Website puzzle that was posted to Tildes?
A while ago, maybe like a year ago? There was a thread and two websites were linked to that were basically puzzle sites. As in the sites themselves were the puzzle and you had to find clues in the site to get to the next page. It was very cool but I managed to lose the link and was hoping someone might know what I'm talking about. We ringing any bells?
Edit: Yeah, 404 Riddles was the one I was remembering too. Notpron, mentioned by @daturkel, is also one I have played before and is quite good as well though.
Dammit, I remember that game too, but also cannot find it anymore. I suspect it should be listed somewhere on itchi.io (under free, text-based, puzzle?) or IFDB (interactive fiction database) though:
That certainly doesn't narrow it down much, since there are a lot of text-based puzzle and interactive fiction adventure games out there, but at least it's a start.
Nice, thank you! I think @cfabbro was cool with Notpron as well!
I never saw the original thread, but there are lots of puzzles like that. One of the older ones is called not pron. Folks on Quora discussed similar games.
The most hardcore game along those lines is Cicada 3301. It's a massive online puzzle, the most recent iteration of which still isn't solved. More generally, lots of "alternate reality games" or ARGs feature puzzles similar involving stuff like viewing the page source or solving riddles to find the next url.
https://www.weffriddles.com/ is an old favorite. I don't know if it's still fully functional though.