Thales's recent activity

  1. Comment on US President Joe Biden reportedly more open to calls for him to step aside as candidate in ~news

    Link Parent
    I've been thinking the same. An open convention with real stakes on the line (whoever wins gets to run for President!) actually sounds like it could potentially build a surge of momentum and...

    Sure, historically, open conventions were not the kind of choreographed pageantry we expect nowadays, but wouldn’t that also mean they’re more fun to watch? Politicians would have to make speeches that matter. Imagine the ratings. It’s like a reality TV show.

    I've been thinking the same. An open convention with real stakes on the line (whoever wins gets to run for President!) actually sounds like it could potentially build a surge of momentum and enthusiasm in the run-up to November. This drama around Biden and the possibility that he could be replaced with a younger, "more exciting" candidate has had me glued to US election news for the first time in months. I'm not sure if that's just because I'm casually into politics (maybe the non-voters we need to bring in wouldn't care), but I feel like there's a real possibility that this could turn into a spectacle--in a good way.

    People love drama!

    Harnessing that energy could be really dangerous, but it could also be very powerful. "Biden's getting dumped! The President is getting dumped?! And now they're holding a lightning round mini-election to replace him???" I think people will pay attention.

    "Ability to defeat Trump" needs to be the top criterion for choosing a new candidate though. It can't be "who's kissed the most ass and won the most favours?" among Democrat insiders. You also need to make sure no one becomes so toxic in the convention that you can't get people to rally around them after the selection is complete.

    Done right, I think this could go well.

    Let me add three disclaimers: 1) I'm not American, and 2) I actually like Joe Biden and think he's done good work in a post-COVID America; I'm sorry to see him going out like this, and 3) like you, "there's a lot I don't know about politics".

    12 votes
  2. Comment on Doctors try a controversial technique to reduce the transplant organ shortage in ~health

    Link Parent
    Also, let me reassure you that I don't need an organ right this second! If there were abundant donor organs and if transplant were risk-free, I'd probably have a new one sooner rather than later....

    I do wish very much for you to receive a donor organ very soon

    Also, let me reassure you that I don't need an organ right this second!

    If there were abundant donor organs and if transplant were risk-free, I'd probably have a new one sooner rather than later. But because there are so many risks with transplantation and so few organs, and because my symptoms can be managed with medication, I won't be put on a list for another few years.

    It's a very strange, very poorly understand condition. I feel terrible for those with a fast progression and those whose symptoms cannot be managed through medication.

    4 votes
  3. Comment on Doctors try a controversial technique to reduce the transplant organ shortage in ~health

    Link Parent
    Thank you for clarifying your position. You're totally right in assuming that I wouldn't want an organ from someone with a strong chance at recovery who hopefully would have gone on to many more...

    Thank you for clarifying your position. You're totally right in assuming that I wouldn't want an organ from someone with a strong chance at recovery who hopefully would have gone on to many more years of health and happiness. Just the idea of snatching away someone else's chance at resuscitation for my own gain is repulsive.

    Let me cop to an embarrassing oversight: I totally missed the comment you posted elsewhere on this topic (your comment with excerpts from the ACP). I thought you were merely making an argument against NRP on the basis that these organ collectors aren't showing the proper reverence for the bodies.

    Now that I've seen the ACP statement, I understand how much more complex this situation is than I originally appreciated. I totally agree with this statement from the ACP:

    It is tragic when a patient dies awaiting a needed organ. But organ procurement and
    transplantation must satisfy ethical standards in meeting this need. NRP-cDCD raises profound
    ethical questions regarding the dead donor rule, fundamental ethical obligations of respect,
    beneficence, and justice, and the categorical imperative to never use one individual merely as a
    means to serve the ends of another, no matter how noble or good those ends may be.

    Thank you for your patience and for your willingness to explain your position! You have raised an interesting ethical quandary to my attention. I categorically do not want an organ from someone with a good chance at survival--but at what percentage are the odds at recovery "good enough"?

    Something to meditate on. Thank you again for your patience.

