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Epitaph: idle game about existential risks and the death of civilizations


  1. Fal
    After one lecture's worth of attempts, here are my most successful civilizations: The Bwacfwat Bwacfwat We first became aware of the Bwacfwat in 2953. They inhabit the steamy planet Vwetfwet in...
    • Exemplary

    After one lecture's worth of attempts, here are my most successful civilizations:

    The Bwacfwat


    We first became aware of the Bwacfwat in 2953. They inhabit the steamy planet Vwetfwet in the Kikawc system. They are obsessive, arrogant, and nimble.

    The Bwacfwat have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the bibi, which is now a staple part of the Bwacfwat diet.

    The Bwacfwat have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for storytelling.

    The Bwacfwat make extensive use of stone tools for many things, including as weapons when hunting the wild kwetfwat.

    The Bwacfwat have begun to cultivate crops. One especially popular crop is a kind of hardy mushroom known as vwicfwet that grows well in the rocky soil of Vwetfwet.

    The Bwacfwat have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

    The Bwacfwat have domesticated a species of small feathered predators. The pets assist their Bwacfwat owners with pest control in exchange for food and shelter.

    The Bwacfwat have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures, making especially extensive use of marble as a building material.

    The Bwacfwat have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

    In 3074, many of the warring Bwacfwat clans were united under a single banner by an individual known as Vwikfwit. The city of Bwecfwat Vivi has been made the capital of the resulting empire, which rules over approximately 28% of the entire Bwacfwat population. Unusually for the Bwacfwat, it is governed by direct democratic vote.

    The Bwacfwat have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

    The Bwacfwat have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

    The Bwacfwat have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Vwetfwet to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

    The Bwacfwat have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

    Some of the Bwacfwat have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

    The Bwacfwat have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

    The Bwacfwat have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

    The Bwacfwat have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

    The Bwacfwat have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Philosophical texts are especially popular.

    In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Bwacfwat have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

    The Bwacfwat have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Bwacfwat population.

    In 3263, a massive volcanic eruption filled the skies of Vwetfwet with ash and blotted out the sun. The ensuing volcanic winter threw the planet's delicate ecosystem wildly out of balance, bringing about the end of Bwacfwat civilization.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod


    We first became aware of the Mwodmoqkowdkeod in 2845. They reside on the dusty planet Kokoqwokwo in the Kwodmodkowdkoeq system. They are artistic, duplicitous, and delicate.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have begun to cultivate crops, including a kind of bitter vegetable known as ome.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for poetry.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the kwoqkodkowdkeod, which is now an important part of the Mwodmoqkowdkeod diet.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod make extensive use of stone tools in a variety of contexts, including when hunting the wild ekoe.

    Despite a few initial mishaps, the Mwodmoqkowdkeod have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures. They make especially extensive use of marble as a building material.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have domesticated a species of small scaly animals. The pets assist their Mwodmoqkowdkeod owners with hunting in exchange for food and shelter.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Kokoqwokwo to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

    In 3012, many of the warring Mwodmoqkowdkeod tribes were united under a single banner by an individual known as Kokoqwedkwe the Magnificent. The city of Oko has been declared the capital of the resulting empire, which rules over approximately 24% of the entire Mwodmoqkowdkeod population. Like many other Mwodmoqkowdkeod states, it is governed by direct democratic vote.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

    In 3042, the Mwodmoqkowdkeod population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these reside within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Oko and has a population of 75,000.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Transcriptions of folktales are especially popular.

    Following a long series of failed attempts to capture the city, Oko has become renowned among the Mwodmoqkowdkeod as an impenetrable fortress. The image of its distinctive walls has been widely adopted in Mwodmoqkowdkeod literature as a symbol of resilience.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Oko, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

    In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Mwodmoqkowdkeod have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

    Some of the Mwodmoqkowdkeod have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

    In 3122, a rapidly growing religion known as Kwoqkodkowdkod became the official religion of the largest Mwodmoqkowdkeod state. Adherents of Kwoqkodkowdkod wear striking blue shawls to mark themselves as believers.

    The Mwodmoqkowdkeod have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Mwodmoqkowdkeod population.

