13 votes

Day 3: Crossed Wires

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2019/day/3

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Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. mrnd
    So, this year's event is my first experience with Elixir, so this is very likely not that elixiry. Even just glancing over this now, I saw a few obvious improvements. But it works, so. Both...

    So, this year's event is my first experience with Elixir, so this is very likely not that elixiry. Even just glancing over this now, I saw a few obvious improvements. But it works, so.

    Both solutions are in the same file and use common functions, so I won't try to split them.

    Part 1 and Part 2
    defmodule Day3 do
      def solution_part1(filename) do
        |> Enum.map(fn {a, _} -> a end)
        |> Enum.min_by(&manhattan/1)
        |> manhattan
      def solution_part2(filename) do
        |> Enum.min_by(&combined_steps/1)
        |> combined_steps
      defp get_wire_intersections(filename) do
        wire1 =
          parse_input(filename, 0)
          |> navigate()
        wire2 =
          parse_input(filename, 1)
          |> navigate()
        intersection_recurser(wire1, wire2, []) |> tl
      defp navigate(route) do
        Enum.reduce(route, [{0, 0, 0}], fn command, acc_route ->
          move(acc_route, command)
        |> List.keysort(1)
        |> List.keysort(0)
      defp move(route, {direction, movement}) do
        case direction do
          "U" ->
            step(route, movement, 0, 1)
          "D" ->
            step(route, movement, 0, -1)
          "L" ->
            step(route, movement, -1, 0)
          "R" ->
            step(route, movement, 1, 0)
      defp parse_input(filename, n) do
        |> String.trim()
        |> String.split("\n")
        |> Enum.at(n)
        |> String.split(",")
        |> Enum.map(
           String.slice(&1, 1..-1)
           |> String.to_integer()}
      defp intersection_recurser(wire1, wire2, result)
           when wire1 == [] or wire2 == [] do
      defp intersection_recurser(wire1, wire2, result) do
        case compare_duple(hd(wire1), hd(wire2)) do
          :equal ->
              [{hd(wire1), hd(wire2)} | result]
          :smaller ->
            intersection_recurser(tl(wire1), wire2, result)
          :greater ->
            intersection_recurser(wire1, tl(wire2), result)
      defp compare_duple({x1, x2, _}, {y1, y2, _}) do
        if x1 == y1 do
          if x2 == y2 do
            if x2 < y2 do
          if x1 < y1 do
      defp step(route, steps, x, y) do
        Enum.reduce(1..steps, route, fn _, route_new ->
          {last_x, last_y, count} = List.first(route_new)
          {new_x, new_y} = {last_x + x, last_y + y}
          [{new_x, new_y, count + 1} | route_new]
      defp manhattan({x, y, _}) do
        abs(x) + abs(y)
      defp combined_steps({{_, _, steps1}, {_, _, steps2}}) do
        steps1 + steps2
    3 votes
  2. [2]
    unknown user
    Copy pasted from my original comment in the original thread Day 3: Crossed Wires So I had two attempts at this one. Both of them work and both of them are truly horrible. Good programmers who do...

    Copy pasted from my original comment in the original thread

    Day 3: Crossed Wires

    So I had two attempts at this one. Both of them work and both of them are truly horrible. Good programmers who do not want to poison their minds please look away now. (but hey, at least they both get the same, correct answer).

