19 votes

Benefits of roughhousing with your children


  1. [3]
    I enjoy teaching my daughter to punch. She's seven and likes to show off to others how hard she can hit me (don't worry, it's not that hard yet). I am trying to get her form better; starting with...

    I enjoy teaching my daughter to punch. She's seven and likes to show off to others how hard she can hit me (don't worry, it's not that hard yet). I am trying to get her form better; starting with a good stance, learning to put you shoulder into it, leading with the front two knuckles, keeping you guard up, getting familiar with jabs as opposed to just round-house hooks. It's wonderful. She knows punches hurt your hand when you do it wrong but she knows how it feels when it connects.

    We have never used corporal punishment, don't have physical altercations, and violence not a part of her school environment, so she just thinks that practicing body blows is just a fun daddy-daughter activity. The activity exists outside the context of physical violence in her world.

    I don't know if she will ever need to put this into practice. If she had to, I don't know if she would. I hope that day never comes. But, man... anyone who underestimates her is going to be in for a really big surprise.

    15 votes
    1. [2]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Self defense seems to be a complex issue and there are many conflicting opinions that all seem equally reasonable depending on who's explaining it. So I don't have any firm belief on how to keep...

      Self defense seems to be a complex issue and there are many conflicting opinions that all seem equally reasonable depending on who's explaining it. So I don't have any firm belief on how to keep my kid safe in that regard. I do think knowing the "basics is of punching" is a good thing for anyone, it helps us navigate life better, feeling more calm and secure, and I will definitely teach my son as well. It's going to be a real fun and bonding experience that I am looking forward to in the future! But I'm not sure what I'll tell him in regards to how to use it (or not) in real life. Real life situations are very complex. But punching is simple and fun!

      11 votes
      1. vord
        Link Parent
        I think it's all about the ethics of the violence. And at the end of the day, it's better to know how to use it effectively if you need to. Especially for women. As such, I teach my kids how to...

        I think it's all about the ethics of the violence. And at the end of the day, it's better to know how to use it effectively if you need to. Especially for women. As such, I teach my kids how to fight and shoot (though only with nerf guns for the younger and archery for the older at this point). Wrestling also really helps diffuse some of that infinite energy the 2-4 year olds have.

        I teach my kid unconventional ethics though An unrelated example: Graffiti in public spaces is only bad if it does not enhance or beautify. Billboards are just corporate sponsored graffiti, and thus are fair game for defilement. Spraypaint those sidewalks...but make them pretty and not ugly.

        A more tangible example is I'm a firm believer in retaliatory violence when done in immediate response to an act, like pulling a bully off of a victim then beating their face in. That's probably my own trauma speaking....but then, that's the only way my bully stopped, when a kind anarchist 3 years older than me broke the cycle. And from what I've heard, physical bullying is getting worse again. Even against teachers....kids: if you see a teacher getting hit by a kid, remember that they can't legally fight back, but you can.

        10 votes