    I can't remember which specific episode I listened to a while back, but I was struggling with something and after some googling came across an episode they did on the exact topic and I found it...

    I can't remember which specific episode I listened to a while back, but I was struggling with something and after some googling came across an episode they did on the exact topic and I found it incredibly helpful. It's been on my subscribed list ever since, though I haven't listened to it much. I've been meaning to change that though!

    2 votes
  5. Comment on Atheists of Tildes, what alive religions do you find fascinating, excluding Abrahamic ones and Buddhism? in ~talk

    Unitarian Universalism. It's derived from Christianity, but it's definitely not Christian at this point. And I'm hesitant to even call it a religion because it's more like an excuse for open and...

    Unitarian Universalism. It's derived from Christianity, but it's definitely not Christian at this point. And I'm hesitant to even call it a religion because it's more like an excuse for open and like minded liberals to get together on Sundays to learn about other religions, philosophies, etc.

    I semi-regularly attend my local church, but I certainly don't consider myself to be religious at all. In fact I've struggled quite a bit with something as simple as saying out loud "I'm going to church tomorrow" because it feels gross in my mouth. But all the same it fills the social void that exiting Christianity left. I grew up in a Christian church, so having a lot of those comfort from my childhood in my life again feels right. And I don't even need to forsake my morals or political views to enjoy them!

    Plus I live in a very red, rural area, so having a group of liberals to hang out with helps a lot with the loneliness of being left-leaning in this area.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Microsoft’s ‘World of Warcraft’ gaming staff votes to unionize in ~games

    That is a wild headline to read as a long-time former WoW player. Microsoft's World of Warcraft. Like obviously I've kept up with the news, but it feels weird. Like when Sonic games first showed...

    That is a wild headline to read as a long-time former WoW player. Microsoft's World of Warcraft. Like obviously I've kept up with the news, but it feels weird. Like when Sonic games first showed up on Nintendo consoles...

    But anyway, very happy for the WoW staff. And I hope this and Bethesda's unionization efforts kick off a snowball effect in the game dev industry, and (if I'm very lucky) the broader developer industry as a whole!

    14 votes
  7. Comment on Non-parents give crappy parenting advice in ~life

    Link Parent
    It really does feel like that sometimes. When my wife was pregnant with our twins I turned to support communities for parenting multiples to prepare myself (which is hilarious, because there is...

    But you have social media and all the online stuff to deal with in parenting, so I think you have it harder.

    It really does feel like that sometimes. When my wife was pregnant with our twins I turned to support communities for parenting multiples to prepare myself (which is hilarious, because there is literally no preparing one's self for a baby, let alone multiple). There was so much "fear-mongering". Not deliberately, of course, but just by the nature of being a support community you'd see a lot more horror stories and overwhelmed parents at the wit's end because content or thriving parents don't need as much support. Not to mention that "little Jimmy just crapped up his entire back" is a more interesting story than what happened 15 minutes later when little Jimmy did something vaguely cute and somehow that totally outweighed the frustrating clean up. So you end up seeing a lot more negatives than positives.

    Not to mention that there is so much conflicting information. Sleep training, for example, you've got people who sing praises of the "cry it out" method and then you've got people equally as passionate about how that's borderline child abuse. And everyone's got studies lying around to back up their claims, but what parent has the time to dive into the dry read of a scientific study to make their parenting decisions?

    I've learned over the years to basically follow this flow for parenting stuff, because there's just way too many opinions out there that I don't trust or value:

    1. What does my gut say?
    2. I'm not sure, what does my wife think?
    3. We're not sure, what do my friends/family with kids think?
    4. They're not sure, let's take a few minutes to look it up online somewhere as a worst-case scenario. Ideally from someone in the child psychology field.
    15 votes
  8. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    (edited )
    I've been very slowly making progress on the metro system. It's very boring, tedious work and I'm regretting taking it on, tbh. But I will finish it...or at least finish the red line and leave the...

    I've been very slowly making progress on the metro system. It's very boring, tedious work and I'm regretting taking it on, tbh. But I will finish it...or at least finish the red line and leave the branch lines to others.

    As of right now we have a stop at the farms north of town, one at the transit hub, one at the town square, and soon to be one by the prison Villager trade house thing. My plan is to run it up the mountain a bit and put a stop by the the houses up there before taking it across the river again and connecting it back to the farm stop.