    5 votes
  4. Comment on Gladiator II | Official trailer in ~movies

    Link Parent
    I was curious to see if Hans Zimmer was involved in the sequel at all given how long it's been since the original. Apparently he has passed the reigns to a former assistant, Harry Gregson...

    I've no idea why in the hell they thought anything but Hans was appropriate for this. The soundtrack to the first one is iconic, and is such an integral part of why that movie is great.

    I was curious to see if Hans Zimmer was involved in the sequel at all given how long it's been since the original.

    Apparently he has passed the reigns to a former assistant, Harry Gregson Williams. He spoke a bit about the transition in an interview with


    HZ: It’s really very simple. I’ve done that world. And I think I did it well. And all I’d do is set myself up for either trying to repeat myself, which I don’t want to do, or getting slaughtered by critics who say you didn’t do it as well as you did the first time. We have a gladiator fight in Dune: Part Two, right? We have a gladiator fight in Gladiator obviously, but they couldn’t be more different! I liked the idea of moving on and not getting compared to my own work. One way or the other I’d had enough of that, doing three Batman movies or four Pirates [of the Caribbean] movies or four Kung Fu Panda movies. And Gladiator takes a special place in my heart. I think it’s completely undisciplined. It wouldn’t have mattered if I had written the most amazing score, because the music in the first movie sticks in people’s hearts.

    I had that experience doing the live[-action] version of The Lion King. I tried to step out of my own vocabulary. Every time I did, it just didn’t work. So all I could do was repeat myself. You owe it to yourself, and to the audience, to try to do new things. And I want to say something about [Gladiator 2 composer] Harry Gregson Williams, who started out as my assistant. He was very good friends with both Tony and Ridley Scott. Harry is family for me. He’s a phenomenal composer. That film is in really good hands. Trust me. Harry and I have spoken about it. He feels the old score barking at his heels a little bit. So he’s on his A game.

    15 votes
  5. Comment on Doctors try a controversial technique to reduce the transplant organ shortage in ~health

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Grief is one of the hardest things I've ever dealt with. There are so many parts to the grieving process, and one of those parts is caring for a person's remains in a way that symbolizes just how...

    The justification is materialist and utilitarian.


    I'm taking myself off the list.

    Grief is one of the hardest things I've ever dealt with. There are so many parts to the grieving process, and one of those parts is caring for a person's remains in a way that symbolizes just how much they meant to us. You're right: a person's body isn't just a vessel for their organs. A loved one's body is the way we interacted with them throughout their lifespan. It's the arms that comforted us, the heart that beat against our chest, the face that greeted us every time we saw them.

    You can call organ donation (and methods like NRP) utilitarian--but only, I think, in the sense that they are intended to "maximize happiness and well-being for the affected individuals.".

    The purpose of organ donation, fundamentally, is to give us more time with our loved ones while they're still alive.

    If I do not receive an organ transplant at some point in the next 15 years, I will likely die in my 40s.

    Not because I drank too much or ate profligately or did anything at all to worsen my health. (I have lived a very quiet, unexciting life). But a genetic abnormality that I was born with means that I will die if there is no organ transplant waiting for me.

    It will be after many years of suffering. My malfunctioning organ will slowly break down and leak poison into my bloodstream. Doctors know extremely little about my condition. There is no treatment for it, nothing to slow it down. The symptoms drive many people into mental illness.

    The only cure for me is an organ transplant.

    If everyone takes their name off the organ donation lists, my family will get to have a long, gentle goodbye with me--the sort you described in your post.

    But they will say goodbye to me in my 40s.

    You're right that the description of Dr Sellers' behaviour around the body is crass. But please don't allow one person's poorly chosen words and lack of reverence for the deceased to prompt you to turn your back on organ donation altogether. Sellers' lack of sensitivity doesn't mean you can't treat your loved ones with dignity and respect.

    It doesn't mean I won't thank my donor every day and honour their memory for lending me a little more time with the people I love.

    Edit: I totally missed chocobean's post about the American College of Physicians' thoughts on NRP. Here is my response with that additional context. I think chocobean raises a good point: I, as a future organ recipient, absolutely do not want an organ from someone who had a good chance at resuscitation--but how high does the probability of resuscitation have to be for us to label a chance "good"?

