I'm looking for a job change, and just posting a resume on LinkedIn has increased the amount of recruiter-spam to the point where I've set up mailbox filters. And it's clearly autogenerated by...
I'm looking for a job change, and just posting a resume on LinkedIn has increased the amount of recruiter-spam to the point where I've set up mailbox filters. And it's clearly autogenerated by keyword - I had a 90-day contract job 10+ years ago that involved Netsuite and Salesforce administration, have never used them since, but darned if those skills aren't in demand.
I love how it misspells or substitutes your name! That tiny detail made a huge impact on the realism :')
I'm looking for a job change, and just posting a resume on LinkedIn has increased the amount of recruiter-spam to the point where I've set up mailbox filters. And it's clearly autogenerated by keyword - I had a 90-day contract job 10+ years ago that involved Netsuite and Salesforce administration, have never used them since, but darned if those skills aren't in demand.
Not funny, too real. ;-)
Oh god these are so bad/good. Reminds me of the tech-jargon bingo cards out there: https://www.bullshitbingo.net/cards/it/
How old is this that "WiFi" is a buzzword?