    In 3151, a gamma-ray burst – caused by the explosion of a star roughly 1200 light-years from the Kwodmodkowdkoeq system – showered Kokoqwokwo in high energy electromagnetic radiation. The planet's atmospheric ozone layer shielded planetary life from immediate harm, but was dramatically depleted in the process. Stripped of its protection against ordinary UV radiation, the planet's ecosystem gradually collapsed, ushering in the end of Mwodmoqkowdkeod civilization.

    The Tieyti


    We first became aware of the Tieyti in 3566. They reside on the abundant planet Geyti Iyite in the Gikvi Twiktwik system. They are thrifty, curious, and honorable.

    The Tieyti have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for worship.

    The Tieyti have domesticated a species of small furry creatures. The pets assist their Tieyti owners with navigation in exchange for food and shelter.

    The Tieyti have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

    The Tieyti have begun to cultivate crops. They are especially fond of a kind of colorful stalk known as geyti that grows well in the soil of Geyti Iyite.

    The Tieyti make use of stone tools in a variety of contexts, including when hunting the wild tieyve.

    The Tieyti have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

    The Tieyti have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the geyte, which is now a staple part of the Tieyti diet.

    The Tieyti have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

    In 3762, many of the fractious Tieyti tribes were united under a single banner by an individual known as Teikte. The city of Tikgi has been declared the capital of the resulting empire, which rules over approximately 35% of the entire Tieyti population. Like many other Tieyti states, it is governed by a hereditary monarch.

    The Tieyti have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures. Wherever possible, they seem to prefer clay as a building material.

    The Tieyti have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

    In 3821, the Tieyti population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these reside within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Tikgi and has a population of 57,000.

    The Tieyti have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

    The Tieyti have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Tikgi, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

    Following a long series of failed attempts to capture the city, Tikgi has become renowned among the Tieyti as an impenetrable fortress. The image of its distinctive towers has been widely adopted in Tieyti culture as a symbol of strength.

    Some of the Tieyti have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

    In 3917, a rapidly growing religion known as Eyiti was declared the official religion of the largest Tieyti state. Adherents of Eyiti wear elaborately decorated caps to mark themselves as believers.

    The Tieyti have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Geyti Iyite to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

    The Tieyti have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

    The Tieyti have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

    The Tieyti have discovered a way to manufacture gunpowder, which they primarily use in warfare.

    The Tieyti have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Works of natural philosophy are especially popular.

    Through systematic observation and categorization of the various living things on Geyti Iyite, the Tieyti have begun to develop a more sophisticated understanding of biology. Some theorists have even put forth the idea that dramatically different-looking organisms, such as the tieyve and the geyte, may in fact be descended from a single common ancestor.

    The Tieyti have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

    In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Tieyti have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

    The initially controversial hypothesis that diseases can be caused by microorganisms has begun to catch on among the Tieyti, leading to the widespread adoption of public health policies which have greatly reduced the spread of disease.

    The Tieyti have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Tieyti population.

    The Tieyti have begun harnessing the power of electricity to send messages across very great distances with unprecedented speed. Due to the overhead of encoding and decoding messages, long-distance communication remains far from instantaneous, but it is now possible for individuals on opposite sides of Geyti Iyite to exchange several messages over the course of a single day.

    The Tieyti have discovered that electromagnetic waves may be used to transmit information, enabling the development and widespread deployment of media for audiovisual broadcasting.

    The Tieyti have developed flying machines which can carry them into the skies above Geyti Iyite.

    The Tieyti have arrived at a sophisticated understanding of genetics, which has enabled them to craft new forms of life by deliberately modifying the genes of existing organisms.

    The Tieyti have developed an accurate model of the internal structure of the atom, which has also enabled them to understand the phenomenon of radioactivity.

    The Tieyti have begun to develop rockets.

    The Tieyti have begun to understand quantum physics.

    With the development of the transistor, the Tieyti have begun to construct more sophisticated electronic circuits.

    The Tieyti have begun to build general-purpose programmable computers.

