That was a single report by Bank of America. The report isn't public and so hasn't been scrutinized. They didn't say the world would "run out", but that there may be a ‘sold-out’ situation between...
That was a single report by Bank of America.
The report isn't public and so hasn't been scrutinized.
They didn't say the world would "run out", but that there may be a ‘sold-out’ situation between 2025-26, intensifying further until 2030. Meaning that demand will outstrip supply and prices will increase, but so will investment (undoubtedly the main point of the report) as groups surge to make money off of the increased prices such a supply/demand situation. The increased investment will of course cause more development and research and so the situation will be temporary.
And a single source that hasn't been open to review by third parties and stands to benefit from the sharing of the unchecked information isn't something that should be taken as gospel. The average...
And a single source that hasn't been open to review by third parties and stands to benefit from the sharing of the unchecked information isn't something that should be taken as gospel.
Agreed, which is why I used square quotes around the term and made sure to clarify this is a logistics problem and not one impossible to solve.
Ultimately, for the average world citizen the difference between scarcity and "run out" is irrelevant.
The average world citizen isn't the population here and run out means there is no more, not temporary scarcity. If the price of eggs goes up it's not because they've run out and you don't refer to your air tank going empty while diving as scarcity.
We need to be reaching the average American making 40k a year or, worse, the average Chinese/Indian driver making less than that. If the price of batteries skyrocket the price of EV vehicles will follow suit. If the vehicles are unaffordable then they will purchase the ICE vehicle and be locked in for another 5 years.
It's going to be incredibly unlikely the developing world will be able to afford new EVs in the next decade or two.
Not that this is an argument but it's not just a research and development issue. It's also an issue of infrastructure. More battery factories, more mines. These are solvable problems but the time frame is tight. The infrastructural elements need to start going in now.
I meant for development to include infrastructure, as in the development of mining/refining/factories/et al.
I'm so sick of companies that want the world to slow down just for them.
And a single source that hasn't been open to review by third parties and stands to benefit from the sharing of the unchecked information isn't something that should be taken as gospel.
The average world citizen isn't the population here and run out means there is no more, not temporary scarcity. If the price of eggs goes up it's not because they've run out and you don't refer to your air tank going empty while diving as scarcity.
It's going to be incredibly unlikely the developing world will be able to afford new EVs in the next decade or two.
I meant for development to include infrastructure, as in the development of mining/refining/factories/et al.
I'm fine with seeing if we hit that point and dealing with it then, less fine with letting lobbyists for vested interests dictate the schedule.