    Thank you all for the material donations! If anyone would like to take on the task of designing the transit hub, that would be great. I'm drawing a blank on what to do with it at this point. Could also use some designs for the individual stops, as right now they're just staircases down to the tracks. If one stop is made, I can easily reproduce that design for the rest.

    Edit: For those wanting to help, I'll try to put together a rough map tonight showing the full path.

    7 votes
  9. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    I completely forgot about that. I just rejoined!

    I completely forgot about that. I just rejoined!

    1 vote
  10. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    On the upside, if we don't do voice, nobody will know I sound like Pee Wee Herman ;)

    But I also prefer not knowing what everyone sounds like

    On the upside, if we don't do voice, nobody will know I sound like Pee Wee Herman ;)

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    I'm in favor of the mod, or at least maybe getting a discord or some other way to do voice chat together. Could be fun. But I'd love to hear some opinions from people voting no. Is it the...

    I'm in favor of the mod, or at least maybe getting a discord or some other way to do voice chat together. Could be fun. But I'd love to hear some opinions from people voting no.

    Is it the proximity thing, meaning we've got separate convos going all over the map?
    Would you support a global voice chat that allowed for text chatters to stay in the convo as well?

    2 votes
  12. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival - Countdown and launch day in ~games

    Link Parent
    ty so much for this. That awkward period between getting diamond stuff and getting enchants (especially mending) is frustrating. I hate to lose hard-earned tools to something as silly as actually...

    ty so much for this. That awkward period between getting diamond stuff and getting enchants (especially mending) is frustrating. I hate to lose hard-earned tools to something as silly as actually using the tool :D

    3 votes
  13. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival - Countdown and launch day in ~games

    Link Parent
    Can you share that mechanical build you mentioned? I'd love to take a look.

    Can you share that mechanical build you mentioned? I'd love to take a look.

  14. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival - Countdown and launch day in ~games

    Link Parent
    I thought about doing a lock system, but wasn't sure how it would look. But that looks great! Doing locks would've made the other canal in town substantially easier to implement haha

    I thought about doing a lock system, but wasn't sure how it would look. But that looks great! Doing locks would've made the other canal in town substantially easier to implement haha

    1 vote
  15. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival - Countdown and launch day in ~games

    Link Parent
    Let's team up, because that's going to be a big undertaking!

    Let's team up, because that's going to be a big undertaking!

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival - Countdown and launch day in ~games

    (edited )
    With help from @Positive, I built two canals connecting rivers so we can get west by boat a bit easier. Here's a handy map: Edit: I'm on a roll today. I made a third connecting the south side of...

    With help from @Positive, I built two canals connecting rivers so we can get west by boat a bit easier. Here's a handy map:

    Edit: I'm on a roll today. I made a third connecting the south side of town to the rivers down there. Map is updated.

    Edit2: We have a fourth canal connecting the south part of town to the western river as well!

    If anyone's feeling up to prettying up the canals, feel free! I just wanted to get some canals in place ASAP so we could explore easier, without much concern for looks.


    5 votes
  17. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival - Countdown and launch day in ~games

    Link Parent
    Having the same problem. But once it's working I'll add it to my seedbox

    Having the same problem. But once it's working I'll add it to my seedbox

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Disney hack results in leak of over 1 TB of Slack data in ~tech

    Link Parent
    He's been getting away with it for decades because nobody can understand wtf he's saying!

    He's been getting away with it for decades because nobody can understand wtf he's saying!

    11 votes
  19. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival - Countdown and launch day in ~games

    Link Parent
    Hey that bridge was a masterpiece!!! That does remind me though that I'd like to find that tunnel I started connecting two river ways. Now that I've got some diamond pickaxes, that should go...

    Hey that bridge was a masterpiece!!! That does remind me though that I'd like to find that tunnel I started connecting two river ways. Now that I've got some diamond pickaxes, that should go substantially quicker than it did before with stone tools.

    2 votes
  20. Comment on How are AI and LLMs used in your company (if at all)? in ~tech

    We use CoPilot in our IDEs and make use of Slack's AI offerings to summarize channels/threads (what I really need is a summary of the summaries, because I am in way too many channels against my...

    We use CoPilot in our IDEs and make use of Slack's AI offerings to summarize channels/threads (what I really need is a summary of the summaries, because I am in way too many channels against my will). I also use chatGPT occasionally when I need to. Usually when CoPilot fails me or I have a technical question that isn't strictly programming, so CoPilot refuses to answer.

    2 votes