    In 4159, a genetically engineered virus designed as a highly lethal weapon of biological warfare was deliberately distributed in several major centers of Tieyti population by an agent or agents of unknown affiliation. Tieyti medical science proved insufficient to combat the ensuing plague, which wiped out all but a few isolated pockets of Tieyti population and brought an end to the era of Tieyti technological civilization.

    The Humpuesem Humpuesem

    We first became aware of the Humpuesem in 4568. They inhabit the abundant planet Hemseomheux‑fse Hehexhuom in the Hemhemhom‑fpu system. They are kind, enterprising, and noble.

    The Humpuesem have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for worship.

    The Humpuesem have begun to cultivate crops. One especially popular crop is a kind of chewy fruit known as pemsebpoum‑fhu.

    The Humpuesem make use of stone tools for many things, especially when hunting the wild hemheubhuem‑fhe.

    The Humpuesem have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

    The Humpuesem have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the sexhuebhem‑fhe, which is now a staple part of the Humpuesem diet.

    The Humpuesem have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

    The Humpuesem have domesticated a species of small scaly animals. The pets assist their Humpuesem owners with navigation in exchange for food and shelter.

    The Humpuesem have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures. They make especially extensive use of limestone as a building material.

    The Humpuesem have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

    The Humpuesem have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Hompoemheum‑fho, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

    The Humpuesem have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

    Some of the Humpuesem have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

    In 4842, an emerging religion known as Puehemhoub became the official religion of the largest Humpuesem state. Adherents of Puehemhoub wear distinctive concealing hoods to mark themselves as believers.

    The Humpuesem have discovered a way to manufacture gunpowder, which they primarily use in warfare.

    The Humpuesem have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

    In 4870, the Humpuesem population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these dwell within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Hompoemheum‑fho and has a population of 91,000.

    The Humpuesem have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Romance novels are especially popular.

    The Humpuesem have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

    In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Humpuesem have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

    In 4904, many of the disparate Humpuesem kingdoms were united under a single banner by an individual known as Hexpuomhem‑fho Hompebseom‑fhu. The city of Hompoemheum‑fho has been declared the capital of the resulting empire, which rules over approximately 39% of the entire Humpuesem population. Unusually for the Humpuesem, it is governed by a hereditary monarch.

    The Humpuesem have begun to develop rockets.

    The Humpuesem have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Hemseomheux‑fse Hehexhuom to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

    Through systematic observation and categorization of the various living things on Hemseomheux‑fse Hehexhuom, the Humpuesem have begun to develop a more sophisticated understanding of biology. Some theorists have even put forth the idea that dramatically different-looking organisms, such as the hemheubhuem‑fhe and the sexhuebhem‑fhe, may in fact be descended from a single common ancestor.

    The city of Hompoemheum‑fho has become renowned among the Humpuesem as a center of commerce and trade. In particular, the fine ceramics produced there are highly sought after by traders around the world.

    The initially controversial hypothesis that diseases can be caused by microorganisms has begun to catch on among the Humpuesem, leading to the widespread adoption of public health policies which have greatly reduced the spread of disease.

    The Humpuesem have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

    The Humpuesem have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Humpuesem population.

    The Humpuesem have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

    The Humpuesem have developed flying machines which can carry them into the skies above Hemseomheux‑fse Hehexhuom.

    The Humpuesem have begun harnessing the power of electricity to send messages across very great distances with unprecedented speed. Due to the overhead of encoding and decoding messages, long-distance communication remains far from instantaneous, but it is now possible for individuals on opposite sides of Hemseomheux‑fse Hehexhuom to exchange several messages over the course of a single day.

    The Humpuesem have arrived at a sophisticated understanding of genetics, which has enabled them to craft new forms of life by deliberately modifying the genes of existing organisms.

    With the development of the transistor, the Humpuesem have begun to construct more sophisticated electronic circuits.

    The Humpuesem have developed an accurate model of the internal structure of the atom, which has also enabled them to understand the phenomenon of radioactivity.

    The Humpuesem have begun to build general-purpose programmable computers.

    In 5136, the Humpuesem successfully detonated their first prototype nuclear weapon. It remains unclear whether the Humpuesem scientists who worked on the bomb understand the sheer destructive potential of the weapon they have created.