    Part 1 Attempt 1
    #from tabulate import tabulate
    with open('input','r') as f:
        data = f.read().splitlines()
    for i in range(len(data)):#overdone to do it like this. But this way it isn't hardcoded to only dealing with two lines. Although the rest of the code is.. *shrug*
        data[i] = data[i].split(',')
    #make big array that has everything in it 20000x20000 should be big enough...
    LinesArray = [['.' for i in range(20000)] for i in range(20000)]#Normally 2000
    5 = starting position
    1 = part of line 1
    2 = part of line 2
    3 = intersection of both lines
    blank = nothing here
    LinesArray[10000][10000] = 5#start point. Normally 1000
    Position = [10000,10000]#y,x. Normally 1000,1000
    PositionOriginal = Position#Store this for later...
    #now to plot the lines
    for i in range(len(data)):#Do once for each line. If len(data) is not 2, this will break.
        Position = [10000,10000]#y,x. Normally 1000,1000
        if i == 0:
            CurrentLine = 1
        elif i == 1:
            CurrentLine = 2
            print('More lines are not supported!!')
        for j in range(len(data[i])):
            Direction = data[i][j][:1]
            Amount = data[i][j][1:]
            #print(Direction, Amount)
            if Direction == 'U':
                for k in range(int(Amount)):
                    if LinesArray[Position[0] - k - 1][Position[1]] == CurrentLine - 1 or LinesArray[Position[0] - k - 1][Position[1]] == 3:#neverhappens on first run. does on second
                        LinesArray[Position[0] - k - 1][Position[1]] = 3
                        LinesArray[Position[0] - k - 1][Position[1]] = CurrentLine
                Position[0] = Position[0] - k - 1
                #LinesArray[Position[0]][1] = 2
            elif Direction == 'D':
                for k in range(int(Amount)):
                    if LinesArray[Position[0] + k + 1][Position[1]] == CurrentLine - 1 or LinesArray[Position[0] + k + 1][Position[1]] == 3:
                        LinesArray[Position[0] + k + 1][Position[1]] = 3
                        LinesArray[Position[0] + k + 1][Position[1]] = CurrentLine
                Position[0] = Position[0] + k + 1
                #LinesArray[Position[0]][1] = 2
            elif Direction == 'L':
                for k in range(int(Amount)):
                    if LinesArray[Position[0]][Position[1] - k - 1] == CurrentLine - 1 or LinesArray[Position[0] - k - 1][Position[1]] == 3:
                        LinesArray[Position[0]][Position[1] - k - 1] = 3
                        LinesArray[Position[0]][Position[1] - k - 1] = CurrentLine
                Position[1] = Position[1] - k - 1
                #LinesArray[Position[0]][1] = 2
            elif Direction == 'R':
                for k in range(int(Amount)):
                    if LinesArray[Position[0]][Position[1] + k + 1] == CurrentLine -1 or LinesArray[Position[0]][Position[1] + k + 1] == 3:
                        LinesArray[Position[0]][Position[1] + k + 1] = 3
                        LinesArray[Position[0]][Position[1] + k + 1] = CurrentLine
                Position[1] = Position[1] + k + 1
                #LinesArray[Position[0]][1] = 2
                print('There is an issue')
    #Now do the manhattan distance thing to find the closest point...
    ListOfIntersections = []
    for i in range(len(LinesArray)):
        for j in range(len(LinesArray[i])):
            if LinesArray[i][j] == 3:#i is down from top, j is from left going right
                SubList = []
    #Now find the one that is the closest...
    ShortestDistance = -1
    for i in range(len(ListOfIntersections)):
        XDistance = ListOfIntersections[i][1] - PositionOriginal[1]
        YDistance = ListOfIntersections[i][0] - PositionOriginal[0]
        if XDistance < 0:
            XDistance = XDistance * -1
        if YDistance < 0:
            YDistance = YDistance * -1
        ManhattanDistance = XDistance + YDistance
        #print('pos orig', PositionOriginal)
        #print(ListOfIntersections[i][1], PositionOriginal[1], XDistance)
        #print(ListOfIntersections[i][0], PositionOriginal[0], YDistance)
        if ManhattanDistance < ShortestDistance or ShortestDistance == -1:
            ShortestDistance = ManhattanDistance
    print('Answer: ',ShortestDistance)

    This is horrible. I used an absolutely massive two dimensional array to visualise the wires. When it runs it uses about 3.2GB's of ram and takes a minute or so to get the result.

    I used tabulate to visualise the grid when it was small (10x10) for testing. I took this out for the final, massive array.

    I kept on having to increase the size of the array, because the wires kept on going outside of it and causing errors. It worked at 20,000 by 20,000. (very big).

    Also I kept on having weird issues where I would set an array to be equal to another array, and then if I changed the first array, the second one would also change. I fixed that by using some jank. For attempt 2 I learned when you say array = array2, they are both the same object, so you need to say array = array2[:] to make them separate.

