Is there a way to globally switch out a word
I want to switch out the name of a certain "technology" on any website with "sand castle" in the hopes that my daily browsing gets a lot funnier. if it works i will as well think of a good word for any POTUS and maybe musk and bezos :'-)
I thouht it might maybe work with ublock? i have never done anything advanced with it so i dont know.
There are many of these available in the form of extensions. Be careful though, you don't want to end up like the person that used the extension that replaces "the cloud" with "my butt" in an Amazon job posting.
Or the NYT writer who referred to the "Great Recession" as "the Time of Shedding and Cold Rocks" (scroll to the bottom of the article).
thank you. that works on desktop, but i want to use it on mobile firefox and addons there are heavily restricted :-/
Fairly easy to add extensions on Firefox Android if that's what you are using!
Just make your own collection and add the ID and name to the app, you'll be able to add any Firefox extension to the mobile browser, most of which work.
I even have tampermonkey running and a bunch of custom scripts.
firefox quo vadis? why does it always have to be complicated :-)
Unfortunately there's not much you can do if it's not possible through the extension API.
If you know Javascript you could fork cloud-to-butt and change the words it uses
I like that. It's like replacing a certain meteorological phenomenon by "other people computers".