    The Humpuesem have taken their first tentative steps into space, launching craft capable of supporting several individuals into orbit around Hemseomheux‑fse Hehexhuom before retrieving them safely.

    In 5181, a single nuclear weapon was deployed in an attack on a medium-sized Humpuesem city. The incident did not escalate into a full-scale nuclear war, but the city was almost completely obliterated, resulting in the deaths of some 110,000 Humpuesem.

    The Humpuesem have discovered that electromagnetic waves may be used to transmit information, enabling the development and widespread deployment of media for audiovisual broadcasting.

    In 5204, an early warning system employed by one of the major Humpuesem superpowers detected an incoming nuclear attack. Whether the alert was a false alarm remains unclear, but the resulting nuclear counterattack and ensuing full-scale nuclear war has plunged Hemseomheux‑fse Hehexhuom into a state of nuclear winter from which it is unlikely that Humpuesem civilization will ever recover.

    The Veodovu


    We first became aware of the Veodovu in 4963. They reside on the overgrown planet Edved in the Onted system. They are enthusiastic, enterprising, and meticulous.

    The Veodovu have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

    The Veodovu make widespread use of stone tools in a variety of contexts. This has dramatically improved their efficiency in hunting the wild osted.

    The Veodovu have begun to cultivate crops. One especially popular crop is a kind of hardy mushroom known as veudeto.

    The Veodovu have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for worship.

    The Veodovu have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the esked, which is now an important part of the Veodovu diet.

    Despite a few initial mishaps, the Veodovu have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

    The Veodovu have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures. They make especially extensive use of clay as a building material.

    The Veodovu have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

    The Veodovu have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

    The Veodovu have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Odvod, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

    Some of the Veodovu have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

    In 5288, an emerging religion known as Edved became the official religion of the largest Veodovu state. Adherents of Edved wear concealing shawls to mark themselves as believers.

    The Veodovu have discovered a way to manufacture gunpowder, which they primarily use for explosive mining.

    The Veodovu have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Edved to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

    In 5329, many of the fractious Veodovu tribes were united under a single banner by an individual known as Udvun. The city of Odvod has been made the capital of the resulting empire, which rules over approximately 14% of the entire Veodovu population. Unusually for the Veodovu, it is governed by an elected tyrant.

    The Veodovu have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

    The Veodovu have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

    The Veodovu have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

    The Veodovu have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Poetry is especially popular.

    The Veodovu have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

    In 5419, the Veodovu population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these dwell within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Odvod and has a population of 60,000.

    Due to its role as the birthplace of several major Veodovu religions, including the especially prominent Edved faith, the city of Odvod is regarded by many of the Veodovu as a holy site. The highest-ranking Edved priest in Odvod is considered the de facto leader of the Edved church as a whole, and pilgrimages to the city are commonplace.

    The Veodovu have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Veodovu population.

    In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Veodovu have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

    The Veodovu have begun to develop rockets.

    Through systematic observation and categorization of the various living things on Edved, the Veodovu have begun to develop a more sophisticated understanding of biology. Some theorists have even put forth the idea that dramatically different-looking organisms, such as the osted and the esked, may in fact be descended from a single common ancestor.

    The initially controversial idea that diseases are caused by microorganisms has begun to catch on among the Veodovu, leading to the widespread adoption of public health policies which have greatly reduced the spread of disease.

    The Veodovu have begun harnessing the power of electricity to send messages across very great distances with unprecedented speed. Due to the overhead of encoding and decoding messages, long-distance communication remains far from instantaneous, but it is now possible for individuals on opposite sides of Edved to exchange several messages over the course of a single day.

    The Veodovu have domesticated a species of small flying predators. The pets assist their Veodovu owners with navigation in exchange for food and shelter.

    The Veodovu have developed flying machines which can carry them into the skies above Edved.

    With the development of the transistor, the Veodovu have begun to construct more sophisticated electronic circuits.

    The Veodovu have begun to build general-purpose programmable computers.

    The Veodovu have developed an accurate model of the internal structure of the atom, which has also enabled them to understand the phenomenon of radioactivity.

    The Veodovu have begun to understand quantum physics.

