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    1. What is your opinion of snuff tobacco?

      I must preface by saying that no form of tobacco is safe for consumption, and no reasonable person should use tobacco for any reason other than maybe in religious ceremonies. I just happen to be...

      I must preface by saying that no form of tobacco is safe for consumption, and no reasonable person should use tobacco for any reason other than maybe in religious ceremonies. I just happen to be an unreasonable person.

      I took a bunch of my stuff that was stored in my mother's house this week, among them some snuff tobacco in a good state of conservation. I like the smell and the ritual. I went by a tobacco shop and bought two additional tiny containers of snuff -- mint, and cinnamon. It was very cheap. I enjoy using it throughout the day.

      A lot of people snort it like cocaine, but that is not the way to do it. You should simply press your thumb into the snuff (which will get some of it on the thumb), block one nostril with said thumb, and then gently breathe with the other nostril. It has a high that is similar to smoking, but milder and more gradual. I find it very pleasant.

      You shouldn't ever use tobacco. But, if you have used snuff tobacco, I would like to know how was your experience.

      10 votes
    2. Is anyone here in or familiar with NYC? Going on a trip and have zero idea what to do as a non-tourist...

      I'm spending 5 days in NYC starting next week. While I've traveled plenty, it's almost always been alone, frequently short term (2-3 days including flights in and out), and work related so I had...

      I'm spending 5 days in NYC starting next week. While I've traveled plenty, it's almost always been alone, frequently short term (2-3 days including flights in and out), and work related so I had people to either ask for suggestions or just went out on my own. If the trip didn't fit into the above categories it was typically to somewhere I'm relatively familiar with or had a lot of lead time to prepare my trip.

      That is not the case right now. I've never had any interest in NYC so I don't have a list of places I'd like to experience in my head, I don't have a ton of time to research a plan and filter out all the "top 10 things to do in NYC" websites, I'll be with my wife so going off wandering on my own isn't an option, and this will be the first trip where I don't have a rental car to just go get lost in and see where my randomness takes me. I'm also not the tourist type so there's no interest in "the tree" or Times Square, etc.

      So I beseech you fellow Tilderinos, as someone that doesn't care about being a tourist, doesn't have a social media presence to feed I'm-here-and-you're-not selfies to, and needs actual destinations to go to due to a lack of independent mobility, what should someone with pretty much 72 hours of completely free time in NYC actually do?

      16 votes
    3. What do you collect?

      Collections can be made of anything. Some items have no purpose other than being part of the collection itself, something to look at and feel warm inside, while others are more functional or...

      Collections can be made of anything. Some items have no purpose other than being part of the collection itself, something to look at and feel warm inside, while others are more functional or enjoyable by themselves.

      Some collectors are moved by a desire for completion, some by nostalgia, or historical preservation. There are also those who accumulate objects which they believe will grow in value.

      People collect books, movies, posters, magazines, rocks, cars, tools, swords, sand, tshirts, game cartridges, music CDs, videogame consoles, dolls, action figures, computers, letters, stamps, coins, digital files of all kinds, and knives. Anything that you cherish having in great numbers can be a collection.

      So what do you collect, and why?

      16 votes
    4. What are your failed hobbies?

      As I spent some time recently clearing out my closet, I looked longingly at my keyboard that I purchased with the intent of learning and practicing while working from home, as well to my ant farm...

      As I spent some time recently clearing out my closet, I looked longingly at my keyboard that I purchased with the intent of learning and practicing while working from home, as well to my ant farm kit where I had unsuccessfully kept a queen and small colony for a few months until they died several years ago. I'm sure we all have these tokens of failed experiments or forays into hobbies that once seemed interesting but we ended up losing interest in.

      What are yours? Why were you initially interested in it and why did you stop?

      24 votes
    5. Where can I buy a kit internal combustion engine?

      Title. I am interested in buying a kit model engine to assemble and run. I am fine with anything from a single cylinder to a V8. It has to be a kit. It needs to run on a fuel (I want an actual,...

      Title. I am interested in buying a kit model engine to assemble and run.

      • I am fine with anything from a single cylinder to a V8.
      • It has to be a kit.
      • It needs to run on a fuel (I want an actual, running engine)
      • It should not be made in China (would strongly prefer US/Europe/Japan).

      Are there any particular companies or stores I should look at?

      7 votes