Boaty_McBoatyson's recent activity

  1. Comment on Reuters investigation: Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic in ~health

    Link Parent
    Without being a socialist or communist myself, I do think their way of slicing the cake of global power horisontally along class lines (economic, intellectual) makes more sense in light of...

    Without being a socialist or communist myself, I do think their way of slicing the cake of global power horisontally along class lines (economic, intellectual) makes more sense in light of revelations such as this one. Countries and states seem more and more like vehicles of keeping a semblance of democratic support for oligarchs in charge of the US/EU.

    A pet theory of mine that I would love to have disproved is that a lot of our institutions are dysfunctional because of the principal agent-type issues. I mean what would you do if you have years of career sunk cost, a family, a mortgage and the continuance of your career and future earnings are dependant on you spearheading a very amoral campaign? Not trying to create excuses for anyone, just trying to understand the structural underpinnings of the issues we constantly face in the west.

    Becoming a whistle-blower seems like a pretty rough path to take unless you like living in Russia away from your family forever or in a tiny room in the Ecuadorian embassy like Assange.

    13 votes
  2. Comment on Is there a sweetspot for www programming btw. WordPress and tiny web? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Thanks much for this thoughtful overview. Just the kind of evaluation and low-level understanding I was trying to get at. Apologies for not responding sooner, was offline all weekend. From my new...

    Thanks much for this thoughtful overview. Just the kind of evaluation and low-level understanding I was trying to get at. Apologies for not responding sooner, was offline all weekend.

    From my new understanding of SSG I think my interests boils down to also having more control over the website rather than the hodgepodge modularity of Wordpress. I've disabled CF7 now, very nice of you to go into details of my current site.

    I don't know why my website loads reCaptcha -- I suspect it might be the newsletter sign-up form anti-spam functionality, but my level of understanding is pointing the Firefox inspector tool around and typically not understanding much of the code it brings to light.

    If you happen to know of any good online learning ressources that would equip me to start laying out the basic structure of a site coded with SSG, please drop a link. That would probably be next level of reality check whether or not I should try to learn it or stick to what I know (drag n drop GUI monkey Wordpress).

  3. Comment on Is there a sweetspot for www programming btw. WordPress and tiny web? in ~tech

  4. Comment on Is there a sweetspot for www programming btw. WordPress and tiny web? in ~tech

    I run a blog which posts the contents of a weekly radio show to its own website. Currently the site runs WordPress but I am entertaining the idea of transferring the site to something more light...

    I run a blog which posts the contents of a weekly radio show to its own website.

    Currently the site runs WordPress but I am entertaining the idea of transferring the site to something more light weight, in the spirit of the tiny web. As I post audio and multiple images every week I'm wondering if a static site framework such as for example would be a realistic choice, given that my content is not just text.

    I'm attracted to tiny web sites for the following reasons:

    • able to create new pages in a text editor even offline
    • quicker loading times

    These aspects of WordPress are irritating

    • company appears to be engaged in "growth hacking" and we all know how that ends ...
    • plugins constantly needs updating
    • site load time is slow (even though I use a decently programmed theme 'GeneratePress')

    I am not adverse to learning, but had difficulties learning HTML/CSS. I would be able to write my posts in a simple mark-up language, but would love to work with a paid programmer to establish the framework of the site if I decide on moving away from WordPress.

    Your evaluations and suggestions are much appreciated.
    So where is the party at these days if you want a tiny web website with frequent content updates?

    5 votes
  5. Comment on The new YouTube layout is just too horrible, is there a way to revert back? in ~tech

    Want to add as a possible alternative front-end for youtube. Doesn't work too well with uploads from music distribution sites.

    Want to add as a possible alternative front-end for youtube. Doesn't work too well with uploads from music distribution sites.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on AI: The decade ahead in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The premier minister of Denmarks likes to use this strategy a lot. She will often speak as if she has some crystal ball. This technique you are describing takes the form of this turn of phrase:...

    The premier minister of Denmarks likes to use this strategy a lot. She will often speak as if she has some crystal ball. This technique you are describing takes the form of this turn of phrase:
    "The future we are looking into ..." <so therefore this heinous policy change is inevitable>

    Clearly, being able to see into the future would give you a lot of credibility. When politicians pretend to be able to do so it may well become a spell, because the implied prediction in itself makes it more likely to happen.