    The Veodovu have taken their first tentative steps into space, launching craft capable of supporting several individuals into orbit around Edved before retrieving them safely.

    The Veodovu have arrived at a sophisticated understanding of genetics, which has enabled them to craft new forms of life by deliberately modifying the genes of existing organisms.

    The Veodovu have discovered that electromagnetic waves may be used to transmit information, enabling the development and widespread deployment of media for audiovisual broadcasting.

    In 5616, a genetically engineered virus designed as a highly lethal weapon of biological warfare was deliberately distributed in several major centers of Veodovu population by an agent or agents of unknown affiliation. Veodovu medical science proved insufficient to combat the ensuing plague, which wiped out all but a few isolated pockets of Veodovu population and brought an end to the era of Veodovu technological civilization.

    The Coigcog


    We first became aware of the Coigcog in 5711. They reside on the wet planet Coegcox in the Co'sobdio system. They are obsessive, duplicitous, and playful.

    The Coigcog have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

    The Coigcog have begun to cultivate crops. One especially popular crop is a kind of fleshy fungus known as coig.

    The Coigcog make widespread use of stone tools in a variety of contexts. This has dramatically improved their efficiency in hunting the wild cogcob.

    The Coigcog have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures. They seem to favor brick as a building material.

    The Coigcog have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for poetry.

    The Coigcog have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

    The Coigcog have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

    The Coigcog have domesticated a species of small flying predators. The pets assist their Coigcog owners with navigation in exchange for food and shelter.

    The Coigcog have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Cog, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

    The Coigcog have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

    The Coigcog have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

    Some of the Coigcog have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

    The Coigcog have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the diogcog, which is now a staple part of the Coigcog diet.

    The Coigcog have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

    In 5962, many of the warring Coigcog city-states were united under a single banner by an individual known as Cieg Coig the Ruthless. The city of Cog has been made the capital of the resulting empire, which rules over approximately 28% of the entire Coigcog population. Unusually for the Coigcog, it is governed by an elected tyrant.

    In 5976, the Coigcog population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these live within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Cog and has a population of 26,000.

    The Coigcog have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Coegcox to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

    The Coigcog have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

    Following a long series of failed attempts to besiege the city, Cog has become renowned among the Coigcog as an impenetrable fortress. The image of its distinctive ramparts has been widely adopted in Coigcog art as a symbol of strength.

    The Coigcog have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

    The Coigcog have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Serial fiction is especially popular.

    In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Coigcog have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

    The Coigcog have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Coigcog population.

    The Coigcog have developed flying machines which can carry them into the skies above Coegcox.

    The Coigcog have discovered a way to manufacture gunpowder, which they primarily use for explosive mining.

    In 6124, a rapidly growing religion known as Cobceg became the official religion of the largest Coigcog state. Adherents of Cobceg wear simple black masks to mark themselves as believers.

    The Coigcog have begun to develop rockets.

    With the development of the transistor, the Coigcog have begun to construct more sophisticated electronic circuits.

    The Coigcog have begun to build general-purpose programmable computers.

    The Coigcog have begun harnessing the power of electricity to send messages across very great distances with unprecedented speed. Due to the overhead of encoding and decoding messages, long-distance communication remains far from instantaneous, but it is now possible for individuals on opposite sides of Coegcox to exchange several messages over the course of a single day.

    The Coigcog have taken their first tentative steps into space, launching craft capable of supporting several individuals into orbit around Coegcox before retrieving them safely.

    The Coigcog have developed an accurate model of the internal structure of the atom, which has also enabled them to understand the phenomenon of radioactivity.

    Through systematic observation and categorization of the various living things on Coegcox, the Coigcog have begun to develop a more sophisticated understanding of biology. Some theorists have even put forth the idea that dramatically different-looking organisms, such as the cogcob and the diogcog, may in fact share a single common ancestor.

    The Coigcog have begun to understand quantum physics.

    Although initially controversial, the hypothesis that diseases are caused by microorganisms has begun to catch on among the Coigcog, leading to the widespread adoption of public health policies which have greatly reduced the spread of disease.

