sam4ritan's recent activity

  1. Comment on Hey, Tildes, what's a strong opinion you hold, but which you also feel like is the minority opinion? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    It's an old story, but appears to have actually happened: And assuming that their hiring practices have not changed since...

    It's an old story, but appears to have actually happened:

    And assuming that their hiring practices have not changed since then (after all, they were not deemed illegal by the court, so why should they change) it goes on to this day.

    3 votes
  2. Comment on Today is International Men's Day in ~life

    On November 19th, International Men's Day is observed in over 40 countries worldwide. It's primary focus is raising awareness on men's and boys' health, improving gender relations, promoting...

    On November 19th, International Men's Day is observed in over 40 countries worldwide.

    It's primary focus is raising awareness on men's and boys' health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, highlighting male role models, highlighting discrimination against men and boys and to celebrate their achievements and contributions, in particular for their contributions to community, family, marriage, and child care, as well as promoting humanitarian values in general.

    The special topic for this year is "Positive Male Role Models".

    (I've linked the Wikipedia page here because the "official" site seems to be under severe load right now and is thus not consistently available)

    16 votes
  3. A friend an I are going on vacation in Oxford (UK) next week, with an option to stay longer and travel through England. What places should we visit/things should we do under all circumstances?

    Our current plan is to stay in Oxford for three days, and "go with the flow" for the next four. In Oxford, we have a few plans, but still a lot of free time. For the remainder, we have no fixed...

    Our current plan is to stay in Oxford for three days, and "go with the flow" for the next four. In Oxford, we have a few plans, but still a lot of free time. For the remainder, we have no fixed plans other than to do the WB studio tour in London. Mobility wise we are pretty much entirely free, though ideally public transportation as opposed to renting a car would be good.

    Do you have any suggestions for what we should do in those free days?

    15 votes
  4. Comment on What upcoming games or updates are you excited about? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I just wished the other Halo titles would be ported too. Beyond Halo 1 (and i think 2), none are on PC yet. That has been the largest hurdle to me playing them so far.

    I just wished the other Halo titles would be ported too. Beyond Halo 1 (and i think 2), none are on PC yet. That has been the largest hurdle to me playing them so far.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on What upcoming games or updates are you excited about? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Dragon Age has honestly only been my third most liked IP from BioWare, after Mass Effect and Kotor. But given that ME is on ice right now, and that we will never see Kotor 3 so long as EA doesn't...

    Dragon Age has honestly only been my third most liked IP from BioWare, after Mass Effect and Kotor. But given that ME is on ice right now, and that we will never see Kotor 3 so long as EA doesn't pull its head out of its wallet, I recently replayed the entire Dragon Age trilogy, with all the DLC I could grab. And holy fade, am I hyped now to see what a certain elf is up to. (Especially since he was my favourite NPC in DA:I and I am looking forward to seeing if BioWare can still write characters as well as they used to, making him a villain that I only reluctantly want to fight)

  6. Comment on How do you back up your data? in ~talk

    I have a recovery disk of my Windows system in case it needs restoring, and I back up sensitive files on an external hard drive that I keep in a high-security vault (also known as "the bottom of...

    I have a recovery disk of my Windows system in case it needs restoring, and I back up sensitive files on an external hard drive that I keep in a high-security vault (also known as "the bottom of an IKEA storage box filled with unused cables and other computer hardware). Most everything i have on my devices I don't really care if I lose or not. Nothing is really unique or important enough for that to matter.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Tilders, would you describe yourselves as an extrovert or an introvert? in ~talk

    Introvert with good acting ability. I can work with people, and hide my growing tiredness when doing so.

    Introvert with good acting ability. I can work with people, and hide my growing tiredness when doing so.

  8. Comment on Does anyone here have a mind palace? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Interesting. I'd like to learn how and why these different kinds of awareness occur. But smarter people than I will have to crack that case.

    Interesting. I'd like to learn how and why these different kinds of awareness occur. But smarter people than I will have to crack that case.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on Does anyone here have a mind palace? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I have read of this before, and find it very interesting. I have to meditate for a while before I can stop having mental images pop up all the time. I'm wondering, when you read text, do you have...

    I have read of this before, and find it very interesting. I have to meditate for a while before I can stop having mental images pop up all the time. I'm wondering, when you read text, do you have a voice in your head reading it aloud? Or do you "just" understand it immediately?

    1 vote
  10. Comment on Does anyone here have a mind palace? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    If i did, I'd have never started this thread to begin with. :-) It was an older edition of "Stroh im Kopf" (straw in your head; it's an expression: having straw in your head means that you are,...

