Cycloneblaze's recent activity

  1. Comment on Bethesda Game Studios workers have unionized. Not the same as the QA union. This time it’s “wall to wall”… in ~games

    Link Parent
    The only game that Bethesda has released since the QA union was formed is Starfield, and that was scarcely eight months afterwards. It does not explain anything.

    The only game that Bethesda has released since the QA union was formed is Starfield, and that was scarcely eight months afterwards. It does not explain anything.

    7 votes
  2. Comment on I just saw a concert and I don't think I will ever be the same again in ~music

    Link Parent
    In my experience this is usually just overeager autocorrect!

    In my experience this is usually just overeager autocorrect!

    2 votes
  3. Comment on The American elevator explains why housing costs have skyrocketed in ~engineering

    Link Parent
    The ideological slant of an opinion piece is just as important, if not more so, than the facts deployed to support its ideology. The piece is weaker if it gets its facts wrong, but I can object to...

    The ideological slant of an opinion piece is just as important, if not more so, than the facts deployed to support its ideology. The piece is weaker if it gets its facts wrong, but I can object to the conclusions it's pointing at even if it gets its facts right. For one thing, you can be correct in the micro about the cost of accessibility features in construction (though I'm not saying he is or isn't) and go on to make much broader claims about the regulation of the construction industry which aren't really supported by the facts you did use - which should be determined by many other factors alongside cost.

    6 votes
  4. Comment on I will fucking piledrive you if you mention AI again in ~comp

    It's very difficult to do hyperbolic threats of gratuitous violence well and it's very common to do it poorly. This article actually does it well - if it outstays its welcome a little, it's saved...

    It's very difficult to do hyperbolic threats of gratuitous violence well and it's very common to do it poorly. This article actually does it well - if it outstays its welcome a little, it's saved by its lucid points about how useful AI actually is.

    8 votes
  5. Comment on What have we liberals done to the US west coast? in ~misc

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    None of this - none of it - obviates the fact that thousands of people, both yet to be proven guilty and clearly innocent from the beginning, are jailed for days, weeks and months because they...

    None of this - none of it - obviates the fact that thousands of people, both yet to be proven guilty and clearly innocent from the beginning, are jailed for days, weeks and months because they can't afford bail, something that will inevitably derail their entire lives before anything resembling a fair judgement. To let this woman's murder be used as an excuse for strict cash bail is no justice.

    28 votes
  6. Comment on The lonely work of moderating Hacker News in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I've never discovered a website that is likely to make me sympathetic to Hacker News until now, so that's an achievement

    I've never discovered a website that is likely to make me sympathetic to Hacker News until now, so that's an achievement

    8 votes
  7. Comment on US to require automatic emergency braking on new vehicles in five years in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Not only that, but it seems like this is a band-aid measure meant to try and stop increasingly taller, increasingly heavier cars also becoming increasingly dangerous, without addressing the root...

    Not only that, but it seems like this is a band-aid measure meant to try and stop increasingly taller, increasingly heavier cars also becoming increasingly dangerous, without addressing the root cause of the danger and requiring smaller, lighter cars.

    9 votes
  8. Comment on Ireland plans to send asylum seekers back to UK under emergency law in ~news

    Link Parent
    Unfortunately the current government is battling right-wing impulses just the same as other center-aligned parties in the world. So far they've done a good job at resisting, but this feels like a...

    Unfortunately the current government is battling right-wing impulses just the same as other center-aligned parties in the world. So far they've done a good job at resisting, but this feels like a knee-jerk reaction to me, and those reactions in public policy usually only go one way...

    7 votes
  9. Comment on European Commission approves creation of an environmental zone in the city centre of Stockholm, where petrol and diesel cars will be banned entirely from 2025 in ~transport

    Link Parent
    You've already mentioned your opposition to a ban on petrol and diesel cars that's more total than this one. What measures to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases would you support here?

    Which means that banning gas vehicles is not going to make ANY difference to the environment, ... Its not going to save the world, the environment will not notice.

