16 votes

‘Baby Reindeer’s’ alleged ‘real Martha’ sues Netflix, demanding at least $170 million in damages


  1. [6]
    It could be very telling that she didn't include Gadd in the lawsuit, especially if there isn't a separate law suit opened against him, because discovery could be very telling... She says she...

    It could be very telling that she didn't include Gadd in the lawsuit, especially if there isn't a separate law suit opened against him, because discovery could be very telling... She says she couldn't possibly send so many emails in the time frame alleged, but we've all seen way crazier on the internet, and I believe that she was texting Gadd's email address. I used to email pictures directly from the text message app all of the time for work purposes and is a lot faster than opening the email app, hitting compose, etc.

    7 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      The fact that Gadd isn't being sued as well implies to me that she just wants Netflix to pony up some settlement money. If the material in Baby Reindeer is indeed defamatory (which imo is a...

      The fact that Gadd isn't being sued as well implies to me that she just wants Netflix to pony up some settlement money. If the material in Baby Reindeer is indeed defamatory (which imo is a stretch to say the least), she'd have a much stronger case against Gadd, who presumably would have personal knowledge of anything he wrote in it and how true it was. Netflix is just being sued for... negligently believing Gadd? idk, this seems like a weak case to me but I know UK defamation law is much worse for defendants than in the US so maybe it flies due to something there.

      8 votes
      1. [3]
        Link Parent
        But I think the case is in the States? I'm very out of the loop on Baby Reindeer: saw one of my YouTube channels I subscribe to talking about it, watched the Netflix trailer just this morning. Is...

        The suit was filed Thursday in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. Copy of Harvey’s complaint is at this link.

        But I think the case is in the States?

        I'm very out of the loop on Baby Reindeer: saw one of my YouTube channels I subscribe to talking about it, watched the Netflix trailer just this morning. Is it a big hit? Like, Squid Game big?

        4 votes
        1. sparksbet
          Link Parent
          I haven't seen it, so I'm the wrong one to ask! My bad about the venue, I missed that and assumed since the plaintiff was Scottish she'd be suing in the UK. IANAL, but California seems like a bad...

          I haven't seen it, so I'm the wrong one to ask!

          My bad about the venue, I missed that and assumed since the plaintiff was Scottish she'd be suing in the UK. IANAL, but California seems like a bad choice of venue given how strong California's anti-SLAPP laws are. If Netflix doesn't just roll over and settle, they have several ways of getting attorneys' fees and costs back from her based on California's anti-SLAPP (including suing her for them after the fact if the case goes to trial and they win afaik). But I suppose they might need to sue in California due to something in Netflix's terms and conditions. That's the only reason I can think of why you'd pick California as a venue rather than the UK.

          4 votes
        2. cloud_loud
          Link Parent
          I don’t think it’s quite that big or ubiquitous, but it struck a chord with a lot of “normies” in a way no one expected.

          I don’t think it’s quite that big or ubiquitous, but it struck a chord with a lot of “normies” in a way no one expected.

          2 votes
    2. GenuinelyCrooked
      Link Parent
      Also, if at least some of this information weren't true, it wouldn't have been possible for people to use it to discover her identity. It may still be exaggerated, in which case I hope action is...

      Also, if at least some of this information weren't true, it wouldn't have been possible for people to use it to discover her identity. It may still be exaggerated, in which case I hope action is taken to rectify the situation, but it can't be whole cloth.

      2 votes