Bauke's recent activity

  1. Comment on Update on Tildes codebase: Less community fork, more official maintainers in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Points for originality! Haven't heard that one before. :D

    Points for originality! Haven't heard that one before. :D

    8 votes
  2. Comment on Books I read during 2024 that were published during 2024 in ~books

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Did you ever use the blue J image anywhere else on your site? It's possible Embedly (which is what Tildes uses behind the scenes to figure out the icons) grabbed that image when it couldn't find a...

    Did you ever use the blue J image anywhere else on your site? It's possible Embedly (which is what Tildes uses behind the scenes to figure out the icons) grabbed that image when it couldn't find a favicon for some reason and it has been saved like that on Tildes ever since.

    Edit: Ah, it likely came from this topic and the way Tildes saves icons I believe doesn't take subdomains into account.

    6 votes
  3. Comment on Paperless NGX vs ??? in ~tech

    The awesome-selfhosted list has a document management section if you're looking for alternatives, but honestly I think you should just try Paperless-ngx. It's very good and the UI is excellent. It...

    The awesome-selfhosted list has a document management section if you're looking for alternatives, but honestly I think you should just try Paperless-ngx. It's very good and the UI is excellent.

    It takes a little bit of setup and manual work in the beginning before it starts recognizing the metadata and which documents belong to what correspondent/document type but once that's all done it is really nice. I highly recommend starting off uploading just one document at a time and manually entering the metadata, and then after a couple if you can see it automatically get things correct you're probably fine hooking it up with your scanner (which there are a lot of options for).

    The documentation is excellent by the way, everything you need is in there.

    6 votes
  4. Comment on Self-hosting a podcast server in ~tech

    Last week I was playing around with AzuraCast which is more for doing web radio stuff but I think it does also have some podcast features. It was easy enough to get set up with Docker and the...

    Last week I was playing around with AzuraCast which is more for doing web radio stuff but I think it does also have some podcast features. It was easy enough to get set up with Docker and the documentation is pretty good too.

    3 votes
  5. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    Link Parent
    Thank you! I'm not sure about the hearing thingy, if that's something I could fix in some way I'd love to know but I don't know why or how that's happening. :P

    Thank you!

    I'm not sure about the hearing thingy, if that's something I could fix in some way I'd love to know but I don't know why or how that's happening. :P

    2 votes
  6. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    After the great response I got on my comment on the BespokeSynth topic, I've continued making music and I'm now here to share again. :D One mostly finished song called Rush and also a very...

    After the great response I got on my comment on the BespokeSynth topic, I've continued making music and I'm now here to share again. :D One mostly finished song called Rush and also a very unfinished one called Spark.

    I didn't end up recording the video of BespokeSynth running for these two, but next time I will do that again. The added visual is really nice and it's a good way to show how it all works.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on Bespoke Synth - a highly modular DAW in ~music

    Link Parent
    It's funny because I made the screen mover so I could keep things organized and then maybe a day later discovered Bespoke has a minimap that kind of does the same thing. (^: In the beginning it...

    It's funny because I made the screen mover so I could keep things organized and then maybe a day later discovered Bespoke has a minimap that kind of does the same thing. (^:

    In the beginning it was pure experimentation, I would grab a module, put some notes through it, modulate everything in different ways and then see what it would sound like. Pure trial and error. Then when I started discovering plugins I turned to a bunch of different YouTube channels like unfa, Dash Glitch, Demis Hellen, S1gns Of L1fe, and probably more I'm not remembering. I fell in love with Vital so I started searching "vital trance pluck" or "vital ambient pad" etc., watch some videos to see all the different possibilities of using it and then try it myself. The /r/linuxaudio and /r/edmproduction subreddits also have useful information on all kinds of stuff.

    And thank you for the kind words!

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Bespoke Synth - a highly modular DAW in ~music

    Link Parent
    Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

    Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

    1 vote
  9. Comment on Bespoke Synth - a highly modular DAW in ~music

    Link Parent
    For what it's worth I did experiment using nothing but the builtin modules for about a month and a half (and did make some cool stuff!), and then I discovered that plugins exist and oh boy it is a...