    So perhaps visualisation is not so great when dealing with very big things.

    I thought that this was so bad that I should really give it another crack. But I think attempt 2 is arguably worse.

    Part 1 Attempt 2
    with open('input','r') as f:
        data = f.read().splitlines()
    for i in range(len(data)):#overdone to do it like this. But this way it isn't hardcoded to only dealing with two lines. Although the rest of the code is.. *shrug*
        data[i] = data[i].split(',')
    History = []#Always clear your history. Well... not this one.
    StartPos = [0,0]#x,y (the middle of our 'cartesian plane' if we want to visualise)
    CurrentPos = StartPos[:]#[:] so that it makes a new object
    for i in range(len(data[0])):#first line
        print(len(data[0]), i)
        Direction = data[0][i][:1]
        Amount = int(data[0][i][1:])
        if Direction == 'U':
            for j in range(Amount):
                CurrentPos[1] = CurrentPos[1] + 1
                #if not CurrentPos in History:#this should save some time. Or perhaps its more checks so it takes longer??
                #    History.append(CurrentPos[:])
        elif Direction == 'D':
            for j in range(Amount):
                CurrentPos[1] = CurrentPos[1] - 1
                #if not CurrentPos in History:#this should save some time. Or perhaps its more checks so it takes longer??
                #    History.append(CurrentPos[:])
        elif Direction == 'L':
            for j in range(Amount):
                CurrentPos[0] = CurrentPos[0] - 1
                #if not CurrentPos in History:#this should save some time. Or perhaps its more checks so it takes longer??
                #    History.append(CurrentPos[:])
        elif Direction == 'R':
            for j in range(Amount):
                CurrentPos[0] = CurrentPos[0] + 1
                #if not CurrentPos in History:#this should save some time. Or perhaps its more checks so it takes longer??
                #    History.append(CurrentPos[:])
            print('Something has probably just caught fire...')
    CurrentPos = StartPos[:]
    IntersectionList = []
    for i in range(len(data[1])):#second line!
        print(len(data[1]), i)
        Direction = data[1][i][:1]
        Amount = int(data[1][i][1:])
        if Direction == 'U':
            for j in range(Amount):
                CurrentPos[1] = CurrentPos[1] + 1
                if CurrentPos in History:
        elif Direction == 'D':
            for j in range(Amount):
                CurrentPos[1] = CurrentPos[1] - 1
                if CurrentPos in History:
        elif Direction == 'L':
            for j in range(Amount):
                CurrentPos[0] = CurrentPos[0] - 1
                if CurrentPos in History:
        elif Direction == 'R':
            for j in range(Amount):
                CurrentPos[0] = CurrentPos[0] + 1
                if CurrentPos in History:
            print('Something has probably just caught fire... But in a different spot!')
    #All the stuff down here is pretty similar to attempt 1
    #Now find the one that is the closest...
    ShortestDistance = -1
    for i in range(len(IntersectionList)):
        XDistance = IntersectionList[i][0] - StartPos[0]
        YDistance = IntersectionList[i][1] - StartPos[1]
        if XDistance < 0:
            XDistance = XDistance * -1
        if YDistance < 0:
            YDistance = YDistance * -1
        ManhattanDistance = XDistance + YDistance
        #print('pos orig', StartPos)
        #print(IntersectionList[i][0], StartPos[0], XDistance)
        #print(IntersectionList[i][1], StartPos[1], YDistance)
        if ManhattanDistance < ShortestDistance or ShortestDistance == -1:
            ShortestDistance = ManhattanDistance
    print('Answer: ',ShortestDistance)

    So I thought, rather than make a massive array, why don't we just record every single place that the first line goes (a different, massive array), and then when figuring out the second line, check each place to see if it's in a spot that the first line has also been. If it is, then record those coordinates. Then do the same figuring out to find the closest one.

    The good: This uses significantly less memory than the previous attempt (I didn't measure it but gotop didn't show any massive climbs like attempt 1 did)

    The bad: This is very slow. Slower than slow. It took 8 minutes to get the correct answer. The guy who completed this challenge first did it in 2 minutes and 38 seconds. They could program this whole thing ~3x faster than I could run mine.

