7 votes

Pieces Interactive, the Embracer-owned studio behind the recent Alone in the Dark remake, has seemingly shut down

1 comment

  1. GenuinelyCrooked
    This has been well known in local gossip here for well over a month. Maybe over two at this point? Alone in the Dark didn't lose a ton of money or anything, but it didn't blow up and become a...

    This has been well known in local gossip here for well over a month. Maybe over two at this point? Alone in the Dark didn't lose a ton of money or anything, but it didn't blow up and become a mega-hit, and Embracer doesn't want to take the risk on starting a whole new project. The people who work at Pieces are such a fun crowd, I hope they're able to find space in the Skövde gaming industry and don't have to relocate.

    6 votes