mrnd's recent activity

  1. Comment on I gave up meat and gained so much more | A tale of one person's life, culture, and growing up in ~life

    Link Parent
    If you can't, then you can't. You don't need to justify yourself :) My point really was just that this is an option to do something really concrete, when most of our angst about the world is...

    If you can't, then you can't. You don't need to justify yourself :)

    My point really was just that this is an option to do something really concrete, when most of our angst about the world is fairly unactionable. You know better than me if it's possible for you.

    4 votes
  2. Comment on I gave up meat and gained so much more | A tale of one person's life, culture, and growing up in ~life

    Link Parent
    There has been great discussion already under your comment, but I'd like to directly reply to two points in this. I really hope this doesn't come across as too aggressive. It's just that I have...

    There has been great discussion already under your comment, but I'd like to directly reply to two points in this. I really hope this doesn't come across as too aggressive. It's just that I have thought very similar things, and I hope this is helpful.

    And I don't like our current animal agriculture. I also, no matter how much I poke at it, don't think that eating meat or animal products themselves are wrong.

    That sounds entirely reasonable! I can understand the argument that eating other animals is something humans have naturally done, and should not be absolutely objectionable. However, I think the more important question is this: If you agree that the currently existing animal farming practices are not ideal (even horribble), can you actually personally justify supporting those practices?

    And also, I don't have the energy to do more lifestyle change. I'm hanging on by my fingernails and already feel I'm not caring enough about Gaza, about poverty, about everything I do feel really strongly about.

    This is generally one of the hardest parts about trying to be a good person in this age. But going vegan has one big advantage: it's immediately effective. The big problems, wars and powerty and inequality, are really hard to fix. Sure, you can attend protests and organize politically, which is great. But even if you have the energy to actually do that, the effects are going to be really slow and hard to perceive. And only caring and worrying about them does even less.

    But you need to eat anyway, and changing what you eat has actual, concrete moral consequences. It's something that is actually possible to do, with lesser personal cost than you probably think.

    5 votes
  3. Comment on Tell me about your weird religious beliefs in ~humanities

    I'll start with some fundamental intuitions I have: Everything is fundamentally connected My phenomenal experience is the ground truth of existence Because 1) and 2), it seems extremely likely...

    I'll start with some fundamental intuitions I have:

    1. Everything is fundamentally connected
    2. My phenomenal experience is the ground truth of existence
    3. Because 1) and 2), it seems extremely likely that all other living things, perhaps even some or all non-living things, share this fundamental quality of experience

    This is something I'm rationally fairly certain of. The question of religion is basically, how can I experience these facts as fully as possible?

    I started with cultivating various neo-pagan beliefs and practices, starting with Wicca/general witchcraft in my teens, but found it ultimately bit too artificial. I then gravitated towards more traditional pagan beliefs of my culture (specifically, finnic folk beliefs/"väenusko"). Nature and ancestor worship, similar to many other natural religions, but with names, terminology and spell traditions in the language of my heart. I found very powerful experiences with this path, but lacked a community and a general sense of "what am I supposed to do with this world view".

    I was also interested in various Asian traditions, perhaps most in Daoism. Through some detours I ended up looking at Buddhism, and specifically Zen. And there I found a concrete practice path that aligned very well with the basic intuitions I listed at the beginning. I also ended up finding a local group that practices Zen together, and I have found it very supportive and helpful. So what does it involve? Mostly meditating, which is studying - or rather, simply experiencing what is it that is happening right now. It is a path I now have a very strong faith in.

    So if I had to categorize myself, I'd still probably call myself a pagan, but a pagan practising Buddhism.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on Suggestions for fantasy that feels truly different in ~books

    I have been reading a few ancient china -themed fantasy series lately. My favorite is probably Nghi Vo's The Singing Hills Cycle. The individual books are fairly short, and loosely connected. They...

    I have been reading a few ancient china -themed fantasy series lately.

    My favorite is probably Nghi Vo's The Singing Hills Cycle. The individual books are fairly short, and loosely connected. They deal with fairly complex characters and stories, and felt like a big step up from the more standard fantasy I am familiar with.

    Slightly more standard fantasy, but still somewhat asia-centered is Andrea Stewart's The Drowning Empire Trilogy. It involves programming necromantic constructs. And then there some other kinds of magic and aquatic dragon-cat-otters.

    And then there is Xiran Jay Zhao's Iron Widow, which is somewhat based on real historical characters, but with, you know, mechas.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life

    An interesting companion for this story is "Cat Person" and Me, an article from the woman who Margot, it turns out, was based on. It reflects on the effects of the story on her, and on the person...

