8 votes

Tag plurality

'videos' tag is plural even though long read is not (vs "long reads"). I keep typing 'video' into the tag list because of that.

IMO it makes more sense as a singular noun, as tags generally describe the submission, not the plurality of submissions in the group. Though I feel this is not a new discussion. It also seems to be the case in other examples I can find eg. ask.survey (vs ask.surveys)

1 comment

  1. cfabbro
    (edited )
    The tildes docs used to specifically say they should be plural, likely since they act similar to groups, and can be browsed as such... so in that way they kinda do represent the plurality, not...

    IMO it makes more sense as a singular noun, as tags generally describe the submission, not the plurality of submissions in the group.

    The tildes docs used to specifically say they should be plural, likely since they act similar to groups, and can be browsed as such... so in that way they kinda do represent the plurality, not just the individual topic.

    However, right now they are a bit all over the place, as you point out. But unfortunately fixing them all to be plural (or singular if that is ultimately what is decided on) would take a fair bit of work, since the only way to edit the tags is manually via the interface on each individual topic, or if @Deimos edits the database directly. IIRC @Bauke created a script to do it en-masse that I still have lying around somewhere, but it would still take a fair bit of effort to go through all the tags, identify the ones that need changing, and actually do it.

    At some point it will probably need to be done though, so I have added a gitlab issue to add an interface option for bulk editing the tags to make that easier for us to do. https://gitlab.com/tildes/tildes/-/issues/698

    8 votes