15 votes

Westworld III | HBO 2020


  1. [5]
    I saw on Reddit that people are wondering if this is actually Futureworld, and if the entire season will be a bamboozle. But I don't think we'll see subversion of expectations on that level...

    I saw on Reddit that people are wondering if this is actually Futureworld, and if the entire season will be a bamboozle. But I don't think we'll see subversion of expectations on that level without D&D.

    6 votes
    1. Apos
      Link Parent
      I've seen the current predictions and if they are true, the bamboozle is coming. Previous season don't come close.

      I've seen the current predictions and if they are true, the bamboozle is coming. Previous season don't come close.

      5 votes
    2. [4]
      Comment deleted by author
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      1. [3]
        Comment deleted by author
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        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Also apparently the real park burned down.

          Also apparently the real park burned down.

          1. [2]
            Comment deleted by author
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            1. Apos
              Link Parent
              That's not as bad as I thought then.

              That's not as bad as I thought then.

      2. Amarok
        Link Parent
        I hope it's a reset. Shows change far too little for my liking between seasons. The first season was an awesome roller coaster ride. The second season disappeared up its own ass trying to be...

        I hope it's a reset. Shows change far too little for my liking between seasons. The first season was an awesome roller coaster ride. The second season disappeared up its own ass trying to be clever and felt like a bad parody of the first season. The best thing they can do for season three is slow the fuck down and write a good story in a different setting. I'd written Westworld off after S2, but this trailer has already convinced me to give the third season a shot. If they go back towards a bullshit metaphysical plot structure I'm going to give it a hard pass.

        I'm getting rather tired of trying to make sense out plots that never even made sense to the people who wrote them. Seems like that's becoming the 'in' thing lately. I blame JJ Abrams and his mystery box for popularizing this hack writing style. That, to me, seems like the exact opposite of how to write a sensible, satisfying story.

        2 votes
  2. JCPhoenix
    I'm getting strong "Detroit: Become Human" vibes from this. Which makes sense, since they're both about robots, AI, and sentience/freedom.

    I'm getting strong "Detroit: Become Human" vibes from this. Which makes sense, since they're both about robots, AI, and sentience/freedom.

    1 vote
  3. [7]
    unknown user
    That's a fun trailer. I liked it. That said, the whole Westworld thing is still a mystery to me. I've seen the first two episodes, and wasn't convinced, and left it there. Never heard from it...

    That's a fun trailer. I liked it.

    That said, the whole Westworld thing is still a mystery to me. I've seen the first two episodes, and wasn't convinced, and left it there. Never heard from it again.

    Now I see this, and it's exciting, and I'd like to know more about it. I asked about it in the comments to the trailer post on Reddit, and all that people have told me was "you should really just watch it", which isn't at all helpful if your last experience with the series was "...meh".


    I dug about the first two seasons, and from what I understand, the third season is supposed to take place IRL as the series has had it outside the parks. Apparently, the main gal – Dolores – has escaped the park and is now struggling on the outside in order to preserve her "species", for lack of a better term? They have robots IRL, but they're not the same kind of robots are the hosts are. I can see how having human-simulating synthetics that could potential acquire consciousness outside, in the real world, could be alarming.


    So, like... what's up? I've read the first season's recap, and the second season's recaps are mostly for the finale, or mean nothing to me.

    People have been raving about the series, and the third season looks like it could be a lot of fun, so I'd like to see if I should get into it. I know some of the best series build slowly – I remember thinking "Man, this Breaking Bad thing is not that exciting" for the first two episodes, but man, did it explode as it went along.

    Maybe it's the same thing with Westworld for me.

    1. [4]
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      1. [3]
        unknown user
        Link Parent
        oh for fuck's sake

        You should really just watch it.

        oh for fuck's sake

        2 votes
        1. skullkid2424
          Link Parent
          There's probably a reason why you keep getting that response. Its not the type of show where explaining it or reading summaries will do it justice. And honestly, if you watch a couple of episodes...

          There's probably a reason why you keep getting that response. Its not the type of show where explaining it or reading summaries will do it justice.

          And honestly, if you watch a couple of episodes and don't like it - maybe it isn't for you. Regardless of how interesting the season 3 trailer might be, you'll be missing so much if you don't watch the first two seasons. So I'd either give it another shot and see if you can make it far enough to be interested...or perhaps give up and say that it isn't for you.

        2. Adys
          Link Parent
          You have a choice to make. Either you decide Westworld is not for you and you don't watch it, or you should just fcking watch it. You can't really do the in-between thing. It's just not a series...

          You have a choice to make. Either you decide Westworld is not for you and you don't watch it, or you should just fcking watch it.

          You can't really do the in-between thing. It's just not a series that works well when you skip random shit and read spoilers.

    2. [3]
      Link Parent
      If you don't like the concept of rich people going into a theme park populated by robots that behave like humans, then you won't like the show. Normally, even after the first episode you should be...

      If you don't like the concept of rich people going into a theme park populated by robots that behave like humans, then you won't like the show. Normally, even after the first episode you should be hooked. Since you're not hooked, maybe this isn't the type of show for you.

      While as you said, the best series build slowly. This one is good from the start but it also builds up and there are many plot twists. The show makes you think quite a lot. It's realistic enough that a future like that seems possible.

      Instead of spoiling yourself, I would say wait a few years for when you're in the right state of mind and then come back. This is a type of show that will age very well (unless they pull off a GoT).

      1. [2]
        unknown user
        Link Parent
        I reckon we just have different perspectives on what is a good start and what's good sci-fi. "in the right state of mind"... Fucking hell. The flak I'm getting for trying to get into something so...

        I reckon we just have different perspectives on what is a good start and what's good sci-fi.

        wait a few years for when you're in the right state of mind

        "in the right state of mind"... Fucking hell. The flak I'm getting for trying to get into something so hyped is ridiculous.

        1. Apos
          Link Parent
          That wasn't negative though. The show is similar to a movie like Inception. It's great, very high production quality, but most people don't understand wtf is going on. You need to put some...

          That wasn't negative though. The show is similar to a movie like Inception. It's great, very high production quality, but most people don't understand wtf is going on. You need to put some thinking. If you're not in the right state of mind, you won't enjoy it. There's no point forcing yourself to do something you won't enjoy.

          It's the same for me when I started watching Bojack Horseman. I gave up on it and waited a few years. When I finally gave it another go, I could enjoy it.

  4. mrbig
    Westworld is a mystery story more than anything. In my opinion, it made the mistake of revealing way too much in the first two seasons. There's a limit to the number of turns and twists you can...

    Westworld is a mystery story more than anything. In my opinion, it made the mistake of revealing way too much in the first two seasons. There's a limit to the number of turns and twists you can have without losing credibility. Soap operas thrive in the absurd, but Westworld sells itself as serious drama. And it's running out of options.

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