11 votes

aconfmgr: A configuration manager for Arch Linux


  1. [6]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      Yea, I had a similiar love affair with Endeavor when I was sick of delays for Discord updates on Tumbleweed. The KDE6 update has been a bit of a shitshow. I ended up switching to only using...

      Yea, I had a similiar love affair with Endeavor when I was sick of delays for Discord updates on Tumbleweed.

      The KDE6 update has been a bit of a shitshow.

      I ended up switching to only using Discord in a web browser anyway, and I'm missing all of the other refinements of OpenSUSE. So I'll probably repave soon.

      2 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        I just shove proprietary apps in as flatpaks. It's less space efficient but I also don't have to manage esoteric/outdated library changes system-wide to keep apps running. I'm using Fedora Atomic...

        I just shove proprietary apps in as flatpaks. It's less space efficient but I also don't have to manage esoteric/outdated library changes system-wide to keep apps running.

        I'm using Fedora Atomic which sort of requires it, but I was doing this on Arch, Tumbleweed and Debian anyway.

        2 votes
        1. vord
          Link Parent
          Yea, I should probably do that. It's one more thing to have to manage though.

          Yea, I should probably do that. It's one more thing to have to manage though.

      2. [2]
        Link Parent
        @lou and @vord: what was your process for system upgrades and did you use pacman -Syu or yay with no args or…? Don’t intend to talk you into giving Arch another try, just curious.

        @lou and @vord: what was your process for system upgrades and did you use pacman -Syu or yay with no args or…?

        Don’t intend to talk you into giving Arch another try, just curious.

        1. vord
          Link Parent
          On Endeavor: eos-update --yay And I let SteamOS do it's thing on my Deck. At the end of the day, I've come to the conclusion that Arch is a great foundation for building a distro moreso than a...

          On Endeavor: eos-update --yay

          And I let SteamOS do it's thing on my Deck.

          At the end of the day, I've come to the conclusion that Arch is a great foundation for building a distro moreso than a solid distro itself. It needs that extra layer of pre-configuration and testing to smooth out the experience. As such, I think Endeavor is quite good, still actively using it. But I enjoyed Tumbleweed more at the end of the day, even if it took a bit longer of an initial setup.

          1 vote