4 votes

Hi I'm new here what's up

I think this site is a really neat concept, especially because the quality of discussion on Reddit has really deteriorated (which has happened concurrently with Reddit's shift from discussion and news to "repository of Internet culture"). I like online discussion, and IMO this site's design is better than Hacker News, so I'm probably going to start using this site. Is there anything I should know about this site? This is my first post and I'm not too sure how things work.


  1. teaearlgraycold
    Welcome to our site! You should read up on the Tildes-specific mechanics. Not all of them have been implemented, though.

    Welcome to our site!

    Is there anything I should know about this site?

    You should read up on the Tildes-specific mechanics. Not all of them have been implemented, though.

    4 votes
  2. Hypersapien
    Hi! You can introduce yourself in the welcome thread.

    Hi! You can introduce yourself in the welcome thread.

    3 votes