    I tried reducing this time by checking if something has already been added to the "history" of the first line and then not adding it a second time (or perhaps more), reducing the size of the array and therefore hopefully making the comparisons quicker. But this made more checks have to be done, so it actually slowed it down. The modified code takes 11 minutes and 40 seconds to run. Ooops! I left that check code in but commented out.

    I noticed that when it was being slow, it was getting slow in the "for j in range(Amount):" loops.

    When the loops do an "if not CurrentPos in History:" check (for the first line, this is the thing I added to try speed it up that actually slowed it) they go slow. When they check is not present, the first part of the code completes very quickly.

    Of course the "if CurrentPos in History:" checks are pretty necessary on the second line because how else would I check if the lines intersect. So this part is still slow.

    Perhaps I could speed it up by just storing the end points of each line segment (eg 200,200 and 200,220 could be one segment) and then checking if the proposed spot falls within that range. I'm not sure if this will be faster though and I'm too tired at the moment to try it. Perhaps another time.

    Please don't make me feel too bad about what I've just done.

    As for Part 2, I'm tired and I'm not sure I will be able to do it. I'll give it a shot another day.

    3 votes
    1. TurdFerguson
      Link Parent
      I'm a few days behind, but giggling at this. Love the self depreciation. 3.2 GB of RAM! At least it works. For the intersection I had a hard time. I was googling around for a while and found that...

      I'm a few days behind, but giggling at this. Love the self depreciation. 3.2 GB of RAM!

      At least it works.

      For the intersection I had a hard time. I was googling around for a while and found that tuples are better for each coordinate as they're hashable and you can use sets and map() to find the commonality. Thankfully all I had to do was change [] to () but to figure that out took me extensive googling.

      1 vote
  3. 9000
    Language: Rust This problem was much more intricate, so the code is much more complicated. I really wish it was cleaner and easier to follow. I had to refactor several times to get part 2 to work...

    Language: Rust

    This problem was much more intricate, so the code is much more complicated. I really wish it was cleaner and easier to follow. I had to refactor several times to get part 2 to work at all. If people have readability suggestions, I'm willing to listen (though, please don't be too pedantic).

    When I first started working on this problem, I tried to be clever and account for the case where two horizontal or two vertical wires crossed, and then choose the correct point. It's possible, but super complicated and not necessary for the problem, so I gave up (hence the _ case in the cross_*() functions).