    13 votes
  6. Comment on Gladiator II | Official trailer in ~movies

    Fascinating that this is now the third big-budget production I’ve seen to use an ill-fitting Kanye West song in its trailer. As someone who no longer actively listens to his music and who would...

    Fascinating that this is now the third big-budget production I’ve seen to use an ill-fitting Kanye West song in its trailer.

    As someone who no longer actively listens to his music and who would love to see him deplatformed until he makes a meaningful effort at atonement, I appreciate that they cut around Kanye’s voice to highlight Frank Ocean and Jay Z, at least. I have to wonder why they felt the need to include the song at all, though.

    A “coliseum floor” pun doesn’t seem worth it when you have access to Hans Zimmer.

    20 votes
  7. Comment on Canada cannot afford another lost economic decade in ~finance

    Link Parent
    Not to mention the beginnings of a national pharmacare program. Currently it will only cover diabetes medication and birth control, but it's a start. Pharmacare is the sort of common sense policy...

    I like that they got dental care out of Trudeau, and they're working on childcare

    Not to mention the beginnings of a national pharmacare program.

    Currently it will only cover diabetes medication and birth control, but it's a start.

    Pharmacare is the sort of common sense policy that I am pleased to see the government taking action on.

    • Unlike dental or eye care, it doesn't require buy-in from providers (drug companies will gladly bid for the opportunity to be the national provider of pharmaceuticals).

    • It improves QoL (by enabling people to get the medication they need) and thereby likely has hidden benefits for productivity.

    • It is also likely to reduce some strain/spending in the healthcare system because people are less likely to skip medications to save money.

    • AND, on top of all that, it will actually reduce the amount Canadians are currently spending on medications (on average) because a single-payer system has enormous negotiation power to demand lower drug prices:

    The PBO estimates cost savings on drug expenditures of $1.4 billion in 2024-25, with that figure increasing to $2.2 billion by 2027-28.

    CTV News.

    This is the sort of no-brainer public policy I would love to see more of in Canada.

    It's frustrating that the Liberals had to be pressured into this (and dental care) by the NDP, and that they're rushing it out at the 11th hour, but it's something.

    16 votes
  8. Comment on After a shaky debate performance top US Democrats talk about replacing Joe Biden on the ticket in ~misc

    Link Parent
    Even if he were interested in running, he's unfortunately already served two terms. It would have been something to watch him eviscerate Trump in debates, though.

    Even if he were interested in running, he's unfortunately already served two terms. It would have been something to watch him eviscerate Trump in debates, though.

    10 votes
  9. Comment on Metroid Prime 4: Beyond | Announcement trailer – Nintendo Switch in ~games

    Link Parent
    The Metroid Prime: Remastered (2023) was beautifully done but, as you said, held back in a couple place's by the game's original design. (Although it remains very fun). Visually MP4 looks like it...

    The Metroid Prime: Remastered (2023) was beautifully done but, as you said, held back in a couple place's by the game's original design. (Although it remains very fun). Visually MP4 looks like it will be every bit as impressive.

    Hope development hell didn't compromise the vision for this.

    I think Nintendo would be willing to give Retro a little more time to set up the perfect MP4 if necessary, given that they've seemingly been trying to build up Metroid's status as an IP the past few years. I think the market forces are in a pretty good place for allowing Retro/Nintendo to take their time and get it right: they know Metroid's not a big enough franchise right now that profits will suffer if they don't deliver a new installment ASAP--but they sense that it could be a huge franchise if they take their time to produce something groundbreaking.

    It's encouraging to me that they were literally willing to keep Pikmin 4 in development for 10 years to make sure they got it right (although I feel for the suffering of Pikmin fans).


    As an aside, I was absolutely stunned to see this announcement today. This was the best Direct for me in recent memory.

    5 votes
  10. Comment on The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom | Announcement trailer – Nintendo Switch in ~games

    Link Parent
    Unfortunately didn't like BotW either. It's been a lean few years for me. Between the similar map, sandbox mechanics, non-linear gameplay, and CA$90 (+tax) price-tag, I just sensed it wasn't a...

