46 votes

Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication


  1. DefinitelyNotAFae
    I feel like this one felt like the court believe the plaintiffs were wasting their time due to the standing. Regardless of what I think is a determined attempt to shut down abortion in the US,...

    I feel like this one felt like the court believe the plaintiffs were wasting their time due to the standing. Regardless of what I think is a determined attempt to shut down abortion in the US, they didn't want that particular can of worms open hence the unanimous ruling. I'm curious about Thomas's concurrence but I don't want to put myself through reading it today I think. Wondering where he differed but assuming it'll be frustrating.

    13 votes
  2. [6]
    @mycketforvirrad curious why this was moved to ~health. It clearly is different from the types of content otherwise posted and as a Supreme Court case certainly goes far beyond just the healthcare...

    @mycketforvirrad curious why this was moved to ~health. It clearly is different from the types of content otherwise posted and as a Supreme Court case certainly goes far beyond just the healthcare implications of the ruling.

    8 votes
    1. mycketforvirrad
      Link Parent
      Abortion topics are often found in ~health, including earlier ones about this drug and the Supreme Court. I have popped this one back in ~news.

      Abortion topics are often found in ~health, including earlier ones about this drug and the Supreme Court. I have popped this one back in ~news.

      9 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      I think that a ruling about the regulation of a prescription drug by the FDA is pretty good fit for ~health, which is why I’ve posted such things there. Maybe that’s not a perfect fit, but...

      I think that a ruling about the regulation of a prescription drug by the FDA is pretty good fit for ~health, which is why I’ve posted such things there. Maybe that’s not a perfect fit, but nothing’s going to be perfect?

      There’s a question of why we don’t have a politics or law group, and part of the answer is that there’s politics and laws and policies about everything and often it’s better discussed in a more specific context.

      6 votes
      1. updawg
        Link Parent
        I agree, but especially with this subject I feel like people don't necessarily care about discussing it for the health reasons as much as for the political reasons. A unanimous Supreme Court...

        I agree, but especially with this subject I feel like people don't necessarily care about discussing it for the health reasons as much as for the political reasons. A unanimous Supreme Court decision likely isn't very interesting as far as the discussions of the health side go, but it may be worth discussing why it would be unanimous, especially in such an embattled court.

        If they were a major Supreme Court ruling about something tech-related, I would think to put it in ~tech because the people who would care about that are people interested in tech. But the people interested in this ruling are not necessarily interested in health as a whole. I wouldn't be surprised if there are people interested in this ruling who may have unsubscribed from ~health.

        11 votes
    3. [2]
      Link Parent
      In your thinking, would a supreme court case with huge health-related implications about another type of medication not belong with "health"?

      In your thinking, would a supreme court case with huge health-related implications about another type of medication not belong with "health"?

      5 votes
      1. updawg
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        Possibly. To use a health-related metaphor, the dosage makes the poison. If it's something revolutionary, then I feel like it's more ~news or potentially ~misc if it's more political. The rest of...

        Possibly. To use a health-related metaphor, the dosage makes the poison. If it's something revolutionary, then I feel like it's more ~news or potentially ~misc if it's more political. The rest of ~health really seems to be more about discussions of health or discussions about science related to health.

        6 votes