    Part 1 and 2
    use std::fs;
    use std::vec::Vec;
    struct Line {
        horizontal: bool,
        x: isize,
        y: isize,
        length: isize,
    impl Line {
        fn new (line: &str, x: &mut isize, y: &mut isize) -> Line {
            let (dir, length) = line.split_at(1);
            let length = length.parse().unwrap();
            let ret;
            match dir {
                "R" => {
                    ret = Line {horizontal : true, x : *x, y : *y, length : length};
                    *x += length;
                "D" => {
                    ret = Line {horizontal : false, x : *x, y : *y, length : -1 * length};
                    *y -= length;
                "L" => {
                    ret = Line {horizontal : true, x : *x, y : *y, length : -1 * length};
                    *x -= length;
                "U" => {
                    ret = Line {horizontal : false, x : *x, y : *y, length : length};
                    *y += length;
                _ => {panic!("Cannot parse line: {}", line);}
        /* Returns the point at which the lines cross (if they do cross)
         * Only used for part 1
        fn cross_point(&self, other: &Line) -> Option<(isize, isize)> {
            match (self.horizontal, other.horizontal) {
                (true, false) => {
                    let (self_lower, self_upper) = order(self.x, self.x + self.length);
                    let (other_lower, other_upper) = order(other.y, other.y + other.length);
                    if self_lower < other.x
                        && self_upper > other.x
                        && other_lower < self.y
                        && other_upper > self.y {
                            return Some((other.x, self.y))
                (false, true) => {
                    let (self_lower, self_upper) = order(self.y, self.y + self.length);
                    let (other_lower, other_upper) = order(other.x, other.x + other.length);
                    if self_lower < other.y
                        && self_upper > other.y
                        && other_lower < self.x
                        && other_upper > self.x {
                            return Some((self.x, other.y))
                _ => {}
        /* Returns the length of wire, until the lines cross, for each line (if they do cross)
         * Only used for part 2
        fn cross_length(&self, other: &Line) -> Option<(isize, isize)> {
            match (self.horizontal, other.horizontal) {
                (true, false) => {
                    let (self_lower, self_upper) = order(self.x, self.x + self.length);
                    let (other_lower, other_upper) = order(other.y, other.y + other.length);
                    if self_lower < other.x
                        && self_upper > other.x
                        && other_lower < self.y
                        && other_upper > self.y {
                            return Some(((other.x - self.x).abs(), (self.y - other.y).abs()))
                (false, true) => {
                    let (self_lower, self_upper) = order(self.y, self.y + self.length);
                    let (other_lower, other_upper) = order(other.x, other.x + other.length);
                    if self_lower < other.y
                        && self_upper > other.y
                        && other_lower < self.x
                        && other_upper > self.x {
                            return Some(((self.x - other.x).abs(), (other.y - self.y).abs()))
                _ => {}
    fn main() {
        let paths = fs::read_to_string("input").unwrap();
        let paths: Vec<&str> = paths.split('\n').collect();
        let mut x = 0;
        let mut y = 0;
        let path_1: Vec<Line> = paths[0].split(',').map(|line| {Line::new(line.trim(), &mut x, &mut y)}).collect();
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
        let path_2: Vec<Line> = paths[1].split(',').map(|line| {Line::new(line.trim(), &mut x, &mut y)}).collect();
        println!("The closest point by Manhattan distance (Part 1): {}", manhattan_distance_of_closest_point(&path_1, &path_2));
        println!("The closest point by wire distance (Part 2): {}", wire_distance_of_closest_point(&path_1, &path_2));
    /* Finds the closest point by Manhattan distance, and returns that distance.
     * Only used for part 1
    fn manhattan_distance_of_closest_point(path_1: &Vec<Line>, path_2: &Vec<Line>) -> isize {
        let mut closest_point: isize = isize::max_value();
        for line_1 in path_1 {
            for line_2 in path_2 {
                match line_1.cross_point(line_2) {
                    Some((x, y)) => {
                        if x.abs() + y.abs() < closest_point {
                            closest_point = x.abs() + y.abs();
                    None => {}
    /* Finds the closest point by cumulative wire length, and returns that distance.
     * Only used for part 2
    fn wire_distance_of_closest_point(path_1: &Vec<Line>, path_2: &Vec<Line>) -> isize {
        let mut closest_point: isize = isize::max_value();
        let mut line_1_length = 0;
        for line_1 in path_1 {
            let mut line_2_length = 0;
            for line_2 in path_2 {
                match line_1.cross_length(line_2) {
                    Some((line_1_cross_dist, line_2_cross_dist)) => {
                        if line_1_length + line_1_cross_dist + line_2_length + line_2_cross_dist < closest_point {
                            closest_point = line_1_length + line_1_cross_dist + line_2_length + line_2_cross_dist;
                    None => {}
                line_2_length += line_2.length.abs();
            line_1_length += line_1.length.abs();
    fn order(n: isize, m: isize) -> (isize, isize) {
        if n < m {
            return (n, m);
        (m, n)
    2 votes
  4. Crestwave
    Okay, this was easier than I thought, although I got stuck for quite a bit because I forgot not to count a wire crossing with itself. It also took me a few minutes to figure out that it was only...

    Okay, this was easier than I thought, although I got stuck for quite a bit because I forgot not to count a wire crossing with itself. It also took me a few minutes to figure out that it was only interpreting the first digit of the direction because I didn't convert it into an integer; I'll have to look more into that. awk solutions:

