18 votes

Pornhub 2022 year in review


  1. [3]
    and as hatred of transgender people grows, so does our fetishisation and dehumanisation. Unsurprising that the country with the highest rate of murders of trans people has trans people as its most...

    The Transgender category grew by +75% to become the 7th most popular category worldwide. Transgender was the #1 most viewed category in Brazil, and 3rd most popular in the United States and Italy.

    and as hatred of transgender people grows, so does our fetishisation and dehumanisation. Unsurprising that the country with the highest rate of murders of trans people has trans people as its most popular porn category.

    Men view Transgender videos +22% more than women

    again no surprises that the population consistently more opposed to trans rights watches more trans porn. (funny how trans people are often portrayed as somehow infringing on "women's rights" yet women are consistently more supportive of trans people than men)

    For those who are a bit out of the loop, anti trans activists and politicians, particularly men, are consistently caught watching transgender porn. Happy to fetishise us, not to treat us as people. Just a few weeks ago a transphobic ABC radio host (australian broadcaster) attempted to host a "debate" with a prominent anti-trans activist. Naturally, his twitter likes are full of trans porn.

    I get it, we are hot ;P. But human rights too please?

    (this is NOT intended to be anti trans sex workers or anti sex work in any way. sex work is valid. trans sex workers are valid.)

    9 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      There’s another way to look at this. But before I say anything further-treating trans (or really anyone) folks as anything less the human is no good. But those who decry the ither while secretly...

      There’s another way to look at this. But before I say anything further-treating trans (or really anyone) folks as anything less the human is no good.

      But those who decry the ither while secretly (perhaps even subconsciously/in real deep denial) are in tremendous pain. Most suffer from grave trauma from childhood that prevents healthy expressions of feelings. And so we get violence as they see this impossible conflict inside them become more externalized. On one side, it’s fully endorsed by society, but on their inside the fear and pain revs so high they must externalize the dysfunction to “balance” things.

      Also, as more folks come out, the “attack surface” increases and we get more victims as a function of numbers.

      3 votes
      1. KittyCat
        Link Parent
        Those repressors you speak about certainly represent some people. Along with the Blair Whites, Buck Angels and Debbie Haytons of the world. But the rest are just chasers and bigots. Like I think...

        Those repressors you speak about certainly represent some people. Along with the Blair Whites, Buck Angels and Debbie Haytons of the world. But the rest are just chasers and bigots. Like I think it's highly unlikely that Ben Shapiro or Tucker Carlson are trans. And the chasers who occasionally message me likely aren't either (at least some of them lol)

        Also, as more folks come out, the “attack surface” increases and we get more victims as a function of numbers.

        and better reporting too. But there's no doubt there is an active political effort right now to kill / hurt transgender people (and a lot of other minorities).

        2 votes
  2. [2]
    This is a really great read for entertainment, but I have to wonder about the data. Conspicuously absent is any mention of how they collected the demographics data. Naturally things like browser,...

    This is a really great read for entertainment, but I have to wonder about the data. Conspicuously absent is any mention of how they collected the demographics data. Naturally things like browser, country, etc, can be gleaned from regular server logs, but for gender and age are they getting this from self-reporting? surveys? from facebook and google tracking? I for one don't really make accounts on porn sites, but if I did I don't think I'd be filling out the form accurately.

    4 votes
    1. Alfred
      Link Parent
      At least for gender, from the link

      At least for gender, from the link

      Men vs Women

      Pornhub’s statisticians make use of Google Analytics to figure out the most likely age and gender of visitors. This data is anonymized from billions of visits to Pornhub annually, giving us one of the richest and most diverse data sets to analyze traffic from all around the world. Because doesn’t watch a little porn, right?

      2 votes
  3. [4]
    They have some serious balls to host the Year in Review on YouTube, knowing that Google could terminate their channel at any moment. My only guess is that YT's automated systems haven't caught up...

    They have some serious balls to host the Year in Review on YouTube, knowing that Google could terminate their channel at any moment. My only guess is that YT's automated systems haven't caught up to the idea that statistics of what people are jerking off to isn't advertiser-friendly.

    Honestly more surprised Mindgeek haven't folded as a result of the Mastercard/Visa ban.

    4 votes
    1. [3]
      Link Parent
      Speaking of: YouTube Removes Pornhub Channel, Citing Multiple Violations of Guidelines (Variety)
      4 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        It's almost as if sexual content doesn't belong on a family and advertiser friendly video platform?

        It's almost as if sexual content doesn't belong on a family and advertiser friendly video platform?

        1. cfabbro
          Link Parent

          Pornhub’s YouTube account did not feature sexually explicit material, which is prohibited under YouTube’s community guidelines. Rather, the Pornhub Official channel on YouTube had featured series like “Advice for Models,” “Pornhub Models” and “Pornhub Literacy 101” as well as sections on fashion, music and the Pornhub Awards.

          2 votes
  4. [5]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Same here. I immediately sent a message to some friends asking which of them is still using PS Vita to browse for porn. One responded "It's the only device my wife doesn't think to check."

      Same here. I immediately sent a message to some friends asking which of them is still using PS Vita to browse for porn. One responded "It's the only device my wife doesn't think to check."

      5 votes
      1. Akir
        Link Parent
        I honestly completely forgot that it even had a browser. It was so bad; it was better than the 3DS browser only in that it was on a better/larger screen, but it wouldn't render any website...

        I honestly completely forgot that it even had a browser.

        It was so bad; it was better than the 3DS browser only in that it was on a better/larger screen, but it wouldn't render any website completely correctly.

        2 votes
    2. knocklessmonster
      Link Parent
      Wii U and 3DS are still in the game!

      Wii U and 3DS are still in the game!

      2 votes
    3. mat
      Link Parent
      I wonder if the existence of a VR headset for the Playstation has any bearing on that?

      I wonder if the existence of a VR headset for the Playstation has any bearing on that?

      2 votes