    You've already mentioned your opposition to a ban on petrol and diesel cars that's more total than this one. What measures to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases would you support here?

    5 votes
  10. Comment on Is there a markdown editor which let me open .md files from Windows? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Oh, that's why I haven't been able to update it when it asked me to - I hadn't yet checked the website. I'll keep hold of my outdated free version then!

    Typora is very good except it costs money (used to be free, now it’s a 15-day trial).

    Oh, that's why I haven't been able to update it when it asked me to - I hadn't yet checked the website. I'll keep hold of my outdated free version then!

  11. Comment on What’s something you wish more people understood? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I definitely agree. We're emotional beings whether we realise it or not, and we have to acknowledge and embrace that to best understand ourselves. People very often trick themselves into thinking...

    I definitely agree. We're emotional beings whether we realise it or not, and we have to acknowledge and embrace that to best understand ourselves.

    People very often trick themselves into thinking a decision they're making is based entirely on reason, when their conclusion is actually heavily influenced by their emotions. We've all seen how good people can be at mental gymnastics and how easily they can bear cognitive dissonance when the end result is what they want - attempts to be logical or rational can fall victim to this just as easily. We all do it sometimes - we assume our conclusions and we unconsciously construct post-hoc arguments for them. It's rare the person who actually builds their opinions from the ground up.

    One can also do this on purpose - claiming that your opinion or idea is rational is a great rhetorical trick to appeal to just the people you're talking about, Fae, who believe logic and wisdom are equivalent. But that's just a claim, you very often don't have to prove it - saying it is enough for many people.

    And just because an idea is backed by a set of predicates that seem objective doesn't mean it actually is. Most of us are not that good at logical analysis, and it's more than possible to hide a sleight of hand in an argument. The fact that there's an argument purporting to be rationally based, doesn't mean there's no emotional or ideological root to it.

    Logic, reason and science are excellent tools for helping us understand this chaotic world and decide what's best for us. But they're just tools, and they can be misused, abused or weaponised just as easily as emotions can. That's what I wish more people would understand.

    12 votes
  12. Comment on Boeing wants US FAA to exempt MAX 7 from safety rules to get it in the air in ~transport

  13. Comment on Boeing wants US FAA to exempt MAX 7 from safety rules to get it in the air in ~transport

    @mycketforvirrad if you don't mind, would you add the crashes.plane tag to this topic? I know the story isn't really about a plane crash but the comments have been taken over by that and I'd like...

    @mycketforvirrad if you don't mind, would you add the crashes.plane tag to this topic? I know the story isn't really about a plane crash but the comments have been taken over by that and I'd like to filter it the topic out.

    2 votes
  14. Comment on Substack turns on its ‘Nazis Welcome!’ sign in ~tech

    Link Parent
    It seems very apt to me, without resorting to arguing over the semantics of the statement. What do you think is "really going on"? As far as I see it the issue people have with the terms of...

    The “Nazi bar” thing is a bad meme that’s going around that doesn’t really get at what’s going on.

    It seems very apt to me, without resorting to arguing over the semantics of the statement. What do you think is "really going on"?

    but this doesn’t seem to be what the conversation around Substack’s terms of service is about?

    As far as I see it the issue people have with the terms of service is that, in as many words, they don't debar Nazis from using Substack. I don't think there's any need to go into why, given the examples in the Atlantic article of "Nazis" on Substack and the very real, very recent effects of dehumanising rhetoric online, that is a bad thing. The problems being spoken about arise very directly from Substack's actions (via the Nazis they continue to platform). So the conversation seems clear to me - or am I misunderstanding?

    7 votes
  15. Comment on Colorado Supreme Court, in landmark ruling, bans Donald Trump from state’s ballot under insurrection clause in ~news

    Link Parent
    Clearly that particular check hasn't worked seeing as the Supreme Court is today functionally a second, Republican-controlled legislative branch and a vastly more effective one at achieving...

    but eroding various checks and balances (like packing the supreme court) opens up SO many opportunities for bad actors

    Clearly that particular check hasn't worked seeing as the Supreme Court is today functionally a second, Republican-controlled legislative branch and a vastly more effective one at achieving right-wing policy aims than Congress is! It's already filled with bad actors and being openly used by bad actors!