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
        split($0, path, ",")
        wire += 1
        x = 0
        y = 0
        for (i = 1; i <= length(path); ++i) {
            c = substr(path[i], 1, 1)
            j = int(substr(path[i], 2))
            for (k = 0; k < j; ++k) {
                if (c == "U")
                    y += 1
                else if (c == "D")
                    y -= 1
                else if (c == "L")
                    x -= 1
                else if (c == "R")
                    x += 1
                if (grid[x","y] == wire-1)
                    grid[x","y] = wire
    END {
        nearest = 0
        for (i in grid) {
            if (grid[i] == 2) {
                split(i, coordinates, ",")
                for (j = 1; j <= 2; ++j)
                    sub(/^-/, "", coordinates[j])
                distance = int(coordinates[1]) + int(coordinates[2])
                if (distance < nearest || nearest == 0)
                    nearest = distance
        print nearest
    Part 2
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
        split($0, path, ",")
        wire += 1
        step = 0
        x = 0
        y = 0
        for (i = 1; i <= length(path); ++i) {
            c = substr(path[i], 1, 1)
            j = int(substr(path[i], 2))
            for (k = 0; k < j; ++k) {
                step += 1
                if (c == "U")
                    y += 1
                else if (c == "D")
                    y -= 1
                else if (c == "L")
                    x -= 1
                else if (c == "R")
                    x += 1
                if (grid[x","y] == wire-1) {
                    grid[x","y] = wire
                    steps[x","y] += step
    END {
        nearest = 0
        for (i in grid)
            if (grid[i] == 2)
                if (steps[i] < nearest || nearest == 0)
                    nearest = steps[i]
        print nearest
    1 vote
  5. Gyrfalcon
    My solution below does both part 1 and 2. It is definitely very gross to look at, but much better than my first implementation for the first part that would have needed something like 23 billion...

    My solution below does both part 1 and 2. It is definitely very gross to look at, but much better than my first implementation for the first part that would have needed something like 23 billion comparisons to do the puzzle input.

    Since things got kind of complex I decided to add some simple tests to check my work, I think that was helpful for figuring out what was going wrong. Also pretty pleased with how I packaged things up into functions, even if some of the individual functions are messy.