    If you don't mind my asking

    If i did, I'd have never started this thread to begin with. :-)

    It was an older edition of "Stroh im Kopf" (straw in your head; it's an expression: having straw in your head means that you are, for lack of a better word, an idiot) by Vera F. Birkenbihl.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    The Dalai-Lama. I think that’d make for some interesting conversation Not really. While I’d like to become a recognized expert in my field, I think actual fame would be counterproductive. No, I...

    Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

    The Dalai-Lama. I think that’d make for some interesting conversation

    Would you like to be famous? In what way?

    Not really. While I’d like to become a recognized expert in my field, I think actual fame would be counterproductive.

    Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

    No, I don’t.

    What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?

    As of right now, a day without the ever-watching specter of depression would be neat. Maybe if ice cream could be incorporated in there, that’d make it perfect.

    When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

    About two weeks ago. To someone else three weeks, if recording audio for a group project counts. Otherwise, never.

    If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30‐year‐old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

    Mind. The best maintained body doesn’t help you when dementia sets in, and I’d have a chance to maintain the body while mental deterioration will be outside of my control.

    Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?

    In a water-war.

    Name three things you and your best friend have in common.

    Interest in science, being know-it-alls, having a general tendency to antisocial behavior.

    For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

    Being born in a developed nation.

    If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

    Better discipline in dealing with food and money, so I wouldn’t have to learn it now.

    Set a timer for four minutes and type, in as much non‐identifying detail as possible, as much of your life story as you can within that timeframe.

    I was raised in a mid-sized village as the son of a doctor and a nurse. I have one sister and one brother, and we had a dog when I was young. When I grew older, my parents got divorced and my father moved out leaving my sister and me with our mother. About some years later, my mother died and my sister and I moved to our father and his new partner. I had a good education with a scientific focus and chose to specialize in computer science from eighth grade forward. By now, I am living alone, have completed an apprenticeship and am currently working on completing my Bachelor’s degree. I have had an interest in martial arts for more than a decade now and

    If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

    The discipline of a Shaolin monk.

    If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?

    I would ask it if human civilization survives the coming thousand years.

    Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?

    Yes. Because a slight lack of money and an overabundance of depression interfered.

    What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

    Passing my “Abitur” with an average grade of 1 (translates to getting an A in your APTs)

    What do you value most in a friendship?


    What is your most treasured memory?

    I don’t have any. Unsure if that’s to do with my depression or if I’m an ungrateful asshole, but I can’t think of any that would stick out.

    What is your most terrible memory?

    Dislocating my shoulder for the third time. That was the first time I was anticipating it, and that made it the most memorable one.

    If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?

    I would cash in every asset I own and do the travels I planned to do in the next ten years this year.

    What does friendship mean to you?

    People being able to rely on each other to help them in need. People being able to talk about everything and nothing at the same time.

    What roles do love and affection play in your life?

    Not a prominent one. Aside from one or the other crush, there isn’t much to talk about, and I currently have no aspirations to change that.

    Share five things you like about your romantic partner, or lacking one, best friend.

    My best friend is (mostly) reliable, honest, thinks for himself, lives far enough away so he can’t annoy me, and he is patient enough to keep up with my shit.

    How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?

    Looking back, my childhood was probably above average in terms of happiness. My family is a complicated one, as I am the only child of my father that still talks with him or his wife, both my sister and brother living in different cities and not having much contact with the rest of the family. Personally, I don’t feel too strongly for family bonds apart of my father and step-mother, and have my share of conflict with both.

    How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

    My biological mother is dead, so there isn’t much of a relationship to talk about. I have a good relationship with my step-mother, though I would classify that more as a mentor-mentee relationship than a mother-son relationship.

    Who do you want to be? How do you differ from what you want for yourself in the future? What do you want for yourself in the future?

    I want to be someone who protects people. Not individuals per se, since I am not too good at dealing with people directly, but faceless groups of people are fine. Right now, I am not able to do so, nor do I have the qualification. That direction is where I want to develop to. For myself, I want to be able to be at peace with what I do, and to know (or at least can reasonably suspect) that what I do has a positive impact on people and their lives. Even if that only means the lack of anything bad happening to them, rather than adding any good.

    Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”

    … both personal problems going beyond “I had a bad day” and personal aspirations and be helped constructively.

    If you were going to become close friends with someone reading your answers, please share what would be important for them to know.

    That when I say, “tendency to antisocial behavior”, that doesn’t mean I’m an asshole, it only means that interacting with people on bad days and/or for extended periods of time tends to make me irritable and that I sometimes lash out when that happens. It is a problem I am aware of and actively working toward solving.

    Share the five things you genuinely like the most about yourself in as much detail as possible.