    If you didn't give TotK a shot at all, but you like BotW

    Unfortunately didn't like BotW either. It's been a lean few years for me.

    Between the similar map, sandbox mechanics, non-linear gameplay, and CA$90 (+tax) price-tag, I just sensed it wasn't a game for me. I may pick it up used at some point but I'm in no rush.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom | Announcement trailer – Nintendo Switch in ~games

    Link Parent
    Yes, have been asking for this for years! Some people proposed just allowing you to pick between Link/Zelda at the start of new games (with varying degrees of character customization) but I vastly...

    It's high time we got a game with Zelda as the protagonist

    Yes, have been asking for this for years!

    Some people proposed just allowing you to pick between Link/Zelda at the start of new games (with varying degrees of character customization) but I vastly prefer this.

    Zelda getting her own game, fighting style, story, etc. is cool and long overdue.

    I'm excited to see how they merge 2D formula with the recent "innovations" in the Zelda design. Hopefully they find a way to keep the good and cut the bad. Part of why I skipped TotK (the first mainline Zelda I've skipped in my lifetime) was because of the apparent emphasis on sandbox-style gameplay. The "solve problems however you want!" attitude in the trailer is worrisome but at least we won't have to wait long to see what reviewers say.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on May 2024 Backlog Burner: Conclusion and Recap in ~games

    Link Parent
    Blasphemous is awesome! As I wrote in a thread a couple years back: Not sure if you're aware but there's a sequel, Blasphemous 2, that was also fairly well-received! Haven't played it yet myself...

    Blasphemous was also better than I expected. I'm probably about 2/3rds of the way through the game now, but I expect to finish it this week. I'm including it in this list not because it necessarily spoke to me on some deep level, or that I resonated with the story (which I still find rather cryptic), but because it had a specific vision and managed to deliver on it. And mechanically I just found it fun. Blasphemous borrows a lot from Souls games, but it does so thoughtfully and selectively. A lot of games will copy all mechanics without really considering if they actually work well for their specific game or not.

    Blasphemous is awesome! As I wrote in a thread a couple years back:

    The artstyle for this game is gorgeous, one of my top 10 for any indie game. It's ignited an enduring ardour in me for weird saints, disturbing Catholic relics, and creepy Christian iconography.

    If anyone was scared away by the early reviews criticizing the game's controls and difficulty spikes, the dev team took that feedback and released a series of patches that mostly cleared up the issues. It's a very fluid, fun game now.

    (Though some of the side-quests and secret areas are absurdly obscure and difficult to find. Trying to 100% the game without a guide would be grueling).

    Not sure if you're aware but there's a sequel, Blasphemous 2, that was also fairly well-received! Haven't played it yet myself but I've had it in my wish-list for a while. (Maybe a good candidate for next year's backlog burner ;)).

    4 votes
  13. Comment on No love for fiction or literary pursuits on Tildes? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Did you just call Ursula K. Le Guin a niche author? Sir (literally knighted by the Queen) Terry Pratchett? How could you do this to me, pyeri ;)

    Haven't read any of the other niche authors

    Did you just call Ursula K. Le Guin a niche author?

    Sir (literally knighted by the Queen) Terry Pratchett?

    How could you do this to me, pyeri ;)

    6 votes
  14. Comment on Wicked | Official trailer in ~movies

    Link Parent
    You may already know this but Grande did actually get her start acting in musicals/TV: Ariana Grande’s Wiki article That’s not to say that “Nickelodeon star” = great actor, of course, but she’s at...

    Regarding the cast (and again, with ignorance of the Wicked characters), I'm iffy about Ariana Grande. She can sing, but can she act? I did like her small part in Don't Look Up.

    You may already know this but Grande did actually get her start acting in musicals/TV:

    Grande began her career at age 15 by appearing in the Broadway musical 13 (2008). She rose to prominence for her performance as Cat Valentine in the Nickelodeon television series Victorious (2010–2013) and its spin-off series Sam & Cat (2013–2014).

    That’s not to say that “Nickelodeon star” = great actor, of course, but she’s at least got a fair bit of experience in comedic roles.