    Parts 1 and 2
    def read_paths(file_name):
        with open(file_name, 'r') as fid:
            path_1 = fid.readline().strip().split(',')
            path_2 = fid.readline().strip().split(',')
        return path_1, path_2
    # TODO: Make another version that finds the locations again and then use that to
    # the number of steps needed
    def find_corners(path):
        corners = [[0, 0]]
        for move in path:
            num_moves = int(move[1:])
            initial_pos = corners[-1]
            if move[0] == 'R':
                new_pos = [initial_pos[0] + num_moves, initial_pos[1]]
            elif move[0] == 'L':
                new_pos = [initial_pos[0] - num_moves, initial_pos[1]]
            elif move[0] == 'D':
                new_pos = [initial_pos[0], initial_pos[1] - num_moves]
            elif move[0] == 'U':
                new_pos = [initial_pos[0], initial_pos[1] + num_moves]
                raise ValueError("Invalid direction letter!")
        return corners
    def find_intersections(corners_1, path_1, corners_2, path_2):
        intersections = []
        step_idx = []
        for idx in range(len(path_1)):
            for jdx in range(len(path_2)):
                move_1 = path_1[idx]
                move_2 = path_2[jdx]
                # Check cases that could intersect
                if move_1[0] == 'R' and move_2[0] == 'U':
                    if (corners_1[idx][0] < corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx+1][0] > corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx][1] > corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx][1] < corners_2[jdx+1][1]):
                        intersections.append([corners_2[jdx][0], corners_1[idx][1]])
                        step_idx.append([idx, jdx])
                elif move_1[0] == 'R' and move_2[0] == 'D':
                    if (corners_1[idx][0] < corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx+1][0] > corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx][1] < corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx][1] > corners_2[jdx+1][1]):
                        intersections.append([corners_2[jdx][0], corners_1[idx][1]])
                        step_idx.append([idx, jdx])
                elif move_1[0] == 'L' and move_2[0] == 'U':
                    if (corners_1[idx][0] > corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx+1][0] < corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx][1] > corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx][1] < corners_2[jdx+1][1]):
                        intersections.append([corners_2[jdx][0], corners_1[idx][1]])
                        step_idx.append([idx, jdx])
                elif move_1[0] == 'L' and move_2[0] == 'D':
                    if (corners_1[idx][0] > corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx+1][0] < corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx][1] < corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx][1] > corners_2[jdx+1][1]):
                        intersections.append([corners_2[jdx][0], corners_1[idx][1]])
                        step_idx.append([idx, jdx])
                elif move_1[0] == 'U' and move_2[0] == 'R':
                    if (corners_1[idx][1] < corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx+1][1] > corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx][0] > corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx][0] < corners_2[jdx+1][0]):
                        intersections.append([corners_1[idx][0], corners_2[jdx][1]])
                        step_idx.append([idx, jdx])
                elif move_1[0] == 'U' and move_2[0] == 'L':
                    if (corners_1[idx][1] < corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx+1][1] > corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx][0] < corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx][0] > corners_2[jdx+1][0]):
                        intersections.append([corners_1[idx][0], corners_2[jdx][1]])
                        step_idx.append([idx, jdx])
                elif move_1[0] == 'D' and move_2[0] == 'R':
                    if (corners_1[idx][1] > corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx+1][1] < corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx][0] > corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx][0] < corners_2[jdx+1][0]):
                        intersections.append([corners_1[idx][0], corners_2[jdx][1]])
                        step_idx.append([idx, jdx])
                elif move_1[0] == 'D' and move_2[0] == 'L':
                    if (corners_1[idx][1] > corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx+1][1] < corners_2[jdx][1] and
                        corners_1[idx][0] < corners_2[jdx][0] and
                        corners_1[idx][0] > corners_2[jdx+1][0]):
                        intersections.append([corners_1[idx][0], corners_2[jdx][1]])
                        step_idx.append([idx, jdx])
        return intersections, step_idx
    def determine_closest(intersections):
        distances = []
        for intersection in intersections:
            distances.append(abs(intersection[0]) + abs(intersection[1]))
        return min(distances)
    def least_steps(intersections, corners_1, corners_2, path_1, path_2, moves):
        total_steps = []
        for idx in range(len(intersections)):
            steps_1 = 0
            steps_2 = 0
            for jdx in range(moves[idx][0]):
                steps_1 += int(path_1[jdx][1:])
            for jdx in range(moves[idx][1]):
                steps_2 += int(path_2[jdx][1:])
            steps_1 += (abs(intersections[idx][0] - corners_1[moves[idx][0]][0])
                        + abs(intersections[idx][1] - corners_1[moves[idx][0]][1]))
            steps_2 += (abs(intersections[idx][0] - corners_2[moves[idx][1]][0])
                        + abs(intersections[idx][1] - corners_2[moves[idx][1]][1]))
            total_steps.append(steps_1 + steps_2)
        return min(total_steps)
    def closest_intersection_dist(data_file):
        path_1, path_2 = read_paths(data_file)
        corners_1 = find_corners(path_1)
        corners_2 = find_corners(path_2)
        intersections, steps = find_intersections(corners_1, path_1, corners_2, path_2)
        return determine_closest(intersections)
    def least_steps_intersection(data_file):
        path_1, path_2 = read_paths(data_file)
        corners_1 = find_corners(path_1)
        corners_2 = find_corners(path_2)
        intersections, moves = find_intersections(corners_1, path_1, corners_2, path_2)
        return least_steps(intersections, corners_1, corners_2, path_1, path_2, moves)
    test_files = ["Test1.txt", "Test2.txt"]
    test_results_1 = [159, 135]
    test_results_2 = [610, 410]
    input_file = "PathInput.txt"
    # Run our tests!
    print("Running tests")
    for idx in range(len(test_files)):
        distance = closest_intersection_dist(test_files[idx])
        assert distance  == test_results_1[idx]
    print("Tests passed!")
    print("Running problem data...")
    distance = closest_intersection_dist(input_file)
    print("The closest distance found is {}".format(distance))
    print("Running tests")
    for idx in range(len(test_files)):
        num_steps = least_steps_intersection(test_files[idx])
        assert num_steps == test_results_2[idx]
    print("Tests passed!")
    print("Running problem data...")
    num_steps = least_steps_intersection(input_file)
    print("The least steps instersection takes {} steps.".format(num_steps))
    1 vote