DuckRunAmok's recent activity

  1. Comment on Magnus Carlsen and Hans Niemann settle dispute over cheating claims that rocked chess – US player had filed lawsuit against former world champion in ~games.tabletop

    Link Parent
    One of the reasons why this story has become known outside of chess circles is actually the proposed method of cheating that folks online speculated about. The idea was that he was using a...

    One of the reasons why this story has become known outside of chess circles is actually the proposed method of cheating that folks online speculated about. The idea was that he was using a modified remotely controlled sex toy internally that someone could use to send moves to him through the vibrations.

    The whole thing was crazy and is why niemann offered to play in the nude to prove he wasn't cheating.

    16 votes
  2. Comment on Madison Reeve explains why she quit Linus Tech Tips (CW: self harm, slurs, sexual harassment) in ~tech

    (edited )
    This is both heartbreaking and honestly disgusting to read. LTT is currently streaming and so many of the comments are focussed on workload and how she 'didn't have a difficult job', stuff like...

    This is both heartbreaking and honestly disgusting to read.

    LTT is currently streaming and so many of the comments are focussed on workload and how she 'didn't have a difficult job', stuff like that.

    She was pushed to the edge and ended up harming herself just to get away from the stress for a short time. She was harassed and belittled. None of this is even remotely acceptable, regardless of the perceived difficulty or quality of someone's work.

    I hope things have gotten better for her and I hope that those responsible for this treatment are handled properly.

    As for my personal view on LMG these days. This alone has made me uncomfortable with giving them any more ad revenue with my views. I'm not going to watch their content any more. The GN video is the cherry on top, and the stuff regarding unions a little while ago also rubbed me the wrong way. Something seems wrong with LMG, something systematic that has built over time and I hope for the sake of the good, talented people who work there, this rot is sorted out.

    28 votes
  3. Comment on Tildes Game Nights Discord server in ~games

    I've joined, it'll be interesting to see where this goes, I'm always looking for new folks to play with and possibly try out games I never have before.

    I've joined, it'll be interesting to see where this goes, I'm always looking for new folks to play with and possibly try out games I never have before.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway Thread: July 2023 in ~games

    Link Parent
    Raffle Choice: 13. Modern Classics Hope Game: Control I love Remedy's games, Max Payne 1&2 were huge childhood titles for me and Alan wake blew me away on 360, I'd love to continue playing their...

    Raffle Choice: 13. Modern Classics

    Hope Game: Control

    I love Remedy's games, Max Payne 1&2 were huge childhood titles for me and Alan wake blew me away on 360, I'd love to continue playing their more current games. I actually picked up Control briefly near the end of my Game Pass subscription and found myself loving it for the few hours I played, it was well written, charming, funny and I loved all the documents and videos you can find lying around. however my sub lapsed, my budget didn't have room for the game and I've since moved to Linux so haven't had chance to play it since.

    Hype Game: This War of Mine: Complete Edition from 10. Grab Bag 2

    This is a beautifully written, respectful and heartbreaking game that really proved to me that games don't need to be 'fun' in order to be compelling, incredible experiences. Trying to keep people together and alive, in the middle of a war zone feels all too poignant these days and even when I played it, it brought me to tears. If you're looking for something emotional but serious, give your time to this game.

  5. Comment on Steam Deck hits over 10,000 verified and playable games in ~games

    Link Parent
    I am thinking zero dawn, that was my bad.

    I am thinking zero dawn, that was my bad.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Steam Deck hits over 10,000 verified and playable games in ~games

    (edited )
    The steam deck has been great for both Linux gaming as well as PC gaming in general. It has worked as an affordable handheld gaming PC that's reasonably powerful when at the time of its release,...

    The steam deck has been great for both Linux gaming as well as PC gaming in general.

    It has worked as an affordable handheld gaming PC that's reasonably powerful when at the time of its release, comparable devices often cost twice or three times more. It's a really surprising little device and I'm looking forward to seeing more companies besides GPD and Ayaneo taking up handheld PC gaming like we have with Asus.

    And for Linux it's been great too, both because it's a relatively popular device (still not huge but enough users to be noticeable), and devs are beginning to target it for compatability, which in turn helps with Linux compatability in general.

