15 votes

Atlanta’s Music Midtown festival canceled after court ruling made it illegal to keep guns out of event


  1. [6]
    I can think of few places that would be worse for someone to have a gun. A loud, crowded event where people will be drinking in the heat, doing illicit drugs and packed together closely? That's...

    The festival, launched in 1996 by Atlanta-based music promoters Alex Cooley, Peter Conlon and Alex Hoffman, had long barred attendees from bringing guns into the event. In general, most major companies will not host a festival in a location that permits gun owners to carry their weapons into an event, with an exception sometimes made for law enforcement. Some artist riders actually have specific language saying that artist will not perform in cities or states where gun laws grant attendees the right to bring weapons inside of a concert venue.

    I can think of few places that would be worse for someone to have a gun. A loud, crowded event where people will be drinking in the heat, doing illicit drugs and packed together closely? That's just a recipe for disaster.

    But good on the organizers for cancelling. Hopefully this happens more often and states start to see how this will impact their bottom line. It sucks for the people locally who don't get to enjoy the event, but all people really care about is money. If enough events stop happening because of a law, public outcry will make them backtrack.

    (Weird, I never thought I'd say something nice about LiveNation/TicketMaster...)

    8 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      And the thing that is extra crazy is that we already have the precedent of the most deadly mass shooting in the history of the country at an extremely simelar event in Las Vegas, only about 5...

      And the thing that is extra crazy is that we already have the precedent of the most deadly mass shooting in the history of the country at an extremely simelar event in Las Vegas, only about 5 years ago.

      I have no remaining sympathy for anyone arguing for the second amendment anymore. There literally could not be a stronger indicator that there are major issues with our legal lack of ability to control guns. It would be better to appeal the second amendment than to let one more day of this insanity pass.

      5 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        This seems to be due to a Georgia-specific ruling about how a state law is to be applied, not the Second Amendment: So, presumably, the Georgia legislature could fix this. In the meantime, I'd...

        This seems to be due to a Georgia-specific ruling about how a state law is to be applied, not the Second Amendment:

        That law – officially known as the “Safe Carry Protection Act” expanded Georgia’s already permissive gun statues to grant residents the right to pack heat in bars, churches, schools and other private businesses with the owners permission. It also expanded gun carry rights on publicly owned land, like the city-owned Piedmont Park, although there was no legal consensus on whether or not the law applied to private events on city property, like Midtown Music.

        That changed in 2019 when the Georgia Supreme Court set new rules on what types of businesses could and couldn’t bar guns on publicly owned land. Five years earlier, a Georgia gun rights group filed a lawsuit against the Atlanta Botanical Garden after one of its members was briefly detained for attempting to openly carry a holstered pistol into the garden, which is located on publicly owned land.

        So, presumably, the Georgia legislature could fix this. In the meantime, I'd expect fewer festivals on public land in Georgia. I wonder if Atlanta will transfer the fairgrounds to a private entity as a workaround?

        5 votes
        1. Akir
          Link Parent
          Forgive me, my original comment was made in a very emotional state so I'm sure it doesn't pass any scrutiny. And forgive me for the rest of this because it's probably going to be more nonsense...

          Forgive me, my original comment was made in a very emotional state so I'm sure it doesn't pass any scrutiny. And forgive me for the rest of this because it's probably going to be more nonsense emotional appeals.

          And my problem isn't really so much with 2A as it is the way it's being interpreted because the way the courts talk about it are very different from how I read it; I think the meaning has been deliberately distorted by biased judges and it has had disastrous results where gun owners are essentially empowered to be terrorists. Even with so many people being killed, we keep seeing gun rights being expanded; there's no limit to the number of guns or ammo you can own and in many states you can even be given the right to conceal your weaponry. Unless I missed something, there hasn't even been a single attempt to make a new amendment to fix the apparently unlimited rights to own guns.

          The thing that disgusts me so much about our ability to do absolutely anything that would have real effects to stop gun related crimes is that every single reason can be traced back to the fact that gun ownership is popular. And you know what? Gun owners are absolutely fucking childish. Sure, there are responsible gun owners, but the people who cling to them and freak out whenever they hear a whisper of regulation are self-evidentary that they should not be allowed to own them. These are people that rely for their sense of safety that they have a machine strapped to them that will allow them to murder someone instantly - and with Stand Your Ground laws in some states, the only thing they need to do for the state to bless that execution is for them to feel fear. Worse, some of them keep them because 'they're just cool' and don't even see them as the deadly machines they are.

          Outside of a defensive force, guns have no reason to exist in our society. Guns are a permant solution to extremely temporary problems. If it weren't for the fact that they're absolutely fucking everywhere, our police shouldn't have them either. And maybe then we'd have less examples of people being executed in the street by them.

          Perhaps one of the reasons why I'm so upset about all of this is that most of the other things that bother me about society are all related by capitalism. And while sure, capitalism has it's claws in this too, it's not the main problem. The problem is us. We're children, our elected leaders are children, and nobody is willing to be an adult and take away the toys even when those toys are killing literal children.

          A more reasonable Akir will be able to talk about this subject after a short break.

          3 votes
      2. Nivlak
        Link Parent
        That Vegas shooting was a bit different though right? He was not even at the event itself but was shooting from distance out of a window with high caliber rifles.

        That Vegas shooting was a bit different though right? He was not even at the event itself but was shooting from distance out of a window with high caliber rifles.

        1 vote
      3. JXM
        Link Parent
        I completely agree. I don’t think we will ever repeal the 2nd amendment (getting 2/3 of states to ratify would be nearly impossible, sadly) and I think for the next 30-40 years it will only expand...

        I completely agree. I don’t think we will ever repeal the 2nd amendment (getting 2/3 of states to ratify would be nearly impossible, sadly) and I think for the next 30-40 years it will only expand because of our current Supreme Court makeup.

        1 vote