    Maybe someone who watched Victorious or Sam & Cat can speak to her performance there and how they think it will translate to a more dramatic role.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Kendrick Lamar - Meet the Grahams (2024) in ~music

    Link Parent
    Earlier today I spoke with a friend who is firmly on the side of "Drake is a victim here". I walked away feeling conflicted (how fitting...). There's a lot I don't like about the beef. As I said...

    Earlier today I spoke with a friend who is firmly on the side of "Drake is a victim here".

    I walked away feeling conflicted (how fitting...).


    There's a lot I don't like about the beef. As I said above, I've always been a bigger Kendrick fan than a Drake fan, so I've been more inclined to take Kendrick's "side" in this.

    But the second Kendrick said, "I think n***** like [Drake] should die // Him and Weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest their life," I did think Kendrick crossed a line. Doubly so when he reminded listeners via the "Not Like Us" cover art that Drake's address is easy to look up.


    My friend added an interesting point this morning after news of the shooting broke. He compared Kendrick calling Drake a pedophile to Pizzagate and said violence was inevitable. I agreed that Kendrick had some level of culpability assuming the shooting was beef-oriented.


    BUT, as I said above I think it was appropriate for Kendrick to call Drake out for spending too much time around girls and young women. I don't think an artist whose lyrics are as overtly sexual as Drake's and who spends a lot of time talking about sliding into girls' DMs needs to be offering "advice" to girls and young women. The situation gives off major bad vibes and I think it needs to stop.


    BUT my friend made another interesting point, which is that despite the bad vibes I'm getting... there are no public accusations against Drake and there's no actual evidence of wrongdoing.

    It's all just "this dude/situation gives off bad vibes", and "Kendrick says he's a pedophile".



    I think we all agree that violence is wrong. Likely we agree that Kendrick went too far in saying Drake should die.

    But what do we think of Kendrick repeatedly calling Drake a pedophile without offering any evidence?

    Did he go too far? And is the public going too far in embracing the image of Drake as a "pedophile"?

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Kendrick Lamar - Meet the Grahams (2024) in ~music

    Link Parent
    I think Drake's early work and his beef with Meek Mill were what gave him what little street cred he had/has. That was when my appreciation for him peaked, especially with Back to Back (what a...

    Drake has never been very high on my list of artists. I didn't think he was bad but not my style. So I'm surprised to hear anyone thought Drake was a "hard MC." He always came off as kind of as more pop/R&B/rap to me. A guy you'd see at parties/clubs with a large entourage.

    I think Drake's early work and his beef with Meek Mill were what gave him what little street cred he had/has. That was when my appreciation for him peaked, especially with Back to Back (what a time that was to be a Drake fan).

    "The hardest MC" is a line from Drake's 2023 song "First Person Shooter (feat. J Cole)", which is what reignited the Kendrick/Drake beef. J Cole raps:

    Love when they argue the hardest MC
    Is it K-Dot? Is it Aubrey? Or me?
    We the big three like we started a league

    TBH, I thought the idea of "The Big 3" was laughable the first time I heard it. Like you, I've always been a much bigger fan of Kendrick fan than Drake. I feel both of them have been overrated at times, but Kendrick is a real artist, and that's undeniable imo. J Cole is nothing to me, so I thought it was hilarious that he tried to lump himself in with commercial titan Drake and critical darling Kendrick.

    But apparently the idea of "the big 3" is a real thing?.


    Anyway, I basically agree with you: I felt right from the start that Kendrick would trounce Drake on lyrics.

    BUT, what has actually kind of stunned me is that Kendrick has also won over the public. Drake has always been flashier and had more commercial appeal, so I was fully expecting him to win in the court of public opinion. After Mr. Morale (which I loved but which had few bangers) I think I forgot Kendrick was still the guy who put out mAAd city, Backseat Freestyle, DNA, etc.

    I think Drake thought the same, and he underestimated how motivated Kendrick was to sink him.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on Kendrick Lamar - Meet the Grahams (2024) in ~music

    Link Parent
    I think the best that can be said for Drake at this point is that he can make an argument for being the second best rapper of the 2010s generation. Pushups and Family Matters showcase some of his...