    Similarly as calling a child stupid makes the child stupid.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on AI: The decade ahead in ~tech

    Link Parent
    What is the name of this sales tactic? Tried looking for it at this compendium site:

    Confusing the future and the present is a common sales tactic and this is a good example of it.

    What is the name of this sales tactic?
    Tried looking for it at this compendium site:

  8. Comment on I am sick of "providing feedback" in ~life

    Link Parent
    I know from speaking to bank employees in private that there is quite a bit of leeway in how you set up your personal budgets and thus loan eligibility. Considered the lack of scientific basis for...

    I know from speaking to bank employees in private that there is quite a bit of leeway in how you set up your personal budgets and thus loan eligibility.

    Considered the lack of scientific basis for the basic assumptions of neoliberal economics it should be of little surprise that something quite close to social norms and traditions - as opposed to rational - are at play in our financial systems.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on I am sick of "providing feedback" in ~life

    Link Parent
    Thank you for sharing my misery. I spend alot of time trying to at least learn the concepts behind the trash of modern neoliberal society and now I also the 'net promoter score'.

    Thank you for sharing my misery. I spend alot of time trying to at least learn the concepts behind the trash of modern neoliberal society and now I also the 'net promoter score'.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Buttondown: Newsletter software for people like you and me in ~tech

    How is this not an ad? It offers no editorial value. Just namedropping yet another subscription type software service. If you need an email newsletter service I would implore you to find one that...

    How is this not an ad? It offers no editorial value. Just namedropping yet another subscription type software service.

    If you need an email newsletter service I would implore you to find one that is a fixed fee. It exists. It works fine and is not a lifetime of subscriptions leading you into subscription serfdom.

    This dude Justin who created 'Buttondown' looks like a nice guy though. VEEEEERY NICE GUY.

    8 votes
  11. Comment on I am sick of "providing feedback" in ~life

    If you wanna dive into the litterature on this here are a few pointers I've enjoyed when studying 'the metric society':

    If you wanna dive into the litterature on this here are a few pointers I've enjoyed when studying 'the metric society':

    At a meeting in my new bank the bank person pointed out in the end of a pretty useless meeting how I should be aware that giving him anything less than 9 or 10 on the scale of how great the meeting went would be considered a very low score.

    My reply was an email with the link to the wikipedia article for Goodharts law with subject line: please forward to your superiors.

    Yes I am an irritating person, and no I don't expect to be granted a loan.

    8 votes
  12. Comment on How are you dealing with AI generated results in your searches? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Very impressive research and video work. I wish you luck in your efforts. I'm in a bit of similar position as you, so I think I relate to the draw of AI as a generative tool. If you are...

    Very impressive research and video work. I wish you luck in your efforts.

    I'm in a bit of similar position as you, so I think I relate to the draw of AI as a generative tool.

    If you are establishing an audience who trust you, this has got to be the most valuable type of connection to create in the future because of the floods of AI-generated images and low credibility pixel brain spam.

    Consider the example of the vocoder in music. When the vocoder first became a viable production tool "instant cool robot voice makes your track unique" it was briefly a shortcut and a replacement for the other time-tested parts of musical composition that go into making a hit. When the novelty of the vocoder voice wore off we were left with a few OUTSTANDING vocoder hits and piles of less than mediocre vocoder songs, the latter being those songs that bet big on the novelty effect of the vocoder without actually imbuing their tracks with typical and timeless musical vitamins (chord changes, arrangement, song concept, lyrics).

    It could just be me in my little silo here, but I think already discerning internet users (such as your audience) are relegating anything that smells like AI generated stuff into the mental junk pile, and hunt out the stuff where there's a credible human behind it, a host/creator taking their audience seriously.

    AI as a content tool will fail in part because the productivity it enables is not in the interest of the recipient audiences. As a reader/audience member I'm just gonna go to the place where trust and authority has been established. Tildes is a great example of this.

    I'll just suggest you hold your own credibility and authorship in the very highest esteem, and let your competitors erode their audiences trust by getting sucked up in the current AI-fad.

