What did you do this week (and weekend)?
As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!
Last Saturday I tendered my resignation. Wednesday was my final day. I have been elated the whole time. So much stress gone! Still have a lot to work on to get my life on track but even though the fear of being in this situation was always a major stressor for me, it’s immeasurably better to be this way than to continue the way I was before.
Of course, when I came back from work on Wednesday I found out that we had a fairly major leak. I have spent the last day trying some fixes but it seems that there were three leaks and I was only able to fix two of them. A plumber will be coming in today for the last one. It’s super disappointing to have to spend the extra money on that given the situation. The inspection alone will cost $90, but that isn’t actually that bad in the scheme of things.
Congratulations! There's nothing like the sense of liberation from kicking a miserable job to the curb, even with an unexpected expense looming. I hope you find something more satisfying, even if it's a few months of just rediscovering life outside the shackles of work.
Much appreciated. I think the thing I am most looking forward to is being able to concentrate on things again!
I'm worried a bit about the cost of the plumbing work that needs to happen, but at the same time it's nowhere near as bad as the anxiety I was dealing with, so I'm already seeing some major improvements.
That's a really big deal. Hope it's appropriate to congratulate you!
And hope the plumbing situation won't require a lot of repairs.
It is! Thank you!
Unfortunately, we have both a busted main and also need to replace our hot water heater, which we just discovered was manufactured in 1999.
It was my birthday a few days ago so I treated myself to a couple new toys--a Teenage Engineering EP-133 and a Roland J-6 chord sequencer. I've always wanted to futz around with making music as a potential hobby, but in a way that a) I can accomplish despite never having learned to play any instruments, b) doesn't require much initial understanding of music theory, and c) doesn't involve me sitting at a computer (which I do enough of already for my job).
So far it's been fun and I think this combo of dedicated hardware devices was a good choice--the EP-133 is really easy and fun to capture samples and make beats and loops on, and the J-6 is like a non-musician's dream come true for finding good-sounding chord progressions (and I love the sound of the built-in synth). My plan is to see if I can completely sequence and produce some tracks sans-computer--basically run the J-6's audio out through the EP-133, sync up their timing via MIDI, and then feed the EP-133 out into a Zoom recorder to record everything as I play it. Probably everything I do will be trash since I'm 100% brand new to literally every aspect of this, but it's so much fun I don't really care.
Happy belated birthday!
Those Teenage Engineering products look so cool. I've always wanted to get one of the Pocket Operators, but I never bit the bullet. The OP-1 would be cool, too, but that's a bit pricey. OK, a lot pricey.
Anyway, would love to hear some of your creations, if you ever feel like sharing!
Had a visit from my brother and his girlfriend and saw them smile, joke and laugh for the first time since my nephew died 3 months ago, so it was good to see them being processing it a lot. There's still a lot to work on for them of course but they've come quite far already.
On a more difficult note, I had a 2 hour psychologist appointment yesterday. She's an expert in her field, so obviously credibility which previous psychs and therapists have not given me as the thing that the appointment was about is horribly complex. So since nobody I've ever talked to have been specialized and have had real expertise about the field, I've sort of been able to dismiss it and be in denial about. But now I have a truly clear, trustworthy, qualified, etc., answer to it. It's something I've finally admitted to myself and it's going to be really hard to process it.
On another much happier note, back to playing games with a friendo and even "met" a friend of a friend that way while playing so that's been nice. Makes me hopeful that I've made another friend and maybe meet irl one day!
We found and fixed a leak that the plumber took two visits and the threat of tearing down a ceiling to miss. One $4 length of 1/4" poly tubing and a borescope, 15 minutes of swearing and yelling between floors, one YouTube video, and done. Turns out the previous plumber caused the leak by nicking the existing tubing with a drill... The well water tap in the kitchen is working again, and I'm happy to drink those yummy minerals.
It's been an eventful week for me, in a good way! After procrastinating on it for months, I finally scheduled a therapy session and went to my first one on Wednesday. I've been stressed with work and mildly depressed/anxious for a while now so I've been wanting to try therapy for a while. I'm lucky my place of work pays a service to offer employees 10 free therapy sessions every calendar year. Even though I've only attended one session, I feel a good bit better, sort of like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I think that's partly because I've finally been able to talk about my struggles with someone.
I also spent the afternoon today in the city. I wanted to go to the city last weekend as it was a long weekend due to Veteran's Day falling on Monday but never got around to going. I was supposed to go with some friends but they went silent on our group chat last night and only responded once I arrived in the city so I enjoyed a day in the city by myself. I've been thinking about moving to the city over the last few weeks so I just roamed around the neighborhoods I was thinking about. Overall, I had a great time and look forward to exploring more neighborhoods in the near future.
I was off on Monday, so I finally got off my ass and went to a furniture store to try out a couch/sectional I've had my eye on, online, for the last month or so. Seemed comfy enough and the price was decent. So I bought it.
Been without any couches since I moved 2.5mo ago. I didn't think it was going to be that big of a deal, as I don't watch that much TV. I'm usually sat in front of my computer in my bedroom, gaming or watching YouTube. But I do once in awhile want to watch an F1 race or some show on a bigger screen. I'd been using an extra office chair in my living room in the meantime. Which works, but obviously not ideal. Plus the empty space just made my living room look weird.
The sectional arrived today and already took a nice nap on it. Which is at least half the reason why I got it. I'm like a cat; I need places to nap.
Workwise, it's going better, I think. Now that I have some tasking and I'm being asked to get involved with various projects, I'm feeling more comfortable in this job. I felt like I didn't have any purpose for the first 4-5 weeks. Nor did my own supervisors. That was rough. Didn't help that when people asked me, "So what are you doing for us? What's your role here?" I could only say "Idk." Made me look foolish, which is always bad at work, but worse when you're new. Anyway, I'll just keep chugging along for now.
I’m tired as fuck man. I’ve started my master’s degree this year, and it’s genuinely eating up all my time (otherwise I would be posting on here a lot more lol). Historically I’ve been a not-great student as far as studying goes, but last week I convinced myself to sit down and actually review the material for an upcoming test (kind of a lame achievement, but gotta start somewhere I guess).
Last Friday I also played Wingspan with my friends and roommates. They’re all relatively new to board games outside of the most popular ones such as Monopoly, but they really seemed to enjoy Wingspan and so we’ll likely play it again in the near future. They’ve also asked about other board games, and one friend asked about DnD, which I have no experience in whatsoever but I’ll probably look into soon. Maybe buying one of the starter kits and seeing how that goes?