[SOLVED] Question about post voting locking
Hi, I was wondering if the current duration before voting gets locked on a post is still 30 days? I tried to find the answer in the docs but didn’t see it (apologies if I missed it) and all I turned up in a search of the site was a topic from 3 years ago mentioning the 30 days, so I wanted to see if that’s still accurate.
Thanks !
It may also be useful to mention it's 30 days from when the individual topic or comment is posted. So once a topic is 30 days old, voting on that topic is locked. But any comments can still be voted on as long as the comment itself isn't 30 days old yet. So if a topic from 2019 has a comment from yesterday, you can still vote on that comment for another 29 days.
It's not like voting gets locked on everything in the topic once it reaches 30 days old.
Thank you for clarifying, I was trying to cover both topics and comments with « post » but I can see how it it might seem like posts is referring to the topics only.
Worth a quick mention that the reason for this is to delete your voting histories, so that Tildes retains no data about how you vote. Other major sites live for this data and use it to build viciously invasive profiles on you ranging from political leanings and psych profile to geolocating you for advertising. You can leak a stunning amount of privacy data to a website where you have never even made a single comment just by lurking and voting. A multi-year history of your likes and dislikes is very telling data. The digital equivalent of radioactive waste, if you care at all about privacy.
Tildes deletes this data as soon as possible under Canadian law. That's the 30 day cutoff. That way there's nothing to sell, nothing to subpoena, and nothing for hackers to steal. Solves an awful lot of headaches this way, but you have to give up the advertising revenue to do it.
Interesting to know why 30 days. Thanks !
From the man, the myth, the legend himself, from the ~tildes.official topic:
The voting on topics and comments now ends when they're 30 days old and all individual vote records are deleted, retaining only the count
Yes. It is still thirty days.
Thanks for the answer !
No problem.