    I’m a pragmatist, or trying to. While I like having a purely theoretical debate from time to time, if something has no hope of being applicable, I am generally less interested in it.
    I’m a logical thinker. I see and understand patterns and structures. It helps when working in IT.
    I’m a good listener. I know, everybody says that, but I think in my case it’s genuinely true. I’m good at offering advice to people if they ask me. It ties in with logic, pragmatism any my having a desire to limit the length of conversation that isn’t going anywhere.
    I’m loyal to my friends. If someone needs help, I help. That’s about as detailed as it gets.
    I don’t get lonely. I can spend days without interacting with any other person. That measurably reduces any drama that can happen if I have too much conversation on depressive days.

    Share an embarrassing moment in your life.

    I once walked in on my roommate when he was remembering high school math with his girlfriend and forgot to lock his door.

    When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?

    In front of other people was at my mother’s open casket funeral, seven years ago. By myself would be some months ago, at a time when tears came every time I went to sleep for several months, which was a symptom turning up prior to my developing a full-blown depression.

    If you’ve gotten this far, tell us how the idea of publicly posting your reply is affecting you mentally. What specific emotions is it stirring up? What/how do you feel knowing others will read it?

    It’s not affecting me much, given that @sam4ritan is just another identity I could theoretically abandon at any moment. The same goes for emotion, not much reaction to see here. And while I know others will read this, given the current size of Tildes, the option to delete the comment should it bite me in the ass, the mentioned disconnect between me and my online identity, the assumption that most people aren’t going to remember or connect this to my future activities even if they read it, and the general lack of interest in me personally which means that no one should have a motive to use any of this information against me, even if they could, I don’t expect any fallout to come from this.

    And for the unlikely case that some future employer sees this, I just want to say: Hi future employer. If something you have read here gives you pause, I am wondering why you went through the trouble of reading my several years old online comments if you haven’t made up your mind on me being qualified to do whatever job I applied for on a professional level yet. If you have any questions about this or any other comment, I’m sure I’ll have left some contact information with my application to you, and I’ll be happy to answer any questions.

    What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

    There are certain tiers of jokes about genocide and dictatorships which I find distasteful. Additionally, jokes about recent or highly relevant events can elicit backlash that I sympathize with.

    If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?

    I can’t think of anything. Even thinking about more generic options like telling my parents or sibling that I love them, or professing my love to some old crush, there is nothing that I would really regret not having said.

    Your place of residence, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

    My meditation cushion. I’ve owned it for more than a decade now, making it the oldest object I own and still use. It carries a lot of sentimental value to me and cannot easily be replaced.

    Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?

    That of my step-mother. She has been the only constant in all family drama through the last seven years, and I have her to thank for learning a lot of the adult-life skills I needed after coming out of school.

    Share a personal problem you’re having in your life right now, and ask any others reading this thread for advice on how to solve it.

    I have several problems, but with the exception of what is probably the most mundane of them, I’ve got all of them under control by now. The remaining on is that I can’t seem to keep my apartment clean. I’d say that this probably, on some level, ties in with my depression and the resulting lack of initiative to do just about anything, but I wasn’t exactly an orderly teenager to begin with. The “standard” tricks of making a cleaning calendar etc. I have tried and failed at. Anyone got an idea on how to solve this?

    2 votes
  12. Comment on Does anyone here have a mind palace? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Pretty much yes. It's kinda like navigating a maze to find the right exit. Human brains store information by connecting it with other data. By connecting this piece of text with a complex (read...

    Pretty much yes. It's kinda like navigating a maze to find the right exit. Human brains store information by connecting it with other data. By connecting this piece of text with a complex (read "unique") enough pathway to walk, you are essentially gaming that system.

    1 vote
  13. Comment on Does anyone here have a mind palace? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    The first is unlabeled, as the balcony and fact that it is the entrance to the library makes it easy to distinguish from the rest. It holds mostly miscellaneous information and trivia, like a...

    The first is unlabeled, as the balcony and fact that it is the entrance to the library makes it easy to distinguish from the rest. It holds mostly miscellaneous information and trivia, like a birthday calendar for friends and family.

    The second is labeled "Informatik" (all labels in german), it contains everything technical relating to computer science, i.e. Cheat Sheets and the like.

    The third is called "Geschichte" (history) for, essentially, world history. Historic events, timelines, pictures of historic people with their names. Several shelves for german history, one for european in general, one for american, the rest miscellaneous.

    Number four is "Wissenschaft" (science), everything science and tech that isn't computer science or economics (i.e. engineering, biology, chemistry, physics).

