BailerAppleby's recent activity

  1. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2024 in ~games

    Link Parent
    Ugly Christmas sweaters have become so trendy that they're sold at Walmart. I know because I bought mine from there. For a new holiday tradition, true Yuletide bon vivants need to up their game...

    Ugly Christmas sweaters have become so trendy that they're sold at Walmart. I know because I bought mine from there. For a new holiday tradition, true Yuletide bon vivants need to up their game and go old school by dressing in robes a la the nativity scene. I mean, at this point, why not and, if not for someplace to put your keys and phone, it makes for comfortable attire for tolerating the in-laws.

    Requested games: Not Tonight 2 (sign-of-the-times pick), Strikey Sisters (aliteration pick), or Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (if just to satisfy @alcappuccino, so please make this the top pick)

    2 votes
  2. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2024 in ~games

    Link Parent
    Sayonara Wild Hearts: this game has been hyped up to unbelievably high levels, meaning if I wait any longer I'll end up getting disappointed. Wavetale: A very poor standard I have for judging the...

    Sayonara Wild Hearts: this game has been hyped up to unbelievably high levels, meaning if I wait any longer I'll end up getting disappointed.

    Wavetale: A very poor standard I have for judging the quality of a game is if the title has "story" or "tale" in it. So far, this metric has not served me wrong.

    or Journey: "Don't Stop Believin'", "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'"... ah man, I want this game for its slappin' soundtrack alone.

  3. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2024 in ~games

  4. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2024 in ~games

    Link Parent
    choices: Dungeons of Hinterberg, American Arcadia, Starstruck: Hands of Time nostalgia, longing, hope, disappointment, and cold

    choices: Dungeons of Hinterberg, American Arcadia, Starstruck: Hands of Time

    nostalgia, longing, hope, disappointment, and cold

  5. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2024 in ~games

    Link Parent
    I would like to request "Dear Esther." I think my gaming needs more introspection

    I would like to request "Dear Esther." I think my gaming needs more introspection

    3 votes
  6. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2024 in ~games

    Link Parent
    I really enjoyed that toy that's filled with water, and you play it by pushing a button that pushes water in a direction to make things happen, like fish icons move or balls into a basket, that...

    I really enjoyed that toy that's filled with water, and you play it by pushing a button that pushes water in a direction to make things happen, like fish icons move or balls into a basket, that kind of thing. I don't know the name. There were several of these.

    It was neat and fascinating for me, and I would recommend it to a kid nowadays. But probably to someone who is younger.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2024 in ~games

    Link Parent
    SOMA looks spooky and engaging, definitely interested in playing it

    SOMA looks spooky and engaging, definitely interested in playing it

  8. Comment on Intravenous - Free on Steam! in ~games

    As its current Steam page graphic currently days, this game will only be free for 24 hours (after July 15). That means you will only have until Tuesday, July 16 to claim this game for free.

    As its current Steam page graphic currently days, this game will only be free for 24 hours (after July 15). That means you will only have until Tuesday, July 16 to claim this game for free.

    8 votes
  9. Comment on Satisfactory | Toilet Flush releases on September 10th 2024 in ~games

    In the Early Access explainer, the devs say the price may rise with the 1.0 release. Is worth getting now during the Steam Summer Sale (for $19.49 CAD)?

    In the Early Access explainer, the devs say the price may rise with the 1.0 release. Is worth getting now during the Steam Summer Sale (for $19.49 CAD)?

    4 votes
  10. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: June/July 2024 in ~games

    Link Parent
    I would like to request Octahedron: Transfixed Edition and Tales of the Neon Sea. Both look to have fantastic visuals and compelling gameplay, consider me intrigued!

    I would like to request Octahedron: Transfixed Edition and Tales of the Neon Sea. Both look to have fantastic visuals and compelling gameplay, consider me intrigued!

    2 votes
  11. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: June/July 2024 in ~games

    Link Parent
    I'd like to claim Yakuza Kiwami 2 and Fable Anniversary, thank you for your generosity.

    I'd like to claim Yakuza Kiwami 2 and Fable Anniversary, thank you for your generosity.

    1 vote
  12. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: June/July 2024 in ~games

    Link Parent
    Hi, I'd love to play Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen if still available.

    Hi, I'd love to play Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen if still available.

    1 vote
  13. Comment on Steam Winter Sale 2023: Hidden gems in ~games

    Link Parent
    Snakebird is currently available for free on Epic. Really interested to try it with your recommendation!

    Snakebird is currently available for free on Epic. Really interested to try it with your recommendation!