    For what it's worth I did experiment using nothing but the builtin modules for about a month and a half (and did make some cool stuff!), and then I discovered that plugins exist and oh boy it is a rabbit hole.

    The Python integration is so useful! The script you can briefly see next to the songbuilder is there to set up the bars automatically because the songbuilder has an option to reset the transport on every scene change (at least on the nightly version) and I don't want that to happen because it would mess with the note progression. But if you disable that option you can't say "I want 8 bars of this scene, 16 bars of that one" because now the transport isn't being reset and that's what the songbuilder uses to count the bars for each scene... So all the bars need to be summed up. (^: And rather than manually do that, a script can do it. Is it obvious I'm legitimately obsessed? x)

    [...] rendered entirely with VST sound sources.

    (And two of the builtin samples in the drumplayer module but we won't speak of those. ^^)

    1 vote
  10. Comment on Bespoke Synth - a highly modular DAW in ~music

    I have become obsessed with this program. So much so I've actually managed to create something that resembles a song and doesn't sound awful, at least to me. And even more so I've found out that...

    I have become obsessed with this program.

    So much so I've actually managed to create something that resembles a song and doesn't sound awful, at least to me.

    And even more so I've found out that digital music production is sooooo similar to software development. Figuring out how to create a sound or get a combination of sounds working together scratches the exact same itch in my brain that fixing a bug or adding new functionality in a software project does.

    I knew nothing of music production before this and through experimenting and looking up tutorials and resources online I've managed to make something. I can't wait to keep learning and making more music, it's so much fun.

    So genuinely from the bottom of my heart, Akir, thank you for posting this because it has opened up a whole new world for me.

    4 votes
  11. Comment on Yorushika (ヨルシカ) - Sunny (2024) in ~music

    Yorushika doesn't miss, wow. The outro of only suis singing gave me chills. And MORIE's animation is so good, I still regularly go back to Spring Thief's video because it's so pretty.

    Yorushika doesn't miss, wow. The outro of only suis singing gave me chills. And MORIE's animation is so good, I still regularly go back to Spring Thief's video because it's so pretty.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tildes

    It's possible your comment was removed along with any parent comments. Yours may not have been the problematic one but the one you replied to was, or something along those lines. Often times the...

    It's possible your comment was removed along with any parent comments. Yours may not have been the problematic one but the one you replied to was, or something along those lines. Often times the entire chain is removed.

    28 votes
  13. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    For the page loading issues, the next time it occurs press Ctrl+Shift+E to open up the DevTools' Network tab, click on the cog and enable "Persist logs" and then refresh the page and see what...

    For the page loading issues, the next time it occurs press Ctrl+Shift+E to open up the DevTools' Network tab, click on the cog and enable "Persist logs" and then refresh the page and see what happens. You should be able to see why it's not loading there, for example if it's uBlock Origin blocking something from loading it will say that in the "Transferred" column (and any other network error too). You can also try refreshing with the "Disable cache" option enabled, maybe it's a caching problem, though be sure to turn that off again when you're done (I think it persists).

    As for the captcha thing, if you have some of the more stringent tracking protection settings enabled it's likely you'll see more captchas simply because it relies on tracking to do its job. I had a website the other day captcha me about 5 times in a row before it let me through. The internet is just broken in this way, it's not really Firefox's fault.

    If you're having other problems I may also suggest opening the browser's console with Ctrl+Shift+J, though it is very noisy and can be difficult to distinguish what's actually a problem and what isn't, sometimes it can be useful.

    19 votes
  14. Comment on New extensions you’ll love now available on Firefox for Android in ~tech

    Link Parent
    It is! And version 2.7.0 will focus on making it more usable on mobile screens. :)

    It is! And version 2.7.0 will focus on making it more usable on mobile screens. :)

    16 votes
  15. Comment on Markdown helpers for the comment block in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Great timing too, the latest version 2.5.0 added the Markdown Toolbar Editor letting you create custom snippets and the upcoming version 2.6.0 will add configurable keyboard shortcuts for your...

    Great timing too, the latest version 2.5.0 added the Markdown Toolbar Editor letting you create custom snippets and the upcoming version 2.6.0 will add configurable keyboard shortcuts for your snippets. :D

    11 votes