    It's not just about right now, it's about 20 years from now.

    It actually is about right now! Harmful policies that are eroding democracy in the US and hurting people are being put in place and enforced right now! And they have no plans of stopping - why would they? Twenty years from now is not going to be any better if stringent and effective action is not taken to stop the Republican Party. Seriously, what is the alternative?

    24 votes
  16. Comment on Beeper Mini is back in ~tech

    Link Parent
    It doesn't help that you can't change the default messaging app on iPhones. If you choose to message a contact or share something with them you get iMessage. There's more friction than on Android.

    completely unwilling to try any other messaging solution that is not the default.

    It doesn't help that you can't change the default messaging app on iPhones. If you choose to message a contact or share something with them you get iMessage. There's more friction than on Android.

    6 votes
  17. Comment on Taylor Swift named as Time's Person of the Year - 2023 in ~music

    Link Parent
    I don't know, sexism like that is only the most common and pernicious type of prejudice around and one that still pervades virtually all aspects of culture on the internet, not to mention wider...

    but I think it actually shows some sort of bias on your end to assume people are being critical just because she's a woman.

    I don't know, sexism like that is only the most common and pernicious type of prejudice around and one that still pervades virtually all aspects of culture on the internet, not to mention wider society? I hope that's not controversial to claim? I didn't even have the same thought as MimicSquid but I don't think you can call it unreasonable.

    4 votes
  18. Comment on travle - Name countries/provinces/counties/states to travel from the Start location to the End location on a map. Try to get there in as few guesses as possible. in ~games

    I got the "get from Slovakia to Lithuania without going through Poland or Ukraine" puzzle. It was a lot of fun to think through the locations of the countries and determine whether the path I came...

    I got the "get from Slovakia to Lithuania without going through Poland or Ukraine" puzzle. It was a lot of fun to think through the locations of the countries and determine whether the path I came up with definitely was the shortest. To my shame I did a little worse at the Irish counties 😅

    I roughly know where a lot of countries are but often have trouble placing them exactly (which often bites me playing Worldle, I think playing this would help with that! Thanks for sharing :)

    2 votes
  19. Comment on Megathread - Update on state court cases challenging legality of Donald Trump candidacy under the 14th amendment section 3 of the US constitution in ~misc

    Link Parent
    No, you won't. Democratic Party ideology holds adhering to norms, itself, as a virtue, not the results that adherence is meant to achieve. Someone who is a committed Democrat, which encompasses...

    we will also see other politicians (Democrats included) attempt coups

    No, you won't. Democratic Party ideology holds adhering to norms, itself, as a virtue, not the results that adherence is meant to achieve. Someone who is a committed Democrat, which encompasses any non-right-wing politician in the US who has a chance at getting close enough to power to be able to stage a coup, abhors the thought of the coup itself much more than they abhor any Republican policy. I don't know of any left-wing demagogue who could get to the point where they could have a chance at pulling a coup off without going through the Democratic Party, either.

    The kind of right-wing ideology that's been adopted by much of the Republican party holds grasping at your deserved place in the hierarchy as a virtue, and when you do, everyone must fall in line behind you. We've already seen that on January 6th. That's why a decisive and comprehensive reaction is needed - prosecuting Trump would be the least of those, and barring his candidacy as a direct result of his insurrection would be much better. Half-measures to protect norms that have already failed before are not sufficient now (and to be clear I think we agree on that).

    9 votes
  20. Comment on As Gazans scrounge for food and water, Hamas sits on a rich trove of supplies in ~misc

    Link Parent
    I could take other issues with this comment, but firstly, you have cause and effect backwards here. Hamas doesn't appear out of nowhere!

    Gaza has been under blockage because for 18 years they've been firing missiles at Israel

    I could take other issues with this comment, but firstly, you have cause and effect backwards here. Hamas doesn't appear out of nowhere!

    2 votes