    Number five is "Wirtschaft" (economics), for info about economics as well as certrain important international and national companies. Half a shelf is dedicated to everything Elon Musk has ever done, for instance.

    Six and Seven are, as of yet, still empty and thus don't have a label aside from their floor number. I'm thinking about making 6 a politics section, to keep track of local, federal and european politicians, but that's just an idea for now. I'm worried it might destabelise the entire system given how often I'd have to change information stored there.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on Does anyone here have a mind palace? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    It can't fully be avoided, but it can be mitigated. That is, essentially, a question of patient training. When first building the palace, rooms and corridors tend to shift, dimensions change,...

    How does this Palace system handle our subconscious' problems with corrupting memories?

    It can't fully be avoided, but it can be mitigated. That is, essentially, a question of patient training. When first building the palace, rooms and corridors tend to shift, dimensions change, tiles on the floor appear and disappear etc. In my case, the new palace also mixed with elements of the old one, creating an additional level of chaos. Making sure the palace stabelises takes months. Something similar applies to the information stored there. The more stable the palace, and the more active the process of storing the information (i.e. instead of just imagining a ring binder with the info appearing in the book shelf, actually taking an empty binder and writing the label and contents with a pencil), the more reliable it becomes. Of course, there are losses, especially when dealing with such abstract methods of storage as writing (as opposed to more physical storage in the form of objects reminding you of the actual information), but it's not like you're fighting a lost fight.

  15. Comment on Does anyone here have a mind palace? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I'd go to the history section of the library, then american history, space shelf, look for the folder titled "Kennedy Speech Moon 1962". In there, one one of the seven pages (each folder has no...

    I'd go to the history section of the library, then american history, space shelf, look for the folder titled "Kennedy Speech Moon 1962". In there, one one of the seven pages (each folder has no more and no less than seven pages, even if some of them are blank), I would read "We choose to go to the Moon! We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard"

    This is a hypothetical though, I don't actually have this quote stored there. For now.

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Does anyone here have a mind palace? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    On short notice, these two wikihow articles should point you in a right direction. I used a book when I first started, but to my knowledge that has never been translated to english.

    On short notice, these two wikihow articles should point you in a right direction. I used a book when I first started, but to my knowledge that has never been translated to english.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on Does anyone here have a mind palace? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    That is, basically, the original Loci method. Following a path through your house, ideally with small hints placed corresponding with where you should be in your speech at that time. It doesn't...

    I herd Cicero recommends memorising a long speech by imagining walking though your house saying the various parts in the different rooms.

    That is, basically, the original Loci method. Following a path through your house, ideally with small hints placed corresponding with where you should be in your speech at that time.

    I think it might just confuse things to try do it just visually.

    It doesn't have to be. Information can be stored in a variety of ways. And retrieving it can be aided by talking aloud (describing your way through the archive etc.), for instance.

    Also how do you keep things in order, what stops you from just remembering the various rooms and not what order they come in.

    Discipline and a pre-done floor plan. My library has seven floors. Each has a sign above the stairs telling which floor number it has and which topic that floor is concerned with. That keeps them from "interfering" with each other.

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Does anyone here have a mind palace? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    This ties in very well with your next question... It is stored permanently, but retrieving info that was untouched for a long time requires more concentration. Roaming the library can help with...

    How is your long term retention like, does it help to go over the shelves when looking for something just to remind you what's there?

    This ties in very well with your next question...

    Do you find you have to look over stuff as a refresher or is it just stored permanently.

    It is stored permanently, but retrieving info that was untouched for a long time requires more concentration. Roaming the library can help with that, as it keeps all information relatively fresh.

    FInally do you have any of this written down, i.e. a description of your library a brief layout etc.

    Back when I was designing my palace, i made a floor plan and a few drawings of the interior. It helped me create a stable building (as details tend to shift around if you aren't careful, which messes up the pathfinding a dangerous lot).

    I find it's super easy to get lost in trying to figure out if what I have rememebered is really what it was or some morfed version that I half constructed now.

    Yeah, i know that all too well. That's why i started using the palace. For generalized knowledge, it's not much of an advantage, but when precision is needed (i.e. when you have to recall an exact quote), it is a major upgrade.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on Does anyone here have a mind palace? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    If you go about it the right way, yes. The thing you have to understand is that setting up a proper mind palace takes months before you can use it reliably. Think of it as navigating your...

    If you go about it the right way, yes. The thing you have to understand is that setting up a proper mind palace takes months before you can use it reliably. Think of it as navigating your apartment or house, but blindfolded. Once you manage to do it, it becomes as easy as doing it with your eyes open. But if you rush through the process, you're gonna end up with a lot of stubbed toes.

    3 votes