    An interesting companion for this story is "Cat Person" and Me, an article from the woman who Margot, it turns out, was based on. It reflects on the effects of the story on her, and on the person Robert was based on.

    Kristen Roupenian’s viral story draws specific details from my own life. I’ve spent the years since it published wondering: How did she know?

    12 votes
  6. Comment on The limited utility of the phrase “GNU/Linux” in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I think interesting context is "Incorrect Quotation" by RMS where he talks briefly about the copypasta.

    I think interesting context is "Incorrect Quotation" by RMS where he talks briefly about the copypasta.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Operator of Nord Stream 2 confirmed that a leak in the pipeline has been detected southeast of the Danish island Bornholm in the Baltic Sea in ~enviro

    Both Nord Stream 2 and Nord Stream 1 have leaks. Apparently Germany presumes sabotage.

    Both Nord Stream 2 and Nord Stream 1 have leaks. Apparently Germany presumes sabotage.

    6 votes
  8. Comment on PC cases without transparent side panels in ~tech

    I know this might not be particularly useful but – is it really not an option to keep using the Thelio case, even if you end up replacing most of the components? Personally I have found finding...

    I know this might not be particularly useful but – is it really not an option to keep using the Thelio case, even if you end up replacing most of the components?

    Personally I have found finding "tasteful" PC cases to be really hard! I have personally been eyeing the Thelio mostly because I love the case, but it seems that getting them to Europe is a bit complicated.

    Some stores let you filter by having the side window. PCPartPicker at least has this option:

    7 votes
  9. Comment on Mind uploading in ~humanities

    My favorite fiction about this topic: Lena, a short story from qntm Soma, a video game by Frictional Games

    My favorite fiction about this topic:

    • Lena, a short story from qntm
    • Soma, a video game by Frictional Games
    5 votes
  10. Comment on Resonate: A co-operative music streaming platform in ~music

    (edited )
    The context for posting this today seems to be that Bandcamp was sold to Epic. Co-op structure and stream-to-own seem like great ideas, and looks like they already have some good music. Co-ops are...

    The context for posting this today seems to be that Bandcamp was sold to Epic.

    Co-op structure and stream-to-own seem like great ideas, and looks like they already have some good music. Co-ops are pretty much the only way to keep this kind of community/artist-controlled platform from being inevitably sold, so I'd definitely want to support this.

    However, to replace Bandcamp, they still seem to be missing the most important (to me) part as a music platform:

    Can I download music I own on Resonate?
    In the future, we intend to offer the ability to download tracks that you own on Resonate to your local device. This feature is not yet available.
    (-resonate faq)

    2 votes
  11. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I know this is how Tolkien is generally interpreted, but it has actually surprisingly little textual evidence. Tolkien simply doesn't describe characters that much (we don't what is the hair color...

    I know this is how Tolkien is generally interpreted, but it has actually surprisingly little textual evidence. Tolkien simply doesn't describe characters that much (we don't what is the hair color of Legolas).

    Some people that are described by Tolkien as swarthy/brown/dark:

    • Sam specifically, Harfoots and Stoors generally
    • Few specific gondorians and haradrims
    • In some drafts, Maeglin the elf

    So while most visual adaptations follow the "everyone is White except the evil peoples", it is not something that can really be supported by the text alone. Mostly Tolkien just doesn't tell us.

    7 votes
  12. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tv

    Link Parent
    The fact that it is not actually a quote from Tolkien makes it even funnier. Only distort and destroy indeed.

    The fact that it is not actually a quote from Tolkien makes it even funnier. Only distort and destroy indeed.

    4 votes
  13. Comment on I am a transwoman, I am in the closet and I am not coming out in ~lgbt

    Link Parent
    Heartbreaking is definitely what I feel reading this. I feel so deeply where the author is coming from. But at the same time I just can't help to think that she is mainly trapped by her own binary...

    Heartbreaking is definitely what I feel reading this.

    I feel so deeply where the author is coming from. But at the same time I just can't help to think that she is mainly trapped by her own binary thinking about transition. I know and remember how much one can want the magic chair, but if she rejects transition anyway, what's preventing her from experimenting in smaller ways? Like she keeps talking about how men are not allowed to do this and that, but you can just do it anyway! Most people will simply not notice or care, at least outside very conservative areas where she doesn't seem to live. Just shave your legs, it's not that weird.

    Wanting to be "normal", while extremely understandable and normal in itself, is a toxic trap everyone should strive to escape.

    9 votes
  14. Comment on A reality where CSS and JavaScript don't exist...? in ~comp

    Without CSS, browsers probably would have better default styling for content. For example, Gemini clients often have much more imaginative default looks, which is possible because the content...

