17 votes
What color is the sun?
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A simulation of first contact ran on May 24, 2023. Here is the website with the details.
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We could see the glint off giant cities on alien worlds, suggests paper
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A new, thin-lensed telescope design could far surpass James Webb – goodbye mirrors, hello diffractive lenses
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Meteor activity outlook for July 15-21, 2023
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Turns out, our solar system is the rarest planetary system out there
53 votes -
How I discovered the Hummingbird Nebula
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New 3D visualization by NASA highlights 5,000 galaxies revealed by Webb
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Harvard professor Avi Loeb has found fragments of a meteoroid that he believes could be from a spacecraft from another civilization or some technological gadget
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Dr. Angela Collier, theoretical physicist, discusses aliens, crackpots, and Avi Loeb
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NASA's "rubber room", the emergency egress bunker located below the Apollo launch pad
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Black hole ripples could help pin down expansion of universe
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Why not Mars
21 votes -
Ariane 5 to take final flight, leaving Europe without its own heavy-lift rocket
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We're back at the Royal Astronomical Society to look at some awesome antique moon globes
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Astronomer here! AMA!
I'm here on the invitation of someone else, and not sure what this new website is all about yet/ the space stuff seems pretty scant, so anyone got a question about space they need answering? For...
I'm here on the invitation of someone else, and not sure what this new website is all about yet/ the space stuff seems pretty scant, so anyone got a question about space they need answering?
For those who don't know me from the certain other website, I am a radio astronomer currently at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian. Known under this user account on a certain other website for comments that begin with "astronomer here!"
122 votes -
Seven amazing accomplishments the James Webb Telescope achieved in its first year
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Vote to block Georgia spaceport upheld by state’s high court
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What is a blue moon and when is the next one?
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Meteor activity outlook for July 1-7, 2023
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After fifteen years, pulsar timing yields evidence of cosmic gravitational wave background
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Scientists have found signs of a new kind of gravitational wave. It's really big.
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Apollo 12 source code: Looking at the original flown code printout, and the 1202 error fix
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Quasar hunting in amateur astrophotography
I'm not sure how big the astrophotography community, if any, is on ~tildes but I'd figure I'd open a topic up and see! Astrophotography is one of my hobbies, and it was brought to my attention...
I'm not sure how big the astrophotography community, if any, is on ~tildes but I'd figure I'd open a topic up and see! Astrophotography is one of my hobbies, and it was brought to my attention (see link for two quasars near the M3 globular cluster) that it's actually pretty easy to photograph quasars. The same are visible in my attempt at photographing M3. Anyway, my question here is does anybody know of any particular interesting or distant quasars to photograph? I assume most will just be "dots" but it still sounds like fun since they're among the most distant objects you can see. I assume most quasars would be broad spectrum, so no filters are really needed, but I'm also curious if there's any bright yet redshifted objects you'd need infrared to capture.
My setup is an Astro-Tech AT80EDT 80mm Refractor f/6. I just got the f/0.8 reducer which I'm excited to take for a spin. It's a chonky piece of glass. My camera is a ZWO ASI585MC which does decent enough for deep sky.
Edit: To add, using something like http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/ is great for finding interesting objects once I've already taken a photo, but it's less helpful to plan my shots.
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Planet that shouldn't exist found
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Organic matter in the asteroid Ryugu: what we know so far
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A big gravitational wave announcement is coming thursday. Here's why we're excited
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Senate Intelligence bill gives holders of "non-earth origin or exotic UAP material" six months to make it available to AARO
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NASA opposes lithium mining at tabletop flat Nevada site used to calibrate satellites
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This is what happens to an exposed body in space
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Meteor activity outlook for 24-30 June, 2023
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NASA vs ESA: Excitement level
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The Perseverance Mars rover collected its twentieth sample today
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If the Moon were only 1 pixel - A tediously accurate map of the solar system
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Life in the cosmos: JWST hints at lower number of habitable planets
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Mercury ahead! - ESA/JAXA's BepiColumbo completed its third flyby of Mercury today
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What lies beyond: Exploring interstellar space
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Is this UFO whistleblower for real?
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Meteor activity outlook for June 17-23, 2023
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Japanese company Astroscale wants to clean up low Earth orbit
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Key building block for life found at Saturn's moon Enceladus
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USA urged to reveal UFO evidence after claim that it has intact alien vehicles
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APOD - Astronomy Picture of the Day
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Assessment of the technological viability of photoelectrochemical devices for oxygen and fuel production on Moon and Mars
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NASA’s Webb proves galaxies transformed the early universe
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NASA prepares for historic asteroid sample delivery on Sept. 24, 2023
11 votes -
There is a universe…
9 votes -
Japan will put a wooden satellite into orbit next year
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UFO hunters built an open-source AI system to scan the skies
4 votes