    I think he's held his own

    I think the best that can be said for Drake at this point is that he can make an argument for being the second best rapper of the 2010s generation. Pushups and Family Matters showcase some of his best rapping in recent years. He really does his best work against the wall.


    But putting aside the unsubstantiated claims (e.g. Drake has a second daughter, Kendrick beats his partner), I feel like Kendrick has skewered Drake on the stuff that is verifiable.

    1. Authenticity ("Culture vulture")
      As you noted WRT authenticity, Drake often comes off as a poser. I'm not someone to put great store in claims of "cultural appropriation" generally, and I think that criticizing Drake for not being "Black enough" is wrong. BUT, draping oneself in the trappings of hardship while actually being a child of privilege is embarrassing and it's something Drake has been guilty of his whole career.
      I definitely believe Drake had a difficult upbringing--but, compared to the awful childhood circumstances of many of his peers in hiphop, he still grew up relatively privileged. (He wasn't gang-affiliated like Kendrick or deep into drug dealing like Pusha T). Naturally his competition is going to be pissed when he tries to claim he "started from the bottom" the same way they did.
      Kendrick's done well in the beef to paint Drake as a "master manipulator" who's "Not Like Us". Now, the narrative is that Drake's been stealing stories of adversity from people who are truly at the bottom and using them like slaves (Kendrick's words, not mine...) to build himself up: "How many more fairytale stories 'bout your life 'til we had enough?" That's some brutal character assassination, as you alluded to.


    1. Drake is weird with girls and young women
      He's been getting called out on this for years, nice to see another callout from someone within the hiphop community.


    1. Who's the "hardest MC"
      Kendrick has always been more critically acclaimed than Drake. For maybe the first time in his career, however, he's also winning a larger share of the casual audience than Drake. Even though there have been points where Drake's flow was arguably more impressive (the second and third parts of Family Matters are particularly impressive to me), Kendrick's had the catchier bars and the harder hitting lyrics/delivery.
      And while I know this has little-to-no relevance in this kind of beef, I also like that Kendrick's resorted to less juvenility than Drake. Makes me roll my eyes every time Drake boasts about his dick size, mocks Kendrick's height, insults the Weeknd for being popular with the gay community, mocks victims of molestation (wtf?), etc. Unfortunately both Kdot and Drake are misogynistic, however.

    If this is the end of the beef, I think Kendrick has destroyed any credibility Drake has as "the hardest MC".

    J Cole obviously bailed on that weeks ago, though, hahaha.

    7 votes
  18. Comment on A Reddit-led boycott of Loblaws, one of Canadas largest grocers, begins today in ~finance

    Link Parent
    I'd add a fourth: There are other grocery stores, they're just not as convenient to shop at Assuming comparable prices, if Loblaws is 10 minutes from your house and Metro is 12, you'd probably...

    I'm somewhat baffled by the idea. I feel like there's three scenarios:

    I'd add a fourth:

    1. There are other grocery stores, they're just not as convenient to shop at

    Assuming comparable prices, if Loblaws is 10 minutes from your house and Metro is 12, you'd probably shop at Loblaws before Metro. But if you're participating in a boycott, you might decide to just walk/drive the extra few blocks to avoid Loblaws.

    8 votes
  19. Comment on Taylor Swift adds fifteen songs to ‘The Tortured Poets Department’ with surprise release ‘The Anthology’ in ~music

    As a poetry lover, a Taylor Swift fan, and a 1975 fan, a double album is a dream. I can’t tell if I genuinely believe she could get some nominations for literary awards or if that’s just me...

    As a poetry lover, a Taylor Swift fan, and a 1975 fan, a double album is a dream.

    I can’t tell if I genuinely believe she could get some nominations for literary awards or if that’s just me getting swept up in the moment.

    Looking forward to picking over this album for months to come. I know a lot of people are skeptical of Taylor Swift because of how commercial she is but the woman can really write a song. I’ve teared up multiple times already.

    4 votes
  20. Comment on NESN’s Jack Edwards opens up about his speech issues: ‘I’m slowing down all the time’ in