    Bradley’s current design is a great example of what his web utopia would look like, and I think it’s just a step too far. It can easily be “fixed” but without CSS, how would we do that?

    Without CSS, browsers probably would have better default styling for content.

    For example, Gemini clients often have much more imaginative default looks, which is possible because the content author has less control over the presentation.

    I think ignoring this prevents making an honest argument for CSS.

    8 votes
  15. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~humanities

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    This is something that I find sensible too, and I found it really annoying how this article (and maybe illusionism generally) refuses to engage with anything beyond "it is hard to define...

    This is something that I find sensible too, and I found it really annoying how this article (and maybe illusionism generally) refuses to engage with anything beyond "it is hard to define consciousness, so it probably isn't real". I experience things, so experiencing things must be real.

    But I have to add that simply saying "panpsychism" doesn't really solve the hard problem by itself. It explains how experiencing things is possible, but it does not explain how the completely separate system of brain's cognitive functionality is able to know it experiences things.

    This is why I believe, rather than saying "all matter experiences", it is probably more useful to say "all information processing systems experience". Of course, it can still be said that a single proton processes information (by having forces acting on it and reacting to it), but this still seems like a more useful framework. It is not the atoms making up the brain that experience, but the whole information system that can make use of the human cognitive skills.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on McDonald's serves 62 million customers every day in ~talk

    Link Parent
    There are still only the few technical solutions in use in any of them. Proof-of-work fundamentally doesn't scale. Proof-of-stake is simply another form of centralization. From "No, your...

    There are an absurd amount of crypto these days, most of them absolute garbage. But others are folks with a vision.

    There are still only the few technical solutions in use in any of them. Proof-of-work fundamentally doesn't scale. Proof-of-stake is simply another form of centralization.

    From "No, your cryptocurrency cannot work":

    Maybe some day, a legitimate cryptocurrency without Bitcoin's flaws will come to exist. If it does, it will be some boring research paper out of an academic lab in three decades, not a flashy startup promising easy money or revolutionary new tech today. There are no useful cryptocurrencies today, and there will not be any at any time in the near future. The tech just doesn't work.

    8 votes
  17. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    I just finished Outer Wilds. It is now definitely somewhere very high on the list of my favorite games. I had seen it mentioned positively from time to time these past few years, but I never...

    I just finished Outer Wilds. It is now definitely somewhere very high on the list of my favorite games.

    I had seen it mentioned positively from time to time these past few years, but I never really happened to look it up. Now when there were news again, I got interested and thought "space exploring with nice visual theme? sounds fun" and then started playing. Honestly I was probably sold at the moment I actually saw the game's logo on Steam. And am I happy I managed to survive until now without reading any more (not even Steam's description) about it!

    It was quite a ride. Now excuse me, I'll be playing the soundtrack on loop for the next eternity.

    Anyway, if you haven't played it, and are interested in space exploring and puzzles and roasting marshmallows on a campfire, just go and play it.

    6 votes
  18. Comment on What do you think about voting? in ~talk

    (edited )
    First, I'd just like to note there are representative elections where single votes matter. For example in my country, it is not uncommon in municipal elections that single votes end up relevant....

    First, I'd just like to note there are representative elections where single votes matter. For example in my country, it is not uncommon in municipal elections that single votes end up relevant. In more local elections, there are less votes. And I often argue that local elections are much more important than national elections.

    But also, that is not really the point. You are generally right in the sense that from an individualistic perspective, voting is not really beneficial. But voting is about politics, and politics are about collective decisions and collective action.

    If there are things in the world we do not like and want to change, we must organize, find solutions, convince people, make the change. Voting is simply one, (often optional) part of the process.

    Voting also happens to be one of the easiest ways to take collective action. If you happen to care about the things affected by politics and want to help, it is pretty much the bare minimum thing to do.

    Personally, I am in a good place where I have political parties I am happy to support by voting them. If this were not true, the next step would be to actually get involved and make sure that in the future, there are better candidates.

    11 votes
  19. Comment on Building the world's first 'breathing' PC in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I honestly... kind of really would like something like this! Modern computing is very clean and "soulless". Having something that feels this alive would be very different, I think.

    I honestly... kind of really would like something like this! Modern computing is very clean and "soulless". Having something that feels this alive would be very different, I think.

    2 votes
  20. Comment on Why we turn off autocaps and only write in lowercase online in ~humanities.languages

    Link Parent
    To be clear, I was not trying to contradict the article. The reason it is done is definitely social. But the medium is a reason why it is possible/easier.

    To be clear, I was not trying to contradict the article. The reason it is done is definitely social. But the medium is a reason why it is possible/easier.

    1 vote