    But it's also been great because it's shown folks that gaming on Linux is very doable. The Steam Deck as well as Valve's Proton and work from the community on Wine, Lutris, GE-Proton, etc... Has gotten us to a point now where single player games on Linux almost feels like a solved problem, and now it's mostly a matter of getting anti cheat systems working on Linux.

    It's honestly great to see compatability with these numbers, because that's not only for the steam deck, that's 10,000 games that work on Linux now. From indie titles like slay the spire and dead cells, all the way up to triple A stuff like the dead space remake, and Horizon Forbidden West.

    26 votes
  7. Comment on How do Tildes users feel about an OP that takes part in their own thread? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    While true, I did make a point of tailoring the response for each point and directly engaging with what they wrote, bringing my own perspective and in cases where appropriate my own experience....

    While true, I did make a point of tailoring the response for each point and directly engaging with what they wrote, bringing my own perspective and in cases where appropriate my own experience.

    But yes, I do worry about it being noise more than anything, and when people are sharing sensitive stuff like that it can feel a little prying to ask follow up questions which I don't want to push on folks.

    11 votes
  8. Comment on How do Tildes users feel about an OP that takes part in their own thread? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Thanks, I really appreciate it! I wanted people to feel welcome and safe to share their experiences. It can be difficult, so some positive encouragement can go a long way in my opinion. I've been...

    Thanks, I really appreciate it! I wanted people to feel welcome and safe to share their experiences. It can be difficult, so some positive encouragement can go a long way in my opinion.

    I've been really happy with how many stories people have shared.

    5 votes
  9. Comment on How do Tildes users feel about an OP that takes part in their own thread? in ~tildes

    Alright, general consensus is that I'm being dumb and overthinking it it seems! That's a relief and I'm happy I'm not committing a faux pas. I was worried about being too dominant a presence in...

    Alright, general consensus is that I'm being dumb and overthinking it it seems!

    That's a relief and I'm happy I'm not committing a faux pas. I was worried about being too dominant a presence in comments and speaking too much but it seems that as long as I'm being thoughtful and being intentional with my replies I'm in the green.

    Just want to thank everyone here for helping!

    11 votes
  10. Comment on How do Tildes users feel about an OP that takes part in their own thread? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    That's totally fair. It's a discussion I really wanted to engage in which is why I brought it to Tildes in the first place, it would be dumb to go that far and not actually respond to the people...

    That's totally fair. It's a discussion I really wanted to engage in which is why I brought it to Tildes in the first place, it would be dumb to go that far and not actually respond to the people who are taking part.

    7 votes
  11. Comment on How do Tildes users feel about an OP that takes part in their own thread? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Alright, thanks, I appreciate it! I probably am overthinking it but I'm also still getting used to the general culture here. I guess I just felt silly when a topic has 25 comments and 11 of them...

    Alright, thanks, I appreciate it! I probably am overthinking it but I'm also still getting used to the general culture here.

    I guess I just felt silly when a topic has 25 comments and 11 of them are mine.

    5 votes
  12. Comment on How do Tildes users feel about an OP that takes part in their own thread? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    It's the replying to every comment part that I'm conscious of. I've been replying to every top level comment, as in the people who are commenting directly on the discussion rather than replying to...

    It's the replying to every comment part that I'm conscious of. I've been replying to every top level comment, as in the people who are commenting directly on the discussion rather than replying to other comments.

    I felt I wanted to encourage folks with some positive discussion and also thank them for sharing, but I do worry about crossing a line.

    5 votes
  13. Comment on How do Tildes users feel about an OP that takes part in their own thread? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    True, but is replying to every (or most) parent comments too much? I worry I'm contributing more to noise even though I'm thinking about what I write.

    True, but is replying to every (or most) parent comments too much? I worry I'm contributing more to noise even though I'm thinking about what I write.

    10 votes
  14. How do Tildes users feel about an OP that takes part in their own thread?

    Bit of an odd question but one I'm becoming a little self conscious of. I posted a thread earlier today on ~LGBT asking people to share their experiences of coming out. Because it's a somewhat...

    Bit of an odd question but one I'm becoming a little self conscious of.

    I posted a thread earlier today on ~LGBT asking people to share their experiences of coming out. Because it's a somewhat sensitive topic and sharing your experiences can be a little vulnerable I've been taking part and interacting with everyone who's shared their experience.

