Tigerbot's recent activity

  1. Comment on ESPN deal with Penn Entertainment means that watching sports will likely include watching a lot more ads for gambling in ~sports

    Link Parent
    I'm curious when you were last in the US, because for a handful of years now the NFL has been dominated by gambling ads. Every commercial break has at least one, if not two or three, ads for...

    I'm curious when you were last in the US, because for a handful of years now the NFL has been dominated by gambling ads. Every commercial break has at least one, if not two or three, ads for various betting apps. ESPN spends a chunk of every hour talking about betting lines. Peyton and Eli Manning are in commercials for Caesar's. Multiple NFL players have been suspended over the last two years due to gambling, and I honestly can't remember when that had last happened.

    It's honestly shocking how much there is. If Australia is worse than it is here then I am not looking forward to where this is heading.

    7 votes
  2. Comment on I'm curious why this topic "Shaking up the US two-party system: Cornel West’s 2024 Presidential bid, with Jill Stein" was removed? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Which is cool. I hope I didn't imply that wasn't valid if they align more with you. Honestly I wish we had a bunch of small offshoot parties that were still under the umbrella of the big two....

    Which is cool. I hope I didn't imply that wasn't valid if they align more with you. Honestly I wish we had a bunch of small offshoot parties that were still under the umbrella of the big two. Maybe we do and I just don't know about them. But until one of those parties has a swell of local support, any national campaign seems counterproductive.

    4 votes
  3. Comment on I'm curious why this topic "Shaking up the US two-party system: Cornel West’s 2024 Presidential bid, with Jill Stein" was removed? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    I would be more open to the Green Party if they had someone in literally any position of real power. According to Wikipedia there are 136 elected officials in the Green Party, and the highest...

    I would be more open to the Green Party if they had someone in literally any position of real power. According to Wikipedia there are 136 elected officials in the Green Party, and the highest ranking of any of those seems to be some mayors.

    As far as I'm concerned, until they have at the very least a good number of state seats then advocating for someone to vote Green in the presidential election is no different than posting on Facebook "A new bill passed this year let's you click this link to have your vote tallied for Joe Biden, so you won't have to go to the polls in November!".

    6 votes
  4. Comment on How did you decide about marriage? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    This is word for word how it was for us, the only difference being we got married in year 5. I know it's cliche, but for us we just knew from the start. There was no real decision moment. It was...

    This is word for word how it was for us, the only difference being we got married in year 5. I know it's cliche, but for us we just knew from the start. There was no real decision moment. It was less "should we get married?" and more "why would we not get married?".

    2 votes
  5. Comment on Lets talk roguelikes! in ~games

    Link Parent
    You've got roguelikes and roguelites backwards. Roguelikes are literally "like rogue", that is a randomized turn based dungeon crawler with no progression. Roguelites are games that take portions...

    You've got roguelikes and roguelites backwards. Roguelikes are literally "like rogue", that is a randomized turn based dungeon crawler with no progression. Roguelites are games that take portions of that concept and usually add on meta progression.

    14 votes
  6. Comment on Traffic AI | Feature highlights #2 | Cities: Skylines II in ~games

    One of the potentially biggest things is barely mentioned in the video, but is said explicitly in the blog post: there is no agent limit. The only limiting factor of your city's population is your...

    One of the potentially biggest things is barely mentioned in the video, but is said explicitly in the blog post: there is no agent limit. The only limiting factor of your city's population is your computer. Combined with the traffic AI being completely revamped, the way a city functions might feel completely different from CS1.

    4 votes
  7. Comment on The AI art apocalypse in ~arts

    Link Parent
    Let me preface everything I say by making it clear I do not professionally code or write. So even though I try to empathize with people that are in this situation, I obviously am not directly...

    Let me preface everything I say by making it clear I do not professionally code or write. So even though I try to empathize with people that are in this situation, I obviously am not directly threatened by any of this.

    For me personally, I think I see the act of programming as a means to an end. There is certainly a skill to it, and in many ways it is also an artform, but the goal of programming is usually not to create good code. The goal (again, just how I see it) is to create either something that completes a task efficiently or something that is usable by a person. The important part is not the code itself; it's what the code does.

    And, importantly, I think there will still be skill involved in getting an AI to create a program that does something novel, is usable by a person, and isn't filled with bugs. At least for the near future. Eventually we might be able to tell a computer "Make an app that does x, y, and z" and it spits out a perfect program with no faults, but for the foreseeable future it will probably just be another tool that allows more people to make more things. I think that's kind of always been the goal of humanity.

    5 votes
  8. Comment on The AI art apocalypse in ~arts

    Link Parent
    This is what I think will always keep me on the "pro-AI-art" side. There are people that want to make art, but can't. For a small example: I have shaky hands. It's not horrible by any means, but...

    This argument also seems rather dismissive of those who cannot create through traditional tools. I don't think it really matters if that's due to physical disability, or simply that they haven't invested the time to learn the skills. I'm sure some will disagree with that comment, but I really dislike the idea that there's a requirement of time or effort for something to "count" as art.

    This is what I think will always keep me on the "pro-AI-art" side. There are people that want to make art, but can't. For a small example: I have shaky hands. It's not horrible by any means, but my handwriting has always been terrible. I genuinely don't think drawing/painting/whatever is ever going to go well for me.

    However, when it comes to artistic expression, I am a decent programmer and an okay writer (well, typer at least). I'm already good at those, if a little out of practice, and so if I want to make "art" then that's the path I'm going to go down. And that means I am never in my entire life going to see the images that I wish I could create.

    Except now I can. And I don't think I should be looked down upon because I spent the first 30 years of my life focusing on other forms of art that I can actually do. I feel the same about things like ChatGPT, as well. If someone has a cool idea for a story but can never seem to get the things they see in their head down on the page, then I am incredibly happy that they have another tool that can help them out.

    6 votes