8 votes

It's been five years already, let's gawp at Microsoft and Nokia's bloodbath


  1. Akir
    I'm not sure that Elop really deserves the redemption that the article implies. Sure, Meego wasn't competitive at the time, but they shot themselves in the foot by tying the company to Windows...

    I'm not sure that Elop really deserves the redemption that the article implies. Sure, Meego wasn't competitive at the time, but they shot themselves in the foot by tying the company to Windows Phone. WP7 was a disastrous choice even with what they knew then; it had zero public interest in spite of it's history.

    Then again, you can't put the blame entirely on Elop. It's not like he was working in a vacuum.

    They were probably better off sticking with Meego and developing it further. In spite of not having all of Nokia's resources, Jolla is still managing to stay in business having done just that with Sailfish OS.

    5 votes
  2. Rocket_Man
    The entire windows phone situation makes me sad. I had the phones from the very beginning and there were some really great ideas at the beginning. Although the timing was just the absolute worst....

    The entire windows phone situation makes me sad. I had the phones from the very beginning and there were some really great ideas at the beginning. Although the timing was just the absolute worst. It had an actually decent beginning and growth, although the management of the app store and basically restarting the platform 3 times while increasingly turning it into an iOS/Android clone meant it was dead. If things were a bit different the Nokia acquisition could've made sense.

    3 votes
  3. sxo
    Fuck you Microsoft for ruining my dreams of the perfect IRC phone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia_N950

    Fuck you Microsoft for ruining my dreams of the perfect IRC phone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia_N950

    2 votes