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  • Showing only topics in ~tech with the tag "data". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. I wonder what the social media meta data is like right now

      Facebook et al. must be excited right now with this jackpot of acute behavioral data they're acquiring, in the context of a global catastrophe. I wonder if anyone has any insight here into what...

      Facebook et al. must be excited right now with this jackpot of acute behavioral data they're acquiring, in the context of a global catastrophe. I wonder if anyone has any insight here into what kind of research they are doing? I know it's all usually a tight secret.

      One idea that came to mind is that this would be excellent data to weaponize. Now we (as in social media corps.) can generate a pretty good model of what a global conflict looks like on the level of individual behavior and how that can be used for an advantage. The other edge of the sword would be this will help future public health initiatives but somehow I don't see this info being made publically available...

      7 votes
    2. I dare you to try OpenStreetMap!

      I dare you to try OpenStreetMap but also (probably most importantly) contribute! But first, some introduction, What even is OpenStreetMap? Okay well, OpenStreetMap is a database, licensed under...

      I dare you to try OpenStreetMap but also (probably most importantly) contribute!

      But first, some introduction,

      What even is OpenStreetMap?

      Okay well, OpenStreetMap is a database, licensed under ODBL, to create maps basically.

      It's kind of like Wikipedia with how the data is crowdsourced from well, anyone. The data can then be used for well, basically anything.

      Research? Sure.
      Wanna make your own map? Sure.
      Wanna just use it for navigation without relying on anyone else? Hell yeah you can.

      Basically anything you want as long as you share people's work under ODBL and well, attribute them of course.

      How do I use it? Well, for navigation, on desktop :
      • Gnome Maps
      • GraphHopper
      • Qwant Maps

      On mobile :

      • OSMand
      • Maps.me
      • Maps (on F-droid)
      • Navmii

      You can also find other choices on the OSM wiki

      Okay so now that you know how to use it for yourself, let's get contributing!

      For this, since it's most likely going to be new users editing, we will use iD, it's available right under the edit button on OpenStreetMap's website!

      Well, I would explain how to use it and all but thankfully, since iD is pretty userfriendly, there's a walkthrough to get you started.

      Please DO NOT copy data from Google Maps or other services, it would violate their licenses. Only add information you personally know from local knowledge or aerial footage which you can use, iD thankfully lets us use most of the available ones which we have the rights to use for OSM.

      If you need any kind of help,
      the wiki is there which has tons of information but which also has links to mailing lists, IRC, Discord and other services. Oh and of course, feel free to comment below too.

      If you're already using OSM or contributing, feel free to talk about your experience below too!

      Happy Mapping!

      46 votes