Minor Suggestion: special @OP user
It would be neat if typing '@op' inside a topic resulted in a link to the profile of that topic's poster. So, in this topic, @OP and @elf would be equivalent.
Also sorry @deimos for spamming ~tildes with suggestions (not actually sorry though.)
Posted to ~ gitlab issues as a "suggestion".
Feel free to explore the gitlab issues page as well @elf and @everyone and you can even submit issues yourselves, if you have a gitlab account, as you spot them and/or come up with ideas... but please:
I (and the other reporters there) will label them properly and merge/remove/close them as necessary, too.
p.s. Also, don't let that discourage you from posting bugs/ideas/etc. to ~tildes either since additional discussion/feedback is still incredibly valuable as well.
thats a great suggestion!
I was going to say that it would run into issues with the theoretical user named "OP" but going by the error message on that page the minimum length for a username is 3 characters so not a problem.
This is is a great idea. I'm sure I've seen this somewhere else, maybe imgur?