14 votes Posted June 23, 2020 by unknown user Topic deleted by author 2 comments Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK Qis June 24, 2020 Link I would visit Flavortown, I will not go to any place called Columbus. I would visit Flavortown, I will not go to any place called Columbus. 9 votes frostycakes June 24, 2020 Link Well, if Truth or Consequences, NM is still a thing, then why not Flavortown, OH? Well, if Truth or Consequences, NM is still a thing, then why not Flavortown, OH? 4 votes
Qis June 24, 2020 Link I would visit Flavortown, I will not go to any place called Columbus. I would visit Flavortown, I will not go to any place called Columbus. 9 votes
frostycakes June 24, 2020 Link Well, if Truth or Consequences, NM is still a thing, then why not Flavortown, OH? Well, if Truth or Consequences, NM is still a thing, then why not Flavortown, OH? 4 votes
I would visit Flavortown, I will not go to any place called Columbus.
Well, if Truth or Consequences, NM is still a thing, then why not Flavortown, OH?