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  • Showing only topics in ~tech with the tag "apps". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Can anyone help me find a camera app that asks me to pick a folder for the photo either when I open the app or immediately after I take a photo?

      I'm trying to get away from the lifestyle of taking a shit ton of photos and then laboriously organizing them at a later date. I could totally take a photo, switch to the gallery app, select that...

      I'm trying to get away from the lifestyle of taking a shit ton of photos and then laboriously organizing them at a later date. I could totally take a photo, switch to the gallery app, select that photo, and then move it to the right folder, but as many tilders can probably relate, that is not conducive to the ADHD lifestyle. I need something at the point of contact.

      Brief privacy anecdote

      I'm trying to migrate from Google Photos and generally become more self-reliant when it comes to data management. So while I value Google's auto organization capabilities, the privacy implications wig me out.

      I once took a picture of a physical photo I had of my late grandfather to send to my dad. It automatically backed up to google. Later, it notified me and asked "who is this?" showing a close-up of my grandpa from that photo. Can't explain why, that was just a little unsettling for me. So that's why I'm currently overhauling my photo organization/back-up methods.

      16 votes
    2. Copyleft software license is broken when it comes to web apps

      Now, we all much admire the Richard Stallman mindset and the libre/commons ideals of GNU GPL folks, they are the ones who pioneered the open source foundations by giving us things like core utils,...

      Now, we all much admire the Richard Stallman mindset and the libre/commons ideals of GNU GPL folks, they are the ones who pioneered the open source foundations by giving us things like core utils, emacs, gcc, etc. at a time when proprietary solutions were having a field day with absolutely zero competition.

      However, the GNU GPL software license has a few practical problems when it comes to development of web apps. I came across these while developing a PHP web framework recently. I had initially considered GPL v3 but I will have to go with a permissive license like MIT or Apache due to these issues:

      1. The GPL applies to your entire software as a whole including derivative works. Now what constitutes a derivative work is often highly technical but not even an attempt has been made in GPL to clarify that. That question has been left vague for some reason which is never good from a legal perspective.
      2. In my case, the two require files are in the core directory while a plain index.php lives in the root for the user to override. This index.php is included as a template or stencil which the framework's user is supposed to override with their own code. In GPL lingo, this might well cause it to be a derivative work and that will require them to "contribute" those changes back to me which doesn't make any sense at all! There needs to be an exception for included sample or example files for which the GPL shouldn't apply.
      3. There is also a problem with GPL due to the nature of web or Internet. Another app I am developing is a bit heavy on JavaScript and contains static *.js and *.css files. The mere running of the app in a web browser will cause these files to be "distributed" through the <link> and <script> tags. From GPL perspective, this becomes a technical violation as no GPL license had accompanied this distribution. And in case you minify or compress your JavaScript or stylesheets for efficiency (which is a very common practice), this violation becomes even more grave as you're technically distributing GPLed source in an obfuscated form!

      The GPL badly needs to be upgraded for these scenarios. Until then, it remains a good use case for desktop or console apps which run directly on your computer and usually have a clearer boundary of what constitutes a distribution and/or derived work.

      14 votes
    3. Thoughts on VR?

      Are there any other people on Tildes who regularly use VR? What has the experience been like for you? Which headset do you own? What do you use it for? Do you use it regularly? Any...

      Are there any other people on Tildes who regularly use VR?

      • What has the experience been like for you?
      • Which headset do you own?
      • What do you use it for?
      • Do you use it regularly?
      • Any favorite/recommended games/apps?
      22 votes