    In 6280, the Coigcog successfully detonated their first prototype nuclear weapon. It remains unclear whether the Coigcog scientists who worked on the bomb understand the sheer destructive potential of the weapon they have created.

    The Coigcog have discovered that electromagnetic waves may be used to transmit information, enabling the development and widespread deployment of media for audiovisual broadcasting.

    The Coigcog have begun to connect their computers into a single vast network, enabling communication and collaboration on a truly global scale.

    The Coigcog have begun to experiment with the use of "intelligent materials", in the form of swarms of programmable nanobots.

    In 6335, a swarm of self-replicating Coigcog nanobots began to replicate uncontrollably, devouring vast swaths of Coegcox at a rate which Coigcog scientists had formerly deemed impossible. After several days of rapid expansion, the swarm seems to have become dormant, but not before consuming approximately 5% of the entire mass of Coegcox and rendering Coigcog civilization completely extinct.

    Some notes from what I've observed. It seems that getting to some technologies before others helps avoid some of the more common civilizational deaths. Getting agriculture and and fishing help reduce the odds of a famine from overhunting once you get toolmaking, and plumbing and alchemy reduces the odds of unknown disease once you get sailing. At some point though its just praying for the best. For the six best attempts I listed the final tally is:

    1 death via volcanic eruption blotting out the sun
    1 death via gamma ray burst destroying the ozone layer
    2 deaths via engineered bioweapon
    1 death via nuclear war
    1 death via swarm of nanobots

    7 votes
  2. [5]
    I went through a few rounds and each time got the game ended by something outside of the choices made in the game (something about gamma ray bursts and being hit by a planet). I suppose the game...

    I went through a few rounds and each time got the game ended by something outside of the choices made in the game (something about gamma ray bursts and being hit by a planet).

    I suppose the game is meant to be nihilistic, in that the choices are meaningless?

    I went to the base github.io link and found a link to this paper but I didn't glean much from the paper.

    6 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      I don’t think the game is so much nihilistic as much as it is trying to drive home how astronomical the odds are against a sentient species reaching towards the the end of whatever pathway they...

      I don’t think the game is so much nihilistic as much as it is trying to drive home how astronomical the odds are against a sentient species reaching towards the the end of whatever pathway they find themselves on. I’ve ’played’ this game a long time ago so bear with me but I believe the game has a bias against ‘intervention in the long term. At least that was my belief at the time because the more you intervene the more ‘catastrophes’ seem to trigger. Which kind of makes a weird sense to me, like a child needs to learn to pick itself up. Obviously I can’t prove this but it’s a cool observation in my opinion.

      3 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Out of a small sample size, I couldn't see any difference between intervening or not. And once you've tapped in something, you can't see what steps you intervened on. If the point is to make it...

        Out of a small sample size, I couldn't see any difference between intervening or not. And once you've tapped in something, you can't see what steps you intervened on. If the point is to make it about the cost intervening, I'd hope they'd offer something to help you keep track.

        That said, it's an interesting (if depressing) concept.

        I think an interesting alternate premise would be a "multiverse simulator" where you can see the differences in the timeline based on developing / not developing a technology or nearly going extinct vs actually going extinct (a la the black plague). If you mark the interventions in the tree, you could even see at a zoomed out view whether they had any lasting effect.

        I don't write Clojure and there's no license posted in the game source, so I will probably have to start from scratch to implement that idea.

        4 votes
        1. Humblemonk33
          Link Parent
          Sounds like a promising project. Good luck to you please let me know if you ever need a tester.

          Sounds like a promising project.
          Good luck to you please let me know if you ever need a tester.

          3 votes
      2. NaraVara
        Link Parent
        The catastrophes don’t make a lot of sense to me. Like I intervened and gave agriculture, which led to the society developing a dependence on a crop that died due to blight and their civilization...

        The catastrophes don’t make a lot of sense to me. Like I intervened and gave agriculture, which led to the society developing a dependence on a crop that died due to blight and their civilization collapsed. But shouldn’t it just reset to baseline instead of going extinct? And shouldn’t the society have some ability to address its own needs without magic interventions by techno wizards?

        So yeah I would call it nihilistic. It doesn’t show any sense of appreciation for human ingenuity.

        4 votes