Ha, I love that bit. I do love it when the law forces unreasonable people to do what is socially expected of them, but I also wonder if it really is a good thing to have it enforced by legislation.
"Actually, the reasonable thing - the human thing to do - is to go and take them down."
Ha, I love that bit.
I do love it when the law forces unreasonable people to do what is socially expected of them, but I also wonder if it really is a good thing to have it enforced by legislation.
The Techdirt article about it links to this: https://gdprhub.eu/index.php?title=Rb._Gelderland_-_C/05/368427 And that has this listed as the original Dutch source:...
Ha, I love that bit.
I do love it when the law forces unreasonable people to do what is socially expected of them, but I also wonder if it really is a good thing to have it enforced by legislation.
From the article:
I can't find corroboration of this report beyond uk media, it sounds like willfully shallow faff. The article just says the court was netherlander?
The Techdirt article about it links to this: https://gdprhub.eu/index.php?title=Rb._Gelderland_-_C/05/368427
And that has this listed as the original Dutch source: https://uitspraken.rechtspraak.nl/inziendocument?id=ECLI:NL:RBGEL:2020:2521&showbutton=true&keyword=AVG