yai's recent activity

  1. Comment on Disappearing movies and games: How safe is your digital collection? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    You make some good points but you're forgetting to factor in the cost of internet/bandwidth. Here in Canada you're probably looking at another $1000/year to have access with caps that you wouldn't...

    You make some good points but you're forgetting to factor in the cost of internet/bandwidth. Here in Canada you're probably looking at another $1000/year to have access with caps that you wouldn't hit every month if you're using streaming services for music, movies, and tv.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on Disappearing movies and games: How safe is your digital collection? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The difference is if something like Amazon decides to end a digital service, it affects EVERYONE who participated. If someone gets robbed, they don't rob everyone who ever owned a physical book....

    The difference is if something like Amazon decides to end a digital service, it affects EVERYONE who participated. If someone gets robbed, they don't rob everyone who ever owned a physical book. But yes, physical has its drawbacks as well. Personally I use digital media over physical, but I'm not invested in content that I don't control myself. I have a media server that stores all my movies/tv/music/ebooks and then I have backups somewhere separate.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on We're no longer in smartphone plateau. We're in the smartphone decline in ~tech

    Link Parent
    That thing looks like what I've been looking for. I just don't get why it has 16gigs of storage without a camera or a way to have music on it. Looks promising though.

    That thing looks like what I've been looking for. I just don't get why it has 16gigs of storage without a camera or a way to have music on it. Looks promising though.

    5 votes
  4. Comment on Stop buying crap, and companies will stop making crap in ~life.style

    Link Parent
    That's not going to happen though. Ever.

    That's not going to happen though. Ever.

    7 votes
  5. Comment on So, I've just finished Netflix's Maniac in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Yes, it changes a lot.

    Yes, it changes a lot.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Honestly, I can't remember why I picked Opera over Firefox when I was testing out browsers. It's been a few years though and it's always good to see where everything is at so I'm going to install...

    Honestly, I can't remember why I picked Opera over Firefox when I was testing out browsers. It's been a few years though and it's always good to see where everything is at so I'm going to install it and take it for a test ride this week.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on What are you reading these days? #7 in ~books

    I've been going through Scott Hawkin's "The Library at Mount Char" for a re-read. It's good, but it's not as good the second time as it was the first. I've been reading a lot of sci-fi and fantasy...

    I've been going through Scott Hawkin's "The Library at Mount Char" for a re-read. It's good, but it's not as good the second time as it was the first. I've been reading a lot of sci-fi and fantasy this year so I'll probably switch it up and read some non-fiction after I'm done this one.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on What are you reading these days? #7 in ~books

    Link Parent
    That was in Canada, and yes people were sent to labour camps.

    That was in Canada, and yes people were sent to labour camps.

    3 votes
  9. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    Link Parent
    It does if you don't want your browser tracking everything you do on the internet.

    It does if you don't want your browser tracking everything you do on the internet.

    1 vote
  10. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    Personally I find Opera is a great alternative for anyone looking for something that's not Chrome. I switched about 2 years ago when I noticed that Chrome was responsible for my poor laptop...

    Personally I find Opera is a great alternative for anyone looking for something that's not Chrome. I switched about 2 years ago when I noticed that Chrome was responsible for my poor laptop battery life. It's got built-in VPN and ad-blocker and isn't a crazy resource hog.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    The past few weeks I've started going through all the releases I've found from 2018 and going through them all again to see if they'll make it on my year-end list. I've also listened to some stuff...

    The past few weeks I've started going through all the releases I've found from 2018 and going through them all again to see if they'll make it on my year-end list. I've also listened to some stuff that I skipped over or that slipped by me earlier in the year.

    After giving it a bit of a break, I can definitely say that MGMT's Little Dark Age is probably a top contender for me. It's just so dumb and fun with a really sardonic lyrical style. I definitely listened to this album on repeat when it had first released. It kind of surprised me because the only other MGMT album I found myself enjoying was Congratulations so it's nice to see they can still get my attention, even if not consistently.

    Ross From Friends' Family Portrait was a huge find for me this year. It's kinda like lo-fi house music. It's got some great grooves and just overall a great listen while you're studying or working out. I had heard some of his earlier stuff but none of it really grabbed me like this one did.

    This week specifically I've been trying to get into the new Panda Bear. I think it's got serious potential but still doesn't really reach the highs of his previous efforts. I'm liking the new direction in sound a lot more than what we got on PBMTGR though.

    Been really into Ritual Necromancy's Disinterred Horror lately as well. I listened to it maybe once when it came out earlier this year but since coming back to it it's really pulled me in. Maybe it's just the weather but I really love listening to metal in the winter.

  12. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    I mean it's crazy how much people make just by having lots of followers and posting pictures on Instagram but I would say that the people that follow these accounts enable that kind of situation....

    I mean it's crazy how much people make just by having lots of followers and posting pictures on Instagram but I would say that the people that follow these accounts enable that kind of situation. I stopped using Instagram when random ads started popping up in my feed. I used to use it as a personal photo album and only followed close friends who I wanted to keep in touch with, but the platform has become one giant ad-space so I don't see a point in participating anymore. Consumerism is disgusting, you can't escape it.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on Is eating vegan really the best diet for the planet? I tried it for a month. in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    Having worked in the craft beer industry for years I can say that making beer is horrible for the environment. So much chemical byproduct and waste that just gets dumped down the drain.

    Having worked in the craft beer industry for years I can say that making beer is horrible for the environment. So much chemical byproduct and waste that just gets dumped down the drain.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on Black Mesa | Xen trailer in ~games

    Wow this looks so beautiful!

    Wow this looks so beautiful!

    1 vote