    1 vote
  14. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2023 in ~games

    Link Parent
    Redeemed! Thanks very much! Have a Merry Christmas!

    Redeemed! Thanks very much! Have a Merry Christmas!

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Year in Review: Your games of 2023 in ~games

    Getting a Steam Deck was a game changer for me. I got it on sale in March, giving me a chance to finally enter PC gaming after limiting myself to a Nintendo Switch. With so many possibilities open...

    Getting a Steam Deck was a game changer for me. I got it on sale in March, giving me a chance to finally enter PC gaming after limiting myself to a Nintendo Switch. With so many possibilities open to me (aside from being able to purchase expensive, current-year games), my selection of the biggest games I have played in 2023 show me to be more conservative than I would have expected:

    • The Bard's Tale Trilogy: Because Titanfall 2 exceeds the storage capacity of my Deck, the first game I played as a PC gamer is a remake of a 40-ish-old dungeon crawler from the eighties. I remember now why I stopped playing it halfway, it's tough as nails and merciless in its old-school difficulty. Although it loses its mythic appeal in an Information Age where mysteries have no shadows to hide in, this game still embodies the grind that has shaped my gaming ethic.

    • Dead Island: Like everything else I played this year, I got it on the cheap (a habit I picked up as a Switch customer). This is one of the games I enjoyed most from the Xbox 360 era, and the upgraded graphics are a treat to see. Can't wait for the sequel to come out on Steam next year or whenever. As a non-online-player, this also introduced me to griefing for the first time.

    • Resident Evil 5: I was most interested to play this particular game out of the entire Humble Bundle pack to see if it was still as fun and racist as before, and it sure is. Don't understand how gamers have on the whole completely washed their hands of this controversy, or how something like the DnD episode of Community gets censored but this receives no heat. The sharpest awareness gamers seem to show is when the hate for RE5's Sheeva gets corrected to "hate for the AI". Still, my biggest disappointment for the PC version is the removal of all QTE, rendering the big-boulder showdown without a solid foundation to stand upon.

    So, unfortunately, there is no Game of the Year nominee from me. But I'm looking forward to trying out all the amazing games listed on this page.

    7 votes
  16. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2023 in ~games

    Link Parent
    X-Morph: Defense + European Assault, Survival of the Fittest, and Last Bastion DLC, please. I don't have any holiday traditions but I can share one weird holiday-type thing. When I was young, I...

    X-Morph: Defense + European Assault, Survival of the Fittest, and Last Bastion DLC, please.

    I don't have any holiday traditions but I can share one weird holiday-type thing. When I was young, I saw an advent calendar for the month of December for which December 1st fell on a Fri which was followed (obviously) by Dec 2 on a Saturday, and I thought to myself, "That's strange." From then on, all my Decembers have been judged on whether they adhere to this strange rule, meaning that (for me) it isn't a "real" Christmas unless Dec 1 falls on a Friday. Weird.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on Steam Winter Sale 2023: Hidden gems in ~games

    Link Parent
    Laura Shigihara also did the Plants vs Zombies soundtrack and worked on a slew of indie games like Deltarune, Super Meat Boy, and a little game you may heard of called Minecraft. With all the work...

    made by the singer who did the songs for TO THE MOON / FINDING PARADISE

    Laura Shigihara also did the Plants vs Zombies soundtrack and worked on a slew of indie games like Deltarune, Super Meat Boy, and a little game you may heard of called Minecraft. With all the work she's done, it shouldn't be surprising that she went into programming and made her own game that has been so well received. One for the wishlist.

    3 votes
  18. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2023 in ~games

    Link Parent
    Thanks! Games redeemed! You have a good holiday!

    Thanks! Games redeemed! You have a good holiday!

  19. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2023 in ~games

    Link Parent
    I'd love to play The Textorcist and Killsquad. I am grateful this year for my job, even though I hate it. But I am still grateful. I tried hiking this year and found that I really like it. The...

    I'd love to play The Textorcist and Killsquad.

    I am grateful this year for my job, even though I hate it. But I am still grateful.

    I tried hiking this year and found that I really like it. The shame is that I haven't gone back on the trails after trying it for a couple of weeks.

    That said, I'm looking in the new Year to finding a new job and trying to go hiking some more.

  20. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway: Holiday 2023 in ~games

    Link Parent
    I'd love to try Hellpoint, I still have yet to play a Souls/Souls-like. Why not one in outer space?

    I'd love to try Hellpoint, I still have yet to play a Souls/Souls-like. Why not one in outer space?

    1 vote