11 votes

Some level of autotagging?

(Emphasis on Some.)

Could there be a rudimentary auto-tagging system for automatically scraped stats? (Auto-tagging video content as videos, music artists by their names, long reads/watches,individual blogs and YouTube channels?) It could serve as a QoL feature and save some taggers and forgetful posters some time (I almost always forget to tag my videos accordingly and they're only tagged because someone remembers to, which is way too menial a tag to still need be added by humans.)


  1. [2]
    This is Tildes operating as intended. People with tag-editing abilities have those abilities in order to edit tags. :) That's not to say there can't be auto-tagging. I believe there will be some...

    they're only tagged because someone remembers to, which is probably a bad sign.

    This is Tildes operating as intended. People with tag-editing abilities have those abilities in order to edit tags. :)

    That's not to say there can't be auto-tagging. I believe there will be some automated tagging in the future. But there will also always be human tag editors to do what auto-tagging algorithms can't.

    6 votes
    1. Kuromantis
      Link Parent
      Edited my comment to clarify what I actually meant. Tag-editing is fine (probably essential), but some of the really basic stuff should be done by a script. Maybe this is approaching rant...

      Edited my comment to clarify what I actually meant. Tag-editing is fine (probably essential), but some of the really basic stuff should be done by a script. Maybe this is approaching rant territory a little, but everytime I see that I forgot to add a videos tag and that someone did it for me, I get somewhat annoyed that someone had to go and do something this menial when it could just be done with a script.

      3 votes