    Im being sure to try and actually contribute, bring my perspective and continue the conversation, and importantly thank people for being open about something that can be difficult.

    My problem is that I worry that this is a habit I'm bringing over from Reddit that's perhaps not suitable for Tildes, but I'm not sure?

    I generally see it as a good thing when an OP takes active part in a discussion they started, but maybe it's more of a hindrance here?

    I'm not sure how I feel, and I'd like to get the opinions of other regular users on what would be appropriate?

    Edit: I should specify and make it clear in my case I'm talking about actively replying to most or all top level comments. Not necessarily replies but still a fair number. I worry about crossing a line into just contributing to noise.

    45 votes
  15. Comment on How did you handle coming out? in ~lgbt

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Honestly that's hilarious in a really sweet way, I'm envious but also glad that you had such a smooth experience like that, I'm sure that's what we all wish for both ourselves and others. Thanks...

    Honestly that's hilarious in a really sweet way, I'm envious but also glad that you had such a smooth experience like that, I'm sure that's what we all wish for both ourselves and others.

    Thanks for sharing, it brought a smile to my face!

    1 vote
  16. Comment on How did you handle coming out? in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    I'm sorry you had those struggles through childhood, I can't imagine the difficulty of having all these different elements in your life working against you, but at the same time I'm happy you were...

    I'm sorry you had those struggles through childhood, I can't imagine the difficulty of having all these different elements in your life working against you, but at the same time I'm happy you were able to go on that journey of self discovery and experience personal growth for the better.

    It's seriously inspiring to see people such as yourself face their problems and learn to accept who they are, I thank you for sharing your experiences, I'm happy I could read about them.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on How did you handle coming out? in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    That's honestly a totally valid and understandable way to approach things. Ultimately that kind of thing is nobody's business but your own, tho I can only imagine the anxiety, I think I'd be...

    That's honestly a totally valid and understandable way to approach things. Ultimately that kind of thing is nobody's business but your own, tho I can only imagine the anxiety, I think I'd be running on pure adrenaline personally.

    I'm glad things seem to have worked out and I really appreciate you sharing.

    2 votes
  18. Comment on How did you handle coming out? in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    I can relate to the issues in childhood. I too had to deal with being served a very narrow definition of trans people. The sex education I was given was quite good and expansive, and supportive of...

    I can relate to the issues in childhood. I too had to deal with being served a very narrow definition of trans people. The sex education I was given was quite good and expansive, and supportive of trans folks (this was back in 2010 for what it's worth), but the understanding of the trans experience wasn't necessarily there.

    As such I also never "knew" that I was just "born in the wrong body", I was just me and I disliked me for reasons I didn't understand. I hated the person in the mirror for reasons I didn't understand.

    It wasn't until adulthood and someone in my life coming out to me as trans and sharing their experience with me that I began to realise who I was.

    Like you I somewhat grieve for a childhood I missed. I often wish I could take another shot at those teenage years but as a girl, but c'est la vie.

    I'm glad to hear the people in your life have been accepting, and I can sympathise heavily with the path to self discovery not being as clear as it could have been. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, it was enlightening to read.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on How did you handle coming out? in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    I'm honestly a little envious that you were able to drop the intolerant folks in your life. I honestly find that some of the people that I worry about are too involved in my life to be easily cut...

    I'm honestly a little envious that you were able to drop the intolerant folks in your life. I honestly find that some of the people that I worry about are too involved in my life to be easily cut out. But that's just my own situation and I'm glad you've had a generally positive outcome!

    Thank you for sharing your experiences!

    3 votes
  20. Comment on How did you handle coming out? in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    I'm in a similar situation to you with regards to high school friends. There was a girl I liked, she and I became close friends but even then my feelings got in the way of our friendship, I...

    I'm in a similar situation to you with regards to high school friends. There was a girl I liked, she and I became close friends but even then my feelings got in the way of our friendship, I handled things wrong at the time since I was a dumb teenager and wish I could go back and be a better friend to her.

    I often wonder how she'd react to the fact that I'm trans, I like to think she'd be supportive of me.

    I'm happy that things have been easy with your friends, and hearing your partner and sister have handled it well is wonderful too. I hope things continue to go well for you on your journey.

    2 votes