    Or buy a vocoder if you must! :-)

    3 votes
  13. Comment on How are you dealing with AI generated results in your searches? in ~tech

    From other tildes questions I've gleaned some useful alternative search engines you might try: wutsearch qwant mojeek/

    From other tildes questions I've gleaned some useful alternative search engines you might try:

    1 vote
  14. Comment on How are you dealing with AI generated results in your searches? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    If no imagery exists of it, how would you asses the accuracy of the generated image?

    If no imagery exists of it, how would you asses the accuracy of the generated image?

    2 votes
  15. Comment on The new propaganda war in ~misc

    Link Parent
    Thanks for this detailed description. I have a bad feeling about the way 'Russian interference' and 'conspiracy theories' are often used against legitimate cases of civil society grassroots work....

    Thanks for this detailed description. I have a bad feeling about the way 'Russian interference' and 'conspiracy theories' are often used against legitimate cases of civil society grassroots work. To be sure, both Russian interference and conspiracy theories exist and is harmful. But the fabric of trust in those societies who establish themselves as liberal democracies will be eroding fast if those two explanations are applied willy-nilly to anything that might shake up the transition from capitalism to digital feudalism.

    Dismissing, for example, the lab leak theory of COVID19 and only later see it gain credibility as a possible explanation was a mildly red pill-like experience for me.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on The new propaganda war in ~misc

    Link Parent
    My intention was to point toward the broader implications of the US nexus of government, Silicon Valley, and the military. The Cambridge Analytica is just an example of the things that are...

    My intention was to point toward the broader implications of the US nexus of government, Silicon Valley, and the military. The Cambridge Analytica is just an example of the things that are possible whether or not its impact was measurable (I don't know). Consider the fact the it's the director of Twitter who decides if Trumpf has his account closed.

    Thanks to the internet and whistleblowers it's possible to get close to the internal workings of US diplomacy by reading, for example, this book: Wikileaks and Empire.

    This book, in tandem with your personal political framework, could form a basis for triangulating your own position as a citizen in the 'propaganda war'.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on The new propaganda war in ~misc

    The attack on democracy and liberalism also comes from within the US establishment: Facebook/Cambridge Analytica-scandal, the many ways the US security apparatus is pointed towards the citizens...

    The attack on democracy and liberalism also comes from within the US establishment: Facebook/Cambridge Analytica-scandal, the many ways the US security apparatus is pointed towards the citizens (as proved by the Snowden leaks), the dubious nature of the 'disinformation' doctrine:

    8 votes
  18. Comment on If you had up to US$250 to get one person into a hobby you're interested in, what would you do to get them started? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    You make some valid points, and I believe they are more or less in line with the premise of the thread, as I hope you will see if you decide to read through the whole thing. The focal point is...

    You make some valid points, and I believe they are more or less in line with the premise of the thread, as I hope you will see if you decide to read through the whole thing. The focal point is more or less 'all you need is ears' and a work with what you have approach, learning to trust your ears and work with the sound you can get, without actually getting bogged down with gear acquistition syndrome or thinking you need to have to extensive varied sonic palette of a pro recording studio. You're cooking for yourself here. No pressure or comparisons are required.

    My personal experience with headphones (Sennheiser HD25, indestructible, somewhat linear) is that you can really do a lot with them (I would say they are essential in setting levels for reverb) but the bass drum / bass guitar levels are always off when I try to balance them on headphones only.

    All you need is ears!

    1 vote
  19. Comment on If you had up to US$250 to get one person into a hobby you're interested in, what would you do to get them started? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    Oh if only I would have read something like this post when I got into music production, the time I would have saved learning to really listen instead of fooling myself with extraneuous plugins and...

    Oh if only I would have read something like this post when I got into music production, the time I would have saved learning to really listen instead of fooling myself with extraneuous plugins and poor monitoring conditions.

    The best and most comprehensive write-up I've ever found on the common pitfalls:
    Why do your recordings sound like ass? by Reaper forum user Yep.

    This thread is exemplary for presenting an overview, not the scattershot approach of assorted tutorial videos. There are certain high-level concepts to be established that make the details and the rest of the process much easier to learn. The forum users even turned it into an ebook.

    7 votes