Moving post comments to the top
For smaller threads, this isn't much of an issue, but once a thread reaches ~30 or so comments you have to scroll to the bottom before posting a comment. As tildes begins to grow this problem will only get worse and worse.
Is there any way this could be moved to the top of a thread? This would fix this problem.
I know @Deimos mentioned they wanted to leave it like that to encourage people to read the whole thread before responding. It also makes it more likely comments will receive replies before users post a new top level comment.
You can always press "End" on your keyboard to bring you to the bottom of the page instead.
You desktop cheaters! :P
I agree, it slows down people from instantly reading the title and then jumping in to post without reading anything.
Yup, as @Eeyore says, there was a thread discussing it.
I think @Amarok's FAQ thread should be stickied. But it's probably not possible to do that yet. You can take a look at it to get an idea of some of what's been said so far. :)