Evariste's recent activity

  1. Comment on Does anyone else have succulents? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    They're also super easy to propagate if you choose to prune them!

    They're also super easy to propagate if you choose to prune them!

    1 vote
  2. Comment on Does anyone else have succulents? in ~hobbies

    I love succulents! I was gifted a jade at the beginning of the pandemic and it's huge now (but also ugly because I only prune for weight, not looks). After lots of trial and error with various...

    I love succulents! I was gifted a jade at the beginning of the pandemic and it's huge now (but also ugly because I only prune for weight, not looks).

    After lots of trial and error with various types, the most important thing I've learned was to mix soil to fit the watering routine you can handle. For example, I'm using a 2:1 ratio of Jacks Bonsai Mix and normal potting soil and I only water them once every 1-2 weeks, but this is entirely dependent on how warm/sunny your home is.

    5 votes
  3. Comment on First tattoo tips? in ~life

    I've had a few different tattoo artists, and they have all preferred to shave you at your appointment rather than you coming in shaved.

    I've had a few different tattoo artists, and they have all preferred to shave you at your appointment rather than you coming in shaved.

    7 votes
  4. Comment on What do you eat when you're sick? in ~food

    Link Parent
    Going to try to make that spicy mustard. Homemade condiments are a great idea!

    Going to try to make that spicy mustard. Homemade condiments are a great idea!

    2 votes
  5. Comment on What do you eat when you're sick? in ~food

    Link Parent
    I hope your wife is recovering well. Thanks for the comprehensive list as well! Do you keep the frozen stock cubes in the mold or do you unmold them and store in a different container?

    I hope your wife is recovering well. Thanks for the comprehensive list as well! Do you keep the frozen stock cubes in the mold or do you unmold them and store in a different container?

    3 votes
  6. Comment on What do you eat when you're sick? in ~food

    Link Parent
    Thank you for including how you prepare this from frozen! Absolutely going to add this to my menu.

    Thank you for including how you prepare this from frozen! Absolutely going to add this to my menu.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on What do you eat when you're sick? in ~food

    Link Parent
    How are you storing your congee?

    How are you storing your congee?

    1 vote
  8. Comment on What do you eat when you're sick? in ~food

    Link Parent
    If you want to nuke your sinuses with spice, may I suggest ginger tea? Specifically Prince of Peace Ginger Honey Crystals. I can taste the spice even when I'm sick and unable to taste much of...

    If you want to nuke your sinuses with spice, may I suggest ginger tea? Specifically Prince of Peace Ginger Honey Crystals. I can taste the spice even when I'm sick and unable to taste much of anything else.

    3 votes
  9. Comment on What do you eat when you're sick? in ~food

    Link Parent
    Had to look this up and it looks delicious. Definitely going to keep some ingredients on hand for this~

    Had to look this up and it looks delicious. Definitely going to keep some ingredients on hand for this~

    3 votes
  10. Comment on What do you eat when you're sick? in ~food

    Link Parent
    I thought I was alone on the chocolate cravings while being sick. May I suggest champorado? It's a Filipino chocolate rice pudding and it keeps pretty well. I understand if it's just too much...

    I thought I was alone on the chocolate cravings while being sick. May I suggest champorado? It's a Filipino chocolate rice pudding and it keeps pretty well. I understand if it's just too much effort when you're sick though!

    4 votes
  11. Comment on What do you eat when you're sick? in ~food

    Link Parent
    Thank you for this. I've been so resigned to making smoothie kits that I've neglected normal fresh fruit...

    Thank you for this. I've been so resigned to making smoothie kits that I've neglected normal fresh fruit...

    4 votes
  12. Comment on What do you eat when you're sick? in ~food

    Link Parent
    I remember this pasta! I didn't realize it was discontinued. Is there a different brand you like? Definitely adding this to my repertoire, thank you.

    I remember this pasta! I didn't realize it was discontinued. Is there a different brand you like? Definitely adding this to my repertoire, thank you.

    4 votes
  13. What do you eat when you're sick?

    From chicken noodle soup to congee, no matter what cuisine or culture, what do you eat when you're sick? Since everyone around me is getting ill, I'm looking to expand my "sick food" recipes for...

    From chicken noodle soup to congee, no matter what cuisine or culture, what do you eat when you're sick? Since everyone around me is getting ill, I'm looking to expand my "sick food" recipes for drop off. Bonus points if it's easy on digestion and will keep in the fridge/freezer for awhile.

    Chicken congee is my go to because it's simple and can easily be dressed up or down.

    Thanks for all the replies! I love learning about different food (and beverages) so I hope you find something new to try yourselves.

    26 votes
  14. Comment on What was the first comic you can remember reading? in ~comics

    Because of my brother, Archie comics were the first thing I read! I only though of comics being full of superpowers, so it was nice to have a slice of life style comic.

    Because of my brother, Archie comics were the first thing I read! I only though of comics being full of superpowers, so it was nice to have a slice of life style comic.

  15. Comment on Video game recommendations in ~games

    Link Parent
    Nope! Anecdotally, I play just fine and I have chronic hand/wrist issues, so my reflexes are that of a tub of peanut butter.

    Nope! Anecdotally, I play just fine and I have chronic hand/wrist issues, so my reflexes are that of a tub of peanut butter.

  16. Comment on US maternal deaths more than doubled over twenty years in ~health

    Link Parent
    US based non-white and former medical tech here. There are a lot of failure points in the US healthcare system from the top-down. If you live near a major city or a well developed area, you may...

    US based non-white and former medical tech here. There are a lot of failure points in the US healthcare system from the top-down.

    If you live near a major city or a well developed area, you may take for granted the programs and quality of healthcare around you. It's shameful to realize that it's not like that for much of the US. If you aren't located in an at minimum "middle-class" area, most likely there isn't enough wealth in your local economy to fund many of the social programs that seek to support and educate women and their families regarding this.

    The system favors the wealthy and disparages those who aren't. Many don't get the care they need because they simply can't afford it even if it is at greater risk to their life. And even if you do have insurance, it's sadly not uncommon to worry incessantly/have to fight them to ensure coverage while undergoing medical treatment.

    When the article mentions systemic racism, is this hyperbole or is there some merit to the claim?

    As someone who has worked in both hospital and private clinic settings, all it takes is one "racist, sexist, etc." healthcare professional to write a patient as being "difficult" in their chart and that is going to be the first impression for many healthcare workers before they even meet the patient. Systemic racism has always been a problem in this country and ethnic bias doesn't get better in a primarily white dominated field. Many minorities have historically been suspicious of seeking medical treatment and I honestly can't blame them. A doctor is a doctor no matter the color until you receive poor treatment just one time.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on Without saying where you live, where do you live? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Correct~ I was very surprised learning it's not more of a thing elsewhere in the US. Regardless, it's still fun to try everyone's version of it!

    Correct~ I was very surprised learning it's not more of a thing elsewhere in the US. Regardless, it's still fun to try everyone's version of it!

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Without saying where you live, where do you live? in ~talk

    Deep dish pizza.

    Deep dish pizza.

    8 votes
  19. Comment on Let's add (and rearrange?) some groups + a few notes about other short-term plans in ~tildes.official

    The few I'd love to see would be ~comics (like r/comics), ~plants (houseplants, succulents, gardening, etc), ~pets, and ~cleaningtips. If there are subgroups that would fit for these, please let...

    The few I'd love to see would be ~comics (like r/comics), ~plants (houseplants, succulents, gardening, etc), ~pets, and ~cleaningtips. If there are subgroups that would fit for these, please let me know!

    8 votes
  20. Comment on Video game recommendations in ~games

    Link Parent
    I get that! In the beginning, in the beginning it was a slog and I didn't understand why my friends loved it so much, but upping the difficulty and getting a variety of overclocks changed how I...

    I get that! In the beginning, in the beginning it was a slog and I didn't understand why my friends loved it so much, but upping the difficulty and getting a variety of overclocks changed how I played a lot. To each their own though! Whether you're part of DRG